Crescent moon to leave

Crescent moon to leave

9 March 2021
Wolves hurry
across the landscapes
fiery crops
burning high
Bosom utters not a sigh
crossing through the flames

Horses dive
through etheric lanes
shaking manes
hooves thunder
The moonlit sights a wonder
etched into our hearts

Two to grieve
My breast torn did heave
coils cleft
none bereft
They ask me now in pieces
crescent moon to leave

Reading of the poem:
Messiah Project - Favorite

The Target Zero

The Target Zero

22 May 2017

darkside youtube com 2



Inches of the past

Moving fast

Into sight

Unwritten source of delight

When we withstood fears


Willing seers

Whipping alternate

In regret

We don’t fret

The winding coils in motion

Tides gather Ocean


All seeing

Mind none bereaving



In slow motion evolving

The Target Zero


Reading of the poem:

queen dark pozadia org

Today he felt Life – Bvdub

Another Love (A careful ecstasy) – Bvdub

Unity – Bvdub

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

Humanity stuck in throat

Humanity stuck in throat (With Love only Creed)

6 December 2015


despair vi sualise us



Sometimes I throw up

From a small tightened belly

Waters muddy brown


A share of disgrace

From non-existent lean wells

River banks of stench


Sometimes I throw up

Endless fights in name of Gods

Blind to their fake creed


Giddiness alerts

A wave of nausea strikes

Within pulsing Heart


Sometimes I throw up

Humanity stuck in throat

Like an endless thorn


While the dead bear dead

And life dwindles in lost Hope

As powers grow walls


Fashionable lady on the sea storm


Sometimes I digest

Small miracles of caring

Emblems of sharing


A slice of fresh bread

Multiplied not divided

For aching stomachs


Sometimes I digest

As the young outgrow shackles

With Peace in their trails


New Dawn beckoning

Skies of reachable Nature

Resting place of coils


Sometimes I digest

Small measures of blue freedom

With Love only Creed


Unstoppable Grace

Traces of Ancient Wisdom

The Death of the Greed


despair slodive com the-assumption-of-the-virgin


The Old Ways – Loreena McKennitt

The Mystic’s Dream – Loreena McKennitt

Seeds of Love – Loreena McKennitt

A Time for Us – Andy Williams

Luminescence strikes Heart before I leave this old world

Luminescence strikes Heart before I leave this old world

2 December 2015


light indiatimes com



Coils expand while energy flares

Heartbeats gradual surge, evolution of the Love



Mother gifts back to me my birth right

Waters’ healing powers, implosion at zero-point


light cristalain over-blog fr




Mutation of the strands’ energy

Transformation of human legacy in stillness



Dreaming in flight, awakening Light

Dehydrating the nucleus of water’s core creed


light theartofsamjfarrand tumblr com




Scorching truth, gone the slumber’s movements

Quakes’ vibrations stir Earth as humanity shifts lands


Holographic landscapes, mind’s burden

Architects of life building innerscapes’ texture sweet


light childrenofthesun org (2)




No tools save the power of the will

Alternate reality, minds construct the alpha



Awareness focus energy waves

Fight for Life extends in holographic worlds that twine


Technology Trapping Figure
Courtesy © John Lund/CORBIS on



Steadfast dreams in etheric pathways

Shades of vanity dying floating in Light I flaunt



Toenails painted in faint starlit blue

Luminescence strikes Heart before I leave this old world


light shift is (2)






The Awakening – Ivan Torrent

Human Legacy – Ivan Torrent

Icarus- Ivan Torrent

Fight for Life – Ivan Torrent

Architects of Life – Ivan Torrent

The Power of Will – Ivan Torrent

Before I leave this world – Ivan Torrent

The transformation occurs under deep narcosis

The transformation occurs under deep narcosis

1 December 2015




The expanding coils catch our breath

Mutation, the origins of metamorphosis


Multiple transformations occur

For hybridation, an excruciating process


Would we then break before we shatter?

Multiple fragmentation of our inner walls sear


The road to birth is paved with the pain

Wilful inhalation of atmospheric mushrooms


Sailors of the future gift us ills

Breathe in, now breathe out, explosion of the sixth senses


rising Mt Shasta on pinterest com (2)


A new born I learn to breathe with gills

Epilepsy strikes, stroboscopic light soul cleanses


Showering through me photons in rain

Excavation of me leads to lower hidden rooms


Speleology of caves’ matter

Whispering lights speak secrets to the familiar ear


As the vision would blacken and blur

The probing orbs wind through my body’s every recess


Dilating sheer frames lost in their breadth

The transformation occurs under deep narcosis


nymph archive wizard com (2)


Yakuro – Requiem for a space