When the Angels cry

When the Angels cry

31 May 2017

Angels cry deviantart com the_haserot_angel_by_rosemm25-d8ggwac (2)
Courtesy Paige Mireles rosemm on deviantart.com


Darkness stood

A ground in sinking

Blaring black

Symbols drawn

Remnants of my pen inking

Contours of demise


We will rise

In the wings that flap


Sails ahead

The heart in light like arrows

Integrity shot


Unveiled hot

Smoldering pits wake

Soul in stake

Of choices

The senseless balance forsake

When the Angels cry


Reading of the poem: 

Angels cry haserot angel The Blondera
Courtesy The Blondera

City of Angels – Thirty seconds to Mars

Ticking Bomb

Ticking Bomb

30 April 2017

débats stevendkurtz wordpress com - Copy
Courtesy stevendkurtz.wordpress.com


Red matter

Spilling over roofs

Withered snow


Plucked daffodils now gasping

Rasping rhapsodies


Mad Hatter

He follows Alice

Down the wells

Dark spirals

Sliding cubicles warping

Unheard melodies


Sails tatter

Waving through the past

Undone Times

Ticking Bomb

Winding through the bleeding vines

Mind a zone of mines


Reading of the poem: 

Withinsoul shutterstock com 2
Courtesy shutterstock.com

Time – N’to

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

Ten to the Power of Six

Ten to the Power of Six

25 August 2016

ten pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com



The sails of future


In the winds

Take to heights body rescinds

Gravity’s freefall



My speech of the Times



They run across my eyesight

Shadows of the Light



A code in Ether

Winding through


In the humming of the bees

To music’s meter



A new way to live


The lifetimes

Condensed through Eternity

A new way to Sea



Methods of measures

Weathered tools

Ancient schools

My backbone sets to the rules

His sun in my skies



My mind’s elegy

Rolling out

Shooting spout

Ten to the Power of Six

Lay lifeless like sticks


Reading of the poem: 

ten wallpaperstock net
Courtesy wallpaperstock.net

In the Garden of Souls – Azam Ali & Vas

Sevdama – Azam Ali & Vas

Leyli – Azam Ali & Vas

Ocean of Despair

Ocean of Despair

28 October 2015

littlemermaid desktopnexus com
Courtesy desktopnexus.com


You ruptured the wound

It flowed freely gushing blood

Clad in muddy red


He watched unmoved, still

While mother hastened lonely

Cleansing though scolding


I ran to your side

He silenced my every step

Held you in between


burn it hdwpics com
Courtesy hdwpics

Hands wrung and helpless

Twin a brother could smother

Chastising, scorching


Confusion roared high

Blue Alice sank in the hole

As the well grew tall


Mother threw me rope

But my spirit cast in stone

Yearned for silent peace


I dwelt low a while

Yearning for twin fluttered

Peace soared through my limbs


Twin futures gleamed raw

More than heavenly pairing

We are our choices


Fools choose with the mind

Arrogance of all knowing

Heart seeing nothing


mermaidscorchedflyingfree courtesy tanjakolrus on flickr com
Courtesy Tana Kolrus on Flickr.com

Token of eternity

Transformed in goodbye

I hoisted new sails


Ocean of Despair

Beckoned with the Tides Rising

As I set out slight


Ten turning to Twelve

Synchronicities strike Death

For second coming

twinflame nevermore services flikie com
Courtesy services.flikie.com

Every time I doubt

Every time I doubt

18 August 2015

doubt creativedesignmagazine com
Courtesy creativedesignmagazine.com


In mind you described

Every single emotion

That would bind us thus


I heard your voices

Like waves of a raging sea

Scourging through my mind


In unseen dark waves

Your voices amplified space

Within very soul


Could thunder be soft?

Loud it raged on but so slight

Between light and might


I knew you never

You recognised me no more

Yet we both knew us


In days’ giddiness

In nights’ fervour we glistened

To every moon ray


I walk uneven pace

Your hand on my shoulder

Rectifies my gait


I fear not I know

You will catch me if I fall

My pace regains grace


The road winds in time

As the winds of change blow hard

But your sails steer me


Every time I doubt

I feel soft your lips’ pressure

And Heart finds solace

Back view of mid-adult couple holding hands walking on beach with seashell in foreground.
Courtesy imart.co.jp