Darken the full moon

Darken the full moon

18 July 2015


Hushed tones cover moss

As the desert air seeps in

Every pore fills dust

Mind’s spores strive to break the crust

Of memory’s pearly shells


Waning jasmine dies

Breathing promises of life

In resurrection

Soul’s sight resuscitated

Speaks visions of new morrows

Earth spells rhythm of waves

Scourging all rock and ocean

While tides break even

Mind spent all thoughts in balance

As the Blue called to the Grey

Clouds gathered in sky

Grimacing scars of pitch black

Darken the full moon

Lost in death’s realm your face stark

Bore no semblance of life’s call

Photos courtesy of Deviantart.com

2 thoughts on “Darken the full moon

    • Thanks Deborah, I love Dead can Dance and sometimes not only find songs that resonate with what I write but also that inspire other writings. Stay strong. I hope your bill passes. Much energy and love to you.


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