Vois impérissable senteur des blancs Lys / See the lasting scent of the white lilies

Vois impérissable senteur des blancs Lys

18 janvier 2016

fleur CaroleBailly-Maître deviantart com (2)
Courtesy Carole Bailly-Maître on deviantart.com


Le temps immuable saisons en solstice

Les saisons de cœur chanson pour muets

Etreindre douleurs diapasons fluets

Mots inabordables fermés les calices


Las impénétrables de roches interstices

Les raisons de peur refrains pour muer

Impatientes couleurs les tempêtes huer

Vois impérissable senteur des blancs Lys


Raisons dérisions le temps des débats

Le flanc exposé nombreux les vautours

Amours confusions piétinés abats


Passé composé le temps des détours

Humour perfusions le cœur qu’on abat

Silence imposé s’en va trois petits tours


fleur nicky08 centerblog net 3
Courtesy nicky08 on centerblog.net

Poem translated into a Sonnet in English (Italian sonnet version rhyme pattern could not be kept) trying to keep some of the same meanings and attempting to maintain somewhat a rhyme pattern

See the lasting scent of the white lilies

January 18, 2016

flower Sidero 75 deviantart com (2)
Courtesy sidero75 on deviantart.com


The time unchangeable seasons solstices

Seasons of the heart, song for the dumbstruck

Embracing the pains slender tuning forks

Words unaffordable closed chalices


Tired impenetrable of rock the interstices

The reasons of fear, refrains for change

Impatient colours the storms derange

See the lasting scent of the white lilies


Reasons derision debates interval

The exposed flank many the vultures

Loves confusion trampled offal


Past perfect compounded time of detours

Humor infusions the heart being felled

Imposed silence leaves on three little tours


fleur nicky08 centerblog net 2
Courtesy nicky08 on centerblog.net

It is as always very difficult to translate poetry from French into English. I shall just take an example to showcase this which is not due merely to the words but also to the different cultural references. For example the last words of the poem “s’en va trois petits tours” which illustrates well this difficulty in translating some French poems into English:

Trois petits tours alludes to the children’s song, the equivalent of nursery rhymes in English, “Trois petits tours et puis s’en va” which somehow brings to mind a pattern of something coming to play along and then leaving for some other playgrounds elsewhere before coming back again.
At the same time there is an implicit reference to three towers that could be three choices that would lock the poet but we don’t know what is the nature of each tower, whether it could be an ivory tower of isolation or a tower of loss of independence, the tower of a lover, the tower of a tyrant etc. I let you imagine different outcomes as the case may be with your own personal experience 🙂

A very big thank you to Globalinfo4all (https://globalinfo4all.wordpress.com/) who sent me the reference of this fantastic composer Yuhki Kuramoto that just ignited the writing of this poem. My poems are always based on personal experiences but these are somehow dormant inside until a spark ignites them, such as the one today from my friend G4all. Note: I wish people would put clearly their name in their gravatar (available under public display name for your gravatar). You can name your wordpress website whatever you want but it would be really nice if you actually went to your gravatar and put a proper public display name that we could refer to you by (and I mean this for all people who have those mysterious or totally unreadable or unmouthable names). We poets and writers love to relate so if you want to remain anonymous, please at least put a fake name that we can call you by 🙂

Romance – Yuhki Kuramoto

Second romance – Yuhki Kuramoto

Memory of Love – Yuhki Kuramoto

Nostalgia – Yuhki Kuramoto

Meditation – Yuhki Kuramoto

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