Ten to the Power of Six

Ten to the Power of Six

25 August 2016

ten pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com



The sails of future


In the winds

Take to heights body rescinds

Gravity’s freefall



My speech of the Times



They run across my eyesight

Shadows of the Light



A code in Ether

Winding through


In the humming of the bees

To music’s meter



A new way to live


The lifetimes

Condensed through Eternity

A new way to Sea



Methods of measures

Weathered tools

Ancient schools

My backbone sets to the rules

His sun in my skies



My mind’s elegy

Rolling out

Shooting spout

Ten to the Power of Six

Lay lifeless like sticks


Reading of the poem: 

ten wallpaperstock net
Courtesy wallpaperstock.net

In the Garden of Souls – Azam Ali & Vas

Sevdama – Azam Ali & Vas

Leyli – Azam Ali & Vas

Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis

2 November 2015

IMG_2945 pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com



Look for the True birth

Shrieking at the brilliant lights

The wolf howls in grief


Listen carefully

Open up your heart

The roads unwinding


I carry you Twin

Over the skies of Father

Inside the Mother


aurora deviantart com aurora_borealis_02_by_kajakka
Courtesy deviantart.com

When you see vision

Journey into the heartpath

Your stages then count


aurora wallpapercave com
Courtesy wallpapercave.com

Two, Seven, Nine, Ten

How long is it your journey?

I will see your birth


Look at Northern Star

Aurora Borealis

She rises within


Transcendence is near

My spirit roams the vast Earth

I am that I will

aurora slate com
Courtesy slate.com

Lex Van Someren – Aurora Northern Light

Lex Van Someren – Jourey to the Heart

Lex Van Someren – Born Forever



31 October 2015

desert venturegalleries com
Courtesy venturegalleries.com


I fell from steep cliff

Into ocean that kept me

At bay from my minds


Irresolute Eve

I had a mind to falter

Perhaps now I did


mask crookedbrains net
Courtesy crookedbrains.net


I leapt in the airs

But ground came to my rescue

The broken seashell


Hedges me lifted

In between airs and the ground

Comical relief


Down with rusty thud

Metal shard hip pierces, makes

A hole in my Heart


Butterfly flew free

From the hole that sucked it through

By might of its will


night pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


I watched them unmoved

The hole and the butterfly

I knew would miss train


Metal and me soul

Waited in silent station

As the hipbone oozed


A boatman did come

He said ferry replaced train

Asked I pay better


I searched now frantic

I only had ten coins

But lo two just dropped


nine advance photoshop co uk
Courtesy advance.photoshop.co.uk


I looked up at you

Etheric Angel, dream’s Truth

Warped into your gait



The boatman took twelve pennies

Carried us across


magic 2 aliceandhatter blogspot com
Courtesy pinterest.com

Dynamics of Love

Dynamics of Love

29 October 2010



In between tenses

Neither past nor the morrows

He thrills in the now


Running through the Times

Hyperactivity knocks

He wills it down slow


Flushed apple Tree

Wisdom of Ages in Eyes

He looks on Serene


Rapt by all wonders

Technology pushes, pulls

His Heart stays on Track


Cast in me by chance

He flourished from miracle

Taking it to Ten


I counted with him

Sacred count of the numbers

Dynamics of Love


Ocean of Despair

Ocean of Despair

28 October 2015

littlemermaid desktopnexus com
Courtesy desktopnexus.com


You ruptured the wound

It flowed freely gushing blood

Clad in muddy red


He watched unmoved, still

While mother hastened lonely

Cleansing though scolding


I ran to your side

He silenced my every step

Held you in between


burn it hdwpics com
Courtesy hdwpics

Hands wrung and helpless

Twin a brother could smother

Chastising, scorching


Confusion roared high

Blue Alice sank in the hole

As the well grew tall


Mother threw me rope

But my spirit cast in stone

Yearned for silent peace


I dwelt low a while

Yearning for twin fluttered

Peace soared through my limbs


Twin futures gleamed raw

More than heavenly pairing

We are our choices


Fools choose with the mind

Arrogance of all knowing

Heart seeing nothing


mermaidscorchedflyingfree courtesy tanjakolrus on flickr com
Courtesy Tana Kolrus on Flickr.com

