The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

I heard Spirit’s Heart

I heard Spirit’s Heart

18 September 2015

ark gaiaonline com

The will was shining

Shift in intention pursued

Weary traveller


A call from below

Winding steep into the guts

Set a new quaking


Life stretched out wanton

It laid ahead gifts of Toil

That grade men of Dark


All pieces showed bright

Last remnants glimmered daunting

Shimmering treasures


In frenzy of loss

My body feasted on them

Muted gate awaits


Snake slithered on all

Grey tasteless pieces of rock

Lay them back to sands


None adorned me now

Naked soul all to forsake

Transcending pleasures


I trod desert lands

A sheen robing my light’s frame

Flying with the winds


Spirit walked behind

His shadow extended, see!

Lighting path ahead


“Walk on hidden path

Forsaking worldly matters”

I heard Spirit’s Heart


“Save for innocent

Free the mind from Earthly ties

Time has met its Soul”


gaia todoterapias com


Flawless and silent

Flawless and silent

26 August 2015



The sun set like stones

Over valleys of despair

And sunk into me


Newly found nerves twitched

Endlessly replicating

The agony felt


Pleasure, agony

Through the same circuits altered

Every inch of me


Earth shivers then frowns

What cruelties it beheld

Bestowed upon me


Cutting inch by inch

Separation sliced us both

Into oblivion


Only piano played

Symphonies hushed to nude form

Of faceless sorrow


Stones raised me pillar

Of unswaying devotion

That angels cried for


You cried as I did

My heart bids you not goodbye

I yearn for your hand


You will sail on boat

I will await you on shores

Weaving our new fate


The Earth will renew

Time will stand still as we merge

Flawless and silent


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