Ticking Bomb

Ticking Bomb

30 April 2017

débats stevendkurtz wordpress com - Copy
Courtesy stevendkurtz.wordpress.com


Red matter

Spilling over roofs

Withered snow


Plucked daffodils now gasping

Rasping rhapsodies


Mad Hatter

He follows Alice

Down the wells

Dark spirals

Sliding cubicles warping

Unheard melodies


Sails tatter

Waving through the past

Undone Times

Ticking Bomb

Winding through the bleeding vines

Mind a zone of mines


Reading of the poem: 

Withinsoul shutterstock com 2
Courtesy shutterstock.com

Time – N’to

Keeper of my Light

Keeper of my Light

23 November 2016

Argentina Tango
Courtesy Natacha Pisarenko on lifestyleenquirer.net


Stealth dancing

Your shadow on mine

The twirl slow

The breath low

Abated sunken in teeth

Touch diffusing heat


Grasp my arm

Fend off from me harm

The days yarn

Needles work

Into my heart as they smirk

Un-assorted pairs


The eye stares

Into my bosom

The head spares

Grow me hairs

Of whiter melancholy

Love’s monopoly


Brittle game

The players like darts

Launching pad

Wicked fad

Flame thrower sprucing the ends

Hate makes no amends


In love’s sight

We sighed like children

Hiding toy

Breathing joy

Theft of innocence galore

Pile me more to store


Move the whim

From my bleeding shore

Bury dark

From the bright

Swirl out of my mind’s delight

Keeper of my light


Reading of the poem: 

tango lollitop dance com
Courtesy lollitop-dance.com


Tango Sentimientos – Tango Project

Angel Burns

Angel Burns

30 July 2016

angelburns sacristy_by_carlos_quevedo-d9j85cm
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on deviantart.com


Desert posts

Light greying landscapes

Tower scrapes

Edge of skies

The breach revealing the lies

All zones set in void


Mind devoid

Of fears rattlesnakes

The leaves rakes

Pages scorched

Their edges like stems reveal

Truth of what we feel


Remnants torched

They keep us unknown

Angel burns

The Heart yearns

Netherworld in pieces shown

To my bleeding Eye


Reading of the poem: 

Angelburns inner_oracle_by_carlos_quevedo-d97qdfb
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on deviantart.com

Ignite – Sky Architect

Mother’s spirits had risen

Mother’s spirits had risen

28 November 2015


rising youtube com 3
Courtesy YouTube.com


The sun regained cold

Petunias withered up

White and pink faces

Soft pastels played in my Heart

A bridge of purple faded


Jia Lu 2014 Dhyāna” oil on canvas 20×24 inches


Citrus evergreen

Haunted by orange speckles

Bore timid blossoms

A shade of penance hung low

Within branches of my thoughts


rising youtube com
Courtesy YouTube.com


Hibiscus rose red

Tussled with bougainvillea

Prominent flowers

The crimson in my mind’s shades

Spoke of bleeding memories


rising deviantart com spirit_rising_by_chvacher-d1kfqdh
Courtesy deviantart.com


Frangipani bloomed

Delicate orange on white

Its scent thief of Hearts

Captured throb within ribcage

Sought bloom’s renewed tenderness


rising knightofleo tumblr com
Courtesy knightofleo.tumblr.com



Grass ran through Earth’s brown

Carpet of fresh green kingdoms

Grasshoppers’ domain

Mother’s sprits had risen

Winding through me a new hope


rising youtube com2
Courtesy YouTube.com


The moon rose silver

Exhaling through jasmine’s breath

Faint springtime’s treasures

Hushed feeling of renewal

Coursed through my Heart lily white


rising pinterest com
Courtesy YouTube.com



Amethystium – Enchantment

Amethystium..Treasure ( Isabliss )(Stine Mari Langstrand)

Amethystium – Strangely Beautiful



The Loss of what is not there

The Loss of what is not there

13 September 2015

loss loftcinema com undertheskin-e1424463165172
Courtesy loftcinema.com


If I could appeal

To beat of your bleeding Heart

I see withering


If I could go back

Halt now shift within your heart

I see unfolding


If I could stop it

The day you will choose reason

I see oncoming


I would move time’s space

Within that fraction of mind

When intent went wrong


Alas I watch it

The Loss of what is not there

Awaiting future


When cycle is spent

Time will then fold on itself

So past comes undone


With Knowledge of Loss

You will transcend the intent

Rephrasing the past


Thus I say this much

Perhaps that you will look too

Saves us the heartache

loss goodmenproject (2)
Courtesy goodmenproject.com