Blossoms of your breath

Blossoms of your breath

16 March 2017

desert zastavki com Girls___Models_Girl_in_a_white_dress_in_the_desert_076056_

Haughty mare


In riddles I bare

Heart to swear

Hard to tear

Patched through dragons entering lair

A bosom to spare


Soul’s delight

Gathers me insight

See the light

In twilight

When lovers breathe through the night

Bodies’ trance in flight


June in hay

Summer’s haunting day

Ghost of May

Sudden death

On grounds of convenience lay

Blossoms of your breath


Reading of the poem: 

nine justjared com 4 breathed

Let’s Meet – Michelle Gurevich

Blue Eyes Unchanged – Michelle Gurevich

My familiar unfamiliar – Michelle Gurevich



4 January 2017

01greekmythology blogspot com edward poynter english painter 1836 – 1919 5 stars phistars At Low Tide
Courtesy Edward Poynter


Birth in stars

Growth in the moonshine

Blessed in wine

Sleek pristine

From gift of birth do not dine

Polluted alters


Sing story

Slow the candle light

Bring the sight

Slow the might

Sorrows empty change delight

Reversing altars


Voices ring

Ear deciphering


Carries weight

Of parcels deliverance gait

Wading through waters


Reading of the poem: 

journey pinterest com Waterhouse John William -The lady of shalott - 1888
Courtesy Waterhouse John William

The Messenger – Audiomachine

Prologue & Birth – Audiomachine

Hope and Glory – Audiomachine

Infinity share as our Hearts unite

Infinity share as our Hearts unite

18 August 2016

come cgfrog com George-Redhawk-Animated-GIFs5

In hidden deep lair lies path to twilight

For the minds of flair guide to lost sunlight

From roots the skies flare to end of the plight

As I lay down hair Times riddle me right


The foregone despair concedes to delight

The now vacant chair of forgotten might

We toil to repair in times of respite

The tear and the wear of lifetimes that smite


No more shields we bear a token of fight

We will resume care for Future so bright

Gone vanity fair in step of the night

Clear Hearts to compare the gift of the sight


When the Truth will bare our Souls to the light

Infinity share as our Hearts unite


Reading of the poem: 

Come cgfrog com George-Redhawk-Animated-GIFs3

Not Broken – Morcheeba

Blindfold – Morcheeba

Love show – Skye


Life in the Open

Life in the Open

16 August 2016

come herman versteegt plus google com


The grief mind sharpens

Eyesight of the heart’s delight

Relinquishing might


Control of outcome

Buried in the seeping sands

Pits of yesterday


Daily sandstorms blow

Dismembering all traces

Of fires in deserts


Simplicity’s ways

Narrow streets transformed highways

Ride into gardens


Nighttime crawls to light

With breath of the morrows hope

All under the Sun


The darkness broken

By bright accumulated

Life in the Open


Reading of the poem: 

come plus google com Peter Gric_Reconfiguration_signature.gif

The Time Traveler’s Wife soundtrack – Mychael Danna

The Time Traveler’s Wife soundtrack – Vitaliy Zavadskyy

The Time Traveler’s Wife – End Theme


Make us the colour of your rainbows’ light

Make us the colour of your rainbows’ light

14 August 2016

souls heavenlyawareness blogspot com


Come feed me your night in cosmic swirling

In black holes that swoon through tempest of day

Molten sun and moon in my veins blood sway

To rhythm of your flight in the soul twirling


Through purple twilight like cloak unfurling

Fresh rains of monsoon sprinkling scent of hay

Nightingales that croon to end of dismay

Your shadow in sight meets toe uncurling


Cover my lips sigh with your breath in haze

Birth my frame tremor of drowsy delight

For hearts don’t deny when mind is in daze


When the cheeks’ palour shows foregone the fight

Spill in waters high all your sunshine’s glaze

Make us the colour of your rainbows’ light


Reading of the poem: 

angelstears charbelmakhlouf wordpress com

Meet me by the Water – Rachel Yamagata


Know wheat from its chaff

Know wheat from its chaff

12 March 2016

cherry pinterest com 7


Snakeskin oils

Soak knaves, they grasp spoils

Teeth rotten

Tinged yellow

Their hearts of fear turned jello

Looting others’ toils


They would wear

Shiniest of silk

The face coarse

Intent greed

Within them flowers the seed

Of malevolence


Beyond looks

See the wilting heart

Dress code smart

Eye contact

A fading sheep seeks pretense

Wolf jumps over fence



The brave in truth’s foils

Purest white

Mind’s delight

Their hearts with love filled in light

Giving is their might


They bear tear

Of the journey’s ilk

The voice hoarse

The weak’s stead

Innocents their sheltered thread

Heart’s benevolence


Within books

See the beating heart

Simple life

Power’s strife

Of shepherds they bear the staff

Know wheat from its chaff


Reading of the poem: 

