Tones of Blues

Tones of Blues

3-4 November 2016



Amber dunes

Stretching towards me

Sunburnt sands

The lost lands

Breathing slight before waters

Submerge all islands


Ember tunes

Crackling of the fire


Fading warmth

Desert night with bees in swarm

On blue tinged mountains


Old and tired

We will dismember

The fading bricks

The grey strands

Dissolution that withstands

Ringing of the Pi



Circles of our lives

Twining slow

Melding glow

I take you to tell and show

The past a lantern


The ransom

A lifetime kidnapped

As kids napped

The Grey woke

The Earth lines shook as they spoke

Of fledglings restored



Colours of minds hues

Tones of Blues

Height of ruse

The path where she had strewn clues

Within my bosom


Reading of the poem:


Ready to Dare – Praful

I saw you (Rumi Poetry) – Praful

Arabesque – Praful




10 September 2016



The timeloop

Frantic rewinding

The edges


Of the jaws of Time grinding

All coming to Halt



A token to ask

Heavy task

Lone shoulders

Sun setting behind boulders

The very last time


The Goddess

She preserves all souls

Her imprint

On insoles

In the mutated species

New life as Pisces


The children

They announced New Age

When the rage

Covered Earth

All purified by waters

Through heavenly skies


Waters flow

From rivers of sage

Shining gills

Receive Light

Spirts beckon to the Sight

Of shores in distance



In warmth of twined suns

They gather

Roots of loss

Elements all within toss

Winged creatures are born


Reading of the poem: 



Kyrie – Antaeus


Perhaps loving is leaving

Perhaps loving is leaving

2 September 2015

swan feelgrafix com


The winds blow chilly

When the days fill with silence

And sun only sets


The evening breeze

Fights its way to howling plain

Where spirits fly free


In gyrating dance

Chill meets with warmth relentless

Throb in ear races


Warm airborne displays

Reverberating through space

Ring harsh to pained ears


Soothing melodies

Of distant smooth orchestras

Play of jazz acid


swans fanpop com

Healing occlusion

Chewing on the memories

Will frees so hasten


Sporadic succumbs

To a lady called Constance

Who in mind swells slow


Faceless and ardent

She shall read a book of names

Uncovering you


Spelling you out loud

I rebuild your nerve structure

As it fills my eyes


swans fanpop com 2

As my heart fluttered

You swam under my lashes

Tainted my cheeks black


The landscapes melted

Cool water met with high flames

That surged in my soul


Two swans necked gracious

Symbiotic reunion

Bond everlasting


My eye observed thrilled

Orange on black on snow-white

That rainbow hues dwarves


Alas swans did part

Perhaps loving is leaving

Another rebirth

swans naturedesktopnexus com

Dance me to the End

Dance me to the End

30 August 2015

dance balancoiresf com


Autumn leaves will fall

As the sun will soon grow cold

And the bark will freeze


Did you know I’m blue?

Hues bluer than deepest sea

Ice in heart stretches


You fail to see it

You would not know what it takes

To break through the ice


Faith in you falters

But if you know then pray stay

Dance me to the End

Courtesy Alphonse Mucha on
Courtesy Alphonse Mucha on


Winter white will call

As the skies will gather snow

And the bears will sleep


Did you feel my hugs?

Tighter than the starkest grip

Sleep its warmth fetches


You fail to glean it

You would not feel them these quakes

Tremors I convey


Warmth in me halters

But if you feel then pray stay

Dance me to the End

Courtesy Alphonse Mucha on
Courtesy Alphonse Mucha on


Springtime will blossom

As the robins will return

And flowers will bloom


Did you need my kiss?

Lighter than the touch of clouds

Heavier than rain


You fail to reach it

You would not need these pink lips

Pressure of my soul


Velvet silk retracts

But if you need then pray stay

Dance me to the End

Dance albertis-window com 3alphonse-mucha-the-four-seasons spring 


Summer will then scorch

As the sun will rise ablaze

And the hay will burn


Did you read my heart?

Transparent like a river

Murky like a pond


You fail to breach it

You would not read these blue tips

That pump me brick red


Life from Love subtracts

But if you read then pray stay

Dance me to the End

 Dance albertis-window com 3alphonse-mucha-the-four-seasons summer


The seasons were gone

Even time came to standstill

We dwelt face to face


Did you heed my soul?

Overflowing blue-red lake

It merged ice with coal


You fail to grasp it

You merely scratch the surface

That shines like mirrors


Soul a soul could mute

But if you heed then pray stay

Dance me to the End

dance salute weeknewslife com

I am All and None

I am All and None

1 August 2015

Bliss golden-light-body


In mind oft I roam

Its walls infinite not cell

Its aim uncovered


I ask for nothing

This mine quest without purpose

For I give nothing


I ask everything

Let me be in between all

I give everything


Wings soar through the skies

Sun scorches not open I

Feet walk on the Earth


I walk, walls give in

The path lays ahead long, steep

Angels carry me


Blood courses in veins

Black and white merge transparent

I am I am not


She shakes her head slight

Time stands it is not yet done

The path lays ahead


Whispers stilled in heart

Naked feet touching her warmth

I am All and None

blue red tree3