The Shaman Tales 7 : The spells

The Shaman Tales 7 : The spells

2 April 2020



At first there came the sound and then another and another making it a word. Then the mind looked into the heart and bound itself to it. Then the heart and mind bound breathed into the word and the spell came into being. It was as easy as that to create a spell. Was it that easy, she thought? Then of course it occurred to her that it was not that easy to bind the mind to the heart. It took years of practice just for the mind to be able to look properly into the heart, let alone bind itself to it. The magic was strongest though when the heart and mind were effortlessly bound together and remained that way.


Once the spell released into the outer world, it was important that this was picked up by strong consciousness points. These were essentially creative people because their hearts and minds were bound together and stayed so effortlessly. In the process of disseminating the effect of the spell, one creative person counted as a million individuals who were neither creative nor having looked into their hearts with their minds and bound them together. She knew anyway that it was rare for a person to have bound their heart and mind and not become a creative person as a result of that exercise so in general the target was creative people.


For the magic to work without her intervention, it was sufficient to have at least 10 creative people read or hear the spell. If they read and heard it, it was even more efficient. The more creative people who were involved in the reading or hearing of the spell, the better it worked. For some reason, the spell attained its peak when a million creative people read and heard it and from that point on, the magic mutated and did not have the same effect anymore. It was not that it worsened. It just became different and she always marveled to see what different effects could be obtained when the magic spell mutated.


Dead Can Dance – Kiko

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