The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

Make us the colour of your rainbows’ light

Make us the colour of your rainbows’ light

14 August 2016

souls heavenlyawareness blogspot com


Come feed me your night in cosmic swirling

In black holes that swoon through tempest of day

Molten sun and moon in my veins blood sway

To rhythm of your flight in the soul twirling


Through purple twilight like cloak unfurling

Fresh rains of monsoon sprinkling scent of hay

Nightingales that croon to end of dismay

Your shadow in sight meets toe uncurling


Cover my lips sigh with your breath in haze

Birth my frame tremor of drowsy delight

For hearts don’t deny when mind is in daze


When the cheeks’ palour shows foregone the fight

Spill in waters high all your sunshine’s glaze

Make us the colour of your rainbows’ light


Reading of the poem: 

angelstears charbelmakhlouf wordpress com

Meet me by the Water – Rachel Yamagata


Dance into the Wild

Dance into the Wild

10 August 2015




Darkness splits from light

Silver rays of moon beckon

Unseen worlds will rise


Melodies clamour

Weaving a way through time’s space

Words respond entranced


Entwining souls meet

On the edge of horizons

Where Truths defeat lies


Skin from skin twitching

Palpable as volts shiver

Through frames fitted pair


Night breathes out softly

Moistness of lovers’ embrace

Breathing wilderness


Break away from day

As crows and nightingales bond

Dance into the Wild

wild nonduality org
wild thedigitalistas com Campaign-Image-Into-the-Wild-unbranded-e1364893494386