Token of eternity

Transformed in goodbye

I hoisted new sails


Ocean of Despair

Beckoned with the Tides Rising

As I set out slight


Ten turning to Twelve

Synchronicities strike Death

For second coming

twinflame nevermore services flikie com
Courtesy services.flikie.com

Ten was the Number

Ten was the Number

23 October 2015

nine justjared com 6 led the way (2)
Courtesy justjared.com



You led strong the path

Stark contrasts blinded the eye

That dwelt in the mind


nine justjared com
Courtesy justjared.com

I walked yesterday

Within your footsteps’ clamours

We both lost the way


nine justjared com 10 recovering sight
Courtesy justjared.com

Recovering sight

I shook the night’s salty waves

And brought you the light


nine justjared com 4 breathed
Courtesy justjared.com

You breathed into me

Heat of a thousand dragons

Forgotten treasure


nine hollywood com chilled
Courtesy hollywood.com

I frosted your mind

Brought to it a chilling peace

My deadly waters


nine casopisinterfon org
Courtesy casopisinterfon.org

Tendrils lily white

Reaching out to ink pitch black

Rewrite nuances


nine rogerbert com
Courtesy rogerbert.com

Softly exploring

I opened the Heart Channel



nine etc-iste blogspot com tomorrow buds

Tomorrow’s bud stems

From roots that creep within Earth

Nine reaching for skies


nine trailers apple com global
Courtesy trailers.apple.com

From nine we split Three

As you and I climbed the Tree

Climbing us becomes


nine -povcrystal-blogspot-com-from-movie-the-fountain ten
Courtesy povcrystal.blogspot.com

Ten was the Number

We had decomposed from nine

As the candles hung


 nine moviefancentral com ten was

nine seriousmovies com tree 2
Courtesy seriousmovies.com

You who know my Heart

You who know my Heart

15 October 2015

 you thoughtcatalog com


Confusion of minds

Let loose mists upon the Hearts

That in Love were set


you 7-themes com


Bring me skies’ atoms

Let me knit you stars blankets

To keep out the cold


you spoky tvnet lv


Breathe in Tomorrow

Where Heart beats fully, only

In precincts of Love


simplicity globallightminds com


Shades of yesterday

Forgotten by tireless soul

That in past had strived


you tumblr com


Life flows not backwards

All rivers upstream won’t flow

Respite name darkens


souls pinterest com 4


From front to flipside

Every area in flames

Caught in your loving


drowning wifflegif com


Heartbeats throb faster

Two in one will live ever

As the souls will twirl


you chaoswallpapers com (2)


The fingers sealed it

Promise by your kiss followed

Into depths of me


 you rolepages com


Gaze into my eyes

How could I forsake your touch?

You who know my Heart


 you deviantart com the_key_to_a_broken_heart_by_gypsyh-d2zbws2


Ten is renewal

Heavens open by our will

For our Kingdom come


you mindbodyspiritualawareness com

Rhapsody of Souls

Rhapsody of Souls

13 October 2015

souls pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com

. .

All is spent wisely

That is channelled through the Love

Time and Energy


Choice is in Colour

Of Light and Dark none better

All is in circles


Today’s sight to eyes

Time’s backward integration

In fusion Union


Monsters of Metal

Flip a two-sided birthright

In one anointed


See the soul’s dismays

Split sensations will divide

The more from the core


souls pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com


Balance, weightless stone

To carry or to sink with

The seen unknown Hurt


Shades of grey will spill

From confusion of the souls

When mind sinks the Heart


Bring my world music

From corridors of a world

Engraved in the Love


Hum the melodies

Come my Love let’s sing the tune

Rhapsody of Souls


Nine the lives now spent

Ten the renewal of Time

We live Enchanted

Courtesy pinterest.com
Courtesy pinterest.com
