
10 August 2011


And as the wind like a banshee blew

Wailing along with my spirit that flew

Across heathen lands that I once knew

In tense of a past as you and I acknew

And shrill came the lone seagull’s mew

Lost in the mind’s eye, such lonely view

My spirit so free you would see askew

You would to your mind my mind hew

The seeds of memory in time slow grew

But I boil no wrath and no hate can brew

Find ye in my truth something too new

That it with hasty hand to my tomb slew?

Of mellow fragrances I hold but a few

The kiss of a tear in some morning dew

The birth of a raindrop growing anew

A lurch in the heart as I bid you adieu


2 thoughts on “Farewell

  1. Yes, someone very talented made that one and it was available on a free site. I found it very appropriate. Thanks for liking the poem. I visited your site and read the Tale of a traded little girl, very nicely written and so true of these times


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