The slow mist covered soft

The slow mist covered soft

10 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic


The chest gathered arrows

A sacrifice thrown at its feet

Of the archer it shows

Upturned splendor of his defeat


Mind to heart made appeal

No prison for want of warden

A kiss of love to seal

A pact made in yonder garden


The slow mist covered soft

Flowers in the garden blooming

The heart yet kept aloft

Silken threads to the mind grooming


Reading of the poem:

B-Tribe – Agua azul

B-Tribe – Spiritual Spiritual

B – TRIBE – Suave Suave

Clarity of You

Clarity of You

21 July 2016

clarity angiekaran blogspot com

Roaming mind

Connecting the dots


Treasured lines

Projections of our tall selves

Erected the spines



Remnants of your prints

Stilted rhymes


Essence of your purity

Twined complexity


You are here

Within every breath

Like promise

Of white air

The shadows of inner light

Draw upon your sight


Withered Hearts

Replenished with Love

The white shrouds

Skies and clouds

The consistence of morrows

Alight in the Soul


People fade

Like candles in wind

Noise shadows

To rescind

Within the tunes of your song

Ode to sing along


Through the space

Folding unfolding

Twisting time

Haunting mime

Replicating twin suns sparks

Clarity of You


Reading of the poem: 

clarity pinterest com

Sinking inside yourself – Hammock

Cold Front – Hammock

One Another – Hammock

Soul to Soul talk mends

Soul to Soul talk mends

1 July 2016

holygrounds alexgrey com  Love-is-a-Cosmic-Force-Alex-Grey (2)
Courtesy Alex Grey on



Extent of bandwidth

Heart measures


The key to gathered treasures

New geometry



The notes are the keys

To patterns

That translate

Infinite ways to dilate

Expansion of Heart


Sound of Art

Like buzzing of bees

We pray Gods

On our knees

Humility the mind bends

Soul to Soul talk mends


Reading of the poem: 

whirlpool messier 106 csmonitor com


Gymnopédie #1 – Erik Satie

Circular dance in energy flow

Circular dance in energy flow

19 November 2015


trail birthofgaia com



Orb essence of tides under lightbeams

Where blue meets the red split the square in sun’s radius


Crescent moon’s diffraction cracks’ halo

Still waters’ doorway to realities alternate


Fuse blue-red core in liquid portal

Parallel pivots a doorway to heartpath core split



core fusion bluemeetsthered stephanielodge com 2.jpg



Flow body through thin entrance’s seams

Knead essence liquid breath cross of levels five minus


Liquify shadows flames in the glow

Athena’s crescent moon in between worlds low vibrate


Waterfall in black queen’s hood regal

Liquid portal’s tight rope walk in condensed lightning lit



chains astrologyanswers com



My hologram’s music here in dreams

Backward waters cut out Red on Blue, twin arcs rebus


Heartbeat frequency make rhythmic slow

Matter’s shape collapse in red expansion core dilate


Core in lightning’s backward loop’s fractal

Blue contraction coils gaseous substance emit



resta thepowerwithinus co uk



Breath essence loop in portals by teams

Axis magnet, Blue meets the red, metamorphosis


Circular dance in energy flow

Then rid the heart path core of low frequencies of hate


Spin through the portals twin parallel

Rotation of core seed through the molecular kit



ring csirouniverseblog com ngc_2392_eskimo_nebula




Antaeus – Byzantine Meditation

Antaeus – Black Athéna

Antaeus – Kyrie



Infinite Expansion starts

Infinite expansion starts

4 October 2015

twirl cirque du soleil com
Courtesy cirque du Soleil


Spirit took my Heart

Lessons of morrows he gave

I listened silent


In most energies

There is the low and the high

Arhythmical Hearts


Find the right Heartbeat

Following the sound of you

Where mind chatters die


Joffrey Ballet 2012
Courtesy Joffrey Ballet 2012 on


On Love’s long journey

Two enter a bright tunnel

In Ecstasy twined


stillness pinterest com 2


Who emerges then ?

Either One or neither one

The Choice is in Heart


When mind chatter stops

In pursuit of core Being

The Soul knows not Fear


Let me gift you Heart

Infinite Expansion starts

Where you hold just Love


twirl michaelspornanimation com

Your touch my soul soothed

Your touch my soul soothed

28 September 2015

third fanpop com


The taste of the salt

I can feel it on my lips

Remnants of the Sea


I see now your face

Glorious revