The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

I cannot sleep the night through

I cannot sleep the night through

7 December 2015


starlight dailymotion com



Before break of dawn

Luminescence stirs me up

With traces of you


I follow the trails

Passive tracks in starlit steps

The walk to nowhere


starlight korinnathemaiden com (2)



Like a lost atom

Rotating in my own world

Eons from myself


You breathe into me

Through dreamtime that lies across

The rivers divide


starlight theicewoman tumblr com



We walk in shadows

In between dark and the light

Separate glances


Whirring like clockwork

In between what’s you and me

The moving fences


starlight theartofkorinnayolasite com



Wrestling with chaos

I cannot sleep the night through

Battles of moonlight


A day will soon rise

When sleep will be no longer

The waking Times shine


starlight pinterest com 5


Angels Fall – Breaking Benjamin

Theory of a Deadman – Angel

In the Earth’s stillness

In the Earth’s stillness

2-3 May 2015


The seagulls mewed on

Melancholy in their voice

Mere semblance of choice

Bodies may misrepresent

Inner choice of mind and soul


Tides renewed highs, lows

Ever returning to source

Where deep meets shallow

Inward, outward, light and dark

Weak, strong; one coin two faces


Sand seeped through my toes

Neverlasting steadiness

Of fading times’ strength

Wills willed hard, souls clung, boughs broke

Earth shivered out of motion


In the Earth’s stillness

Sand hovered and waters flowed

Winding winds rose high

Carefree thoughts wound down my mind

As summer’s whispers blew strong



I hear your call

I hear your call

9 March 2015



Slowly clouds gathered

White pieces of tenderness

A balm in the sky

Soft infinite the heart seeks

An extension of soul lace


The moon pale looked on

Its tidal yearnings in check

Mate to sleeping sun

It gazed on from its castle

A prison for the weak mind


Fragrance of light danced

Amidst myrrh and argan oil

That trees bled silent

In hushed awe I watched you bleed

And bathe the earth in incense


Wisps of night fell stark

As desert gloom covered all

Yet the grass grew thick

Thus in radiant defiance

Your luscious hair sprouted dark


Enthralled in white light

Wings weaving a starlit flight

A firefly pranced

Body dancing in bright tunes

You stood seven miles apart


Engulfed in darkness

Yet emerging to the light

Earth stood in two minds

Between two worlds eye to eye

Flickering recognition


The wind listened hard

Breathless anticipation

Shook its mighty frame

I hear your call as I wake

To your iridescent flames


The fire now raged

Crimson streaks across the sky

Made the embers bright

As souls’ fire spread on strong

Your voice lit the roaring flames


In Time

In time

22-23 February 2015

 swirling brown waters


The river bank swelled

Charged with rushing brown waters

That had stirred Earth’s guts

An illogical stirring

In me reverberated


Deltas formed ashore

Triangles of water coursed

Through light seeping sand

Like ink etching through mind’s slate

A landscape of memories


Trees roots uncovered

Shook unwillingly off earth

That onward slid fast

Moving perspectives thus flow

Within a mind uprooted


The wind blew howling

Sand that pranced like dancing flames

With madman’s fervour

Elementary madness

Rushing through my frame reached heights


The sky glowed and snarled

Alternating light and dark

Different yet same

Change immemorial in me

Reflected alternate shades


The horizon lurked

A backdrop to whirling times

In nature’s power

With no reigns in mind I slept

Through wars that raged in no name


Leaves raced through dark skies

Tossing and turning in fright

Shivering green sparks

Ideas quivered in thoughts

As eyelids stayed firmly shut


In skies formed patterns

Mathematical whirling

Of earthly matters

My mind then awakening

In time echoed in spirals

swirling sand