Hark my heart I lay thee to discrown

Hark my heart I lay thee to discrown

12 April 2011

Hark my heart I would lay thee down

Hark my heart I lay thee to discrown

I closed the door to that road beyond

A winding steep alley drooping down

Into the infinity of a dark murky pond

That ended swiftly at the edge of town

I gathered the memories to me so fond

I did smother their faces in mine gown

Unyielding I care never to ever respond

My face of icy carve, my brow in frown

Should I fall or fail with thee to abscond

My icy lace tainted by thy muddy brown

I call upon thee pray be still o vagabond

For it is my heart we shall put to drown

Fathomless beings incapable of a bond

Their heart sinks too at early sundown

Dreary like I as their will does despond

I lay my scepter to top it with my crown

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