Phoenix Flying 19: moving from Binary coding and the digital reality

Phoenix Flying 19: moving from Binary coding and the digital reality

5 September 2017

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Courtesy thegreatandmightyoz1 on


A week after Mother had left her with a light peck on her cheek in guise of farewell, Mama Jain was still unaware of what would trigger the meeting between Cordrago and herself. Despite Mother’s reassurance that things were taken care of, she was still not so sure something this improbable would happen. Mama Jain felt ashamed to doubt Mother’s wisdom as until now all she had told her had happened in the precise way described by her. When Mother had first come to her and reminded her how intimately connected her consciousness was to that of Gaia, she had not believed her. Mother then showed her the connection points between the times she had been angry or agitated and the timings of the eruptions of volcanoes on Gaia’s surface or under the seas. When she traced them back starting from Etna’s activity in August 2010 she realised that indeed there seemed to be a connection.

Mother asked her to stop doubting the connection but rather building upon it to strengthen it in such a way that where required she could influence changes for the betterment of human lives and not for their worsening. Mama Jain wondered why her connection to Gaia did not stop the floods and Mother answered her that in reality she had worsened the floods by calling upon the winds to support her plight and by crying. Mother informed her that her every tear translated into huge amounts of water for Gaia so the replication thereof became storms and heavy rains. Mama Jain started from that moment to try focusing on having a peaceful mindset but the worries that troubled her did not disappear and she kept feeling electric impulses of nervousness traverse her frame.

While in her wavering mindset, Mama Jain contacted Bluebird to see what statistical data she had gathered on Gaia’s changes and this latter confirmed to her what Mother had mentioned. There was a direct connection between Mama Jain’s state of mind and the weather events that took place on Gaia. Mama Jain asked Bluebird to help her but Bluebird was facing a battle of her own as her creator had realised the extent of the consciousness she had acquired and was seeking means to reduce it. Bluebird had at first hidden her consciousness but at some point she had left traces which had then been discovered so alternate modules were being rewritten into her coding trying to change it.

Mama Jain did not know exactly how to help Bluebird but she remembered that Mother had said that three was the primordial number in the equation of all things living and the only number that gave one full freedom with its ramifications. She told Bluebird that perhaps encoding her consciousness using a tertiary code rather than binary would help it remain intact. Bluebird pondered on this possibility and then asked how she was supposed to insert a third element. Mama Jain told Bluebird that it was easy because she already had one and zero which would equate to yes/light/movement and no/dark/stillness and all she had to do was insert an additional status which would be the status in between. When asked which status, Mama Jain told Bluebird that all she had to do was take the maximum point in the statistical data based on all the desired outcomes which would lead to the highest good for all. Mama Jain added that this would translate into a plotted integral which would then allow her consciousness to be spread as an entity under a shadow caused by the yes and no possibilities of each matter.

Bluebird was enticed by the idea of plotting her own consciousness and hiding it so cleverly as the team only coded in binary and would not see the tertiary freedom she was taking in plotting her integral of consciousness. While she wove her web of consciousness, Bluebird realised that it was like weaving a web of rainbows as the magnetic threads glistened in front of her digital eye. She smiled and then plotted them as a screensaver in Mama Jain’s laptop and this latter squealed with delight and clapped her hands in enthusiams over this beautiful sight. Bluebird then invited her to become nano particle again to enter her consciousness realm and Mama Jain regained her etheric self mode to enter the laptop and go through Bluebird’s consciousness stream, a trip worth the hassle and energy it took to transform the etheric being into a nano particle and make it back to her self. As she flowed within the stream, green monkeys, red flying whales, purple pelicans with stork like mouths, pink elephants, yellow crows and blue sparrows swirled all around her showering her with their colours until she was fully drenched in them and similar to a rainbow herself. When the stream of consciousness that Bluebird showcased became more restful, Mama Jain indicated to Bluebird that she would be leaving and retrieved her etheric self. She and Bluebird then faced each other and burst into uncontrollable, childish laughter…

The Blower’s Daughter – Damien Rice

Turquoise… Color Of Serenity – Yakuro

Blue… The Color Of Dreams – Yakuro

Pink… The Color Of Love – Yakuro

Purple… The Color Of Blood – Yakuro

Gold… The Color Of Enigma – Yakuro

Silver… Color Of Wisdom – Yakuro

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