The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

The grass was greener

The grass was greener

20 August 2016

crimsonfields deviantart com liberty_by_tryskell-d99kjln
Courtesy tryskell-d99kjln on


She looked across the battered fields lying scorched by the heat around her frame in veils. From afar came its glint, shining eerily under the summer sun. So infused with more than just a hint of light she felt she should run towards it for it looked so beautifully green, it was almost lime-like in its iridescent sheen. She imagined the dewdrops painting life-like shadows alongside the blades of grass, twirling with these latter in those meadows a long-forgotten dance. She could almost sense the hum of the grasshoppers, the sound of brass invading her mind with their invitation to prance.


An arm brushing past hers tore her thoughts away from that beautiful island and its mighty sway. The field around her was buzzing in glee with grey-faced workers in neat rows of three attempting so desperately to instill some life back into the withered plants going downhill. The water ran from their giant cans dark, muddy and lifeless, not even a spark. She watched them smother rather than water the field as more sand and dirt was all the cans would yield. Here and there some poppies had survived, their wild nature breaking free revived by the view of the skies from the murky lands ties.


It was the bluebells that withered the most. Their head hung, their face downcast, they looked like this time they would never last. The secular trees of themselves a ghost looked over the horizons, a sight only they could boast and realised that perhaps this was the last year they would play host to the hundreds of bluebirds that on their branches found outpost to watch the first sunrise. Suddenly a ray split the skies and onward came rains of the most frightful might. To the field workers they were though the most beautiful sight as they gathered out of ranks not bothering how offering to the rain their weather-beaten brow as it washed away the mud. The oldest of trees came down with a thud and as the land under it drank the rain a damp and soon mossy stance took over its grounds again and again and again.


She looked across the reddened field to the brink of where her sight would yield. She looked back to the moss growing on that new land. Its glint was known to her not a new brand. Both far and near she could see it so clear.


The grass was greener.


Reading of the short story: 

greener deviantart com 4

Green…The Colour of Evolution – Yakuro


Walk inside the Light

Walk inside the Light

4 August 2016

Sirens snow tarakini centerblog net 3


Shadows slant

Towards the Rivers

The hands plant

Morrows growth

The candles renew the Oath

Shedding the darkness


I bring Sight

Of Timeless Future

Where we walk

Where we talk

More than Jack and the Beanstalk

Pathways to Heavens


Flight to day

Within brittle bones

Transforms me

Lake of tears

I gather compound the fears

Daily inaction


They speak Morse

Their signals blinding

Nighttime cries

Soul that sighs

Peaks of Darkness as they rise

Contrasting powers


They whisper

Walk inside the Light

All is Grace

Show the Face

Steady is the footstep’s pace

We reach the Gardens


Reading of the poem: 

Splittingends deviantart com the_lady_of_shalott_by_cimarron29-d37xoey
Courtesy Cimarron on

De Lumière et d’Obscurité – Dark Sanctuary

Exaudi Vocem Meam, Part 1 – Dark Sanctuary

Exaudi Vocem Meam, Part 2 – Dark Sanctuary


Warped Universes

Warped Universes

10 May 2015

Universes reddit com


I see you

Wherever I go

This world fades


Shades of light on everglades

Blocked by murkiness


The hours spent

Between days and nights


Blue outcomes

The keeper’s voice grows in hums

Of the golden bees


The honey

Liquefied amber

Healing drip

Within grip

Of my folded palms I sip

The nectar of life


Coursing light

Sweeping my body


Inner cells

Each change stops with chime of bells

Diligent process


Outside me

I replicate frame

Still the same

Yet different

Each copy contains its death

Like a stray still life


Frozen Time

Witnesses the flights

Nights embrace

Wane daylights

The tremors of settling in

Back into within


We paint shades

Of imagined happenings

Minds’ tremors

Giant playgrounds

Dissonance planted in sounds

Warped Universes


Reading of the poem: 

Universes youtube com

Only You – Giovanni Marradi

Dreams – Giovanni Marradi

Peacefully – Giovanni Marradi

Sing o Birds

Sing o Birds

22 December 2015

(A short-form Haiku for once  3/5/3 stanzas)

stairway many distressed debrarecommends com (2)

Hark the Day

Rose into the Sun

Sing o Birds


Snow’s flowers

Chanting in my hair

Winter light


Days go by

Spring now slight beckons

Jasmine hums


Summer sways

The long sun-kissed Days

Crooning Hays


The lark shouts

Autumns wing Daylight

The leaves sing


Winter sprouts

Days in  short bouts

Nights serenade

split tumblr com


Written for Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Prompt using Sing, Day and their alternate expressions. Rules and ping back here

Mocking Bird Hill – Patti Page