I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

2 January 2016

aliens moonringdesign com
Courtesy moonringdesign.com


I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

Where storm and lightning concede me layers

Iridescent bolts unfettered disguise

Playing upon face Heart none the less wise

Unclothe us reveal the hidden players


Recount finds me mute in shock of thayers

Fate will have its way weave web for payers

The tooth and the nail no scratch will devise

I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

Where storm and lightning concede me layers

Iridescent bolts unfettered disguise


Wish upon my bones pitiless slayers

Source preserve me safe from mind’s naysayers

Weak mind without heart strong heart will despise

Call upon the love hasten its demise

Wing upon this eye follow soothsayers


I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

Where storm and lightning concede me layers

Iridescent bolts unfettered disguise

Playing upon face Heart none the less wise

Unclothe us reveal the hidden players


The above is the older version with the full restatement and refrain while the below is the shortened modern version of the Rondeau.


I speak

2 January 2016


I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

Where storm and lightning concede me layers

Iridescent bolts unfettered disguise

Playing upon face Heart none the less wise

Unclothe us reveal the hidden players


Recount finds me mute in shock of thayers

Fate will have its way weave web for payers

The tooth and the nail no scratch will devise

I speak


Wish upon my bones pitiless slayers

Source preserve me safe from mind’s naysayers

Weak mind without heart strong heart will despise

Call upon the love hasten its demise

Wing upon this eye follow soothsayers

I speak


aliens ufointernationalproject com
Courtesy ufointernationalproject.com

Faun – Karuna (unplugged )

Faun – Gaia

Faun – Andro

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