cherry pinterest com 6

Hojar – AlPha-X

Nocturnal Trip – AlPha-X

Sahara – AlPha-X

An Indian Summer – AlPha-X

Rain – AlPha-X

Blue Love – AlPha-X

Down goes the hammer

Down goes the hammer

14 February 2016

tomasz alen kopera 2 muro pinterest com
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on

Contrive me

With thoughts of Eden

We frolick

In gardens

Of our own twined creation

Mind’s alienation


Conjure me

Through work of magic

Playful lines


Fill me up with soul’s delight

Build our bodies shrines


Contour me

Read my forms like braille

Let hair down

Thoughts derail

I will be your favoured clown

Play pantomime’s spree


Tomasz Alen Kopera touchofart eu 2
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on


Demure me

I bow down quite low


Meek habit

In me Alice speaks so slow

Of fading rabbit


Endure me

I have words and puns

From pamphlets

Locked in pink

How they sink, oh how they sink

In forgotten ink


Inure me

Build my heart’s chambers

With spring’s walls

Flower dance

Emotion of wild that calls

For fairies to prance


tomasz-alen-kopera-aphrodisiacart01 wordpress com
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on .com


Secure me

A shoulder’s warm strength

Show me length

Of stories

Woven in the sun-kissed threads

Of lost golden fleece


Tenure me

Nothing has a price

Tag I’m it

Say it thrice

Ownership old all for rent

Down goes the hammer


Whole nine yards


Siren’s wake

The legs fake

The needles speak agony

Walking on thin ice


Reading of the poem: 

hammer theorderoftime com
Courtesy Salvador Dali on

Life for Rent – Dido

Sand in my shoes – Dido

One man’s dream – Yanni

Flow the Kiss

Flow the Kiss

29 January 2016

flow youtube com


We twirl slow

Your arms a fortress



The curving valleys and peaks

Shoulders my bastion


Twitching fingers

Beating rhythmical

On my waist

Haunting lips

The taste of honey lingers

Your touch magical


Hands waving

Empress of your heart

I sway free

Hips twirling

Heart and body now craving

Your low melody



Your favourite tango

All dances


To my dancing feet’s delight

For your eyes ecstasy


Come lover

I know of a dance

Of moonshine

And ravens

Where dark and silver dilate

Into love’s fusion


flow tumblr com gif


Follow me

I will lead your step

Feel the heat

Dance to beat

Of the simmering hearts’ glee

Warm glows’ diffusion


Leave this world

Hear my body’s words

Listen deep

Lose the sleep

I will darken your bright eyes

With Heart’s illusion


Seven steps

Into the bushes

Sparks ignite

Spread the light

Threaded heat rushing gushes

Bodies’ confusion


Now lie weak

The heart a hammer

Do not speak

Your eyes rhyme

In the morrows take a walk

Our hands cast in mime


Lazy wake

The suns now shimmer

Flushed the cheek

Flow the Kiss

Waking to the morning bliss

The souls lost in time


Reading of the poem: 

flow pinterest com


Gifs respectively Courtesy and

Song of Sheherezade – David Arkenstone

Seduction – David Arkenstone

Echoes of Egypt  – Diane and David Arkenstone

Temple of Isis – Diane and David Arkenstone

Hymn to Goddess IsIs

The fabric of dreams

The fabric of dreams

17 August 2015

light favim com (2)


Did I see you smile?

Your teeth flashed white in my mind

Lighting mind darkened


Glimpses of your face

Haunt my every waking hour

As the dream unfolds


Nocturnal flight stilled

Longing of soul connection

As we interlocked


Brief encounters spoke

Of challenging times for hearts

That had shunned true Love


Racing pulse set free

Twin bodies from worldly ties

Back where they came from


Soaring in delight

Giddiness of the fusion

Overcame the souls


Daybreak cut through spleen

Ripping bond of nighttime’s cares

Joys now forgotten


Lost souls retreated

To realms of blue wilderness

Wishing for morrows


Purity of hope

Interwoven with light makes

The fabric of dreams


light favim comcouple-darkness-light-water-Favim_com-218347 (2)