The ominous ice

The ominous ice
8 March 2024

Sulphur glides
under earthen crust
Fire flies
within skies
Erupted volcano rides
blackened soil and dust

Lava flows
onto reddened Earth
Changed the stance,
lost the mirth,
they survey the starlit dance
as the twilight grows

Moon looming
overlooks Big Blue
rockets flung
Mars grooming
Pretext that turned so untrue
Just a trompe l’oeil hung

Time matters
As the clocks unwind
hide of blind
Blood splatters
over eyes that do not see
stark reality

Parched throats cry
symphony of dark
their chests sigh
while they flail
their bodies search the lost spark
one that told a tale

Angels start
the oncoming flight
they play part
through stark plight
Dominion’s auction set price
the ominous ice

Reading of the poem:
Stive Morgan - Ice and Fire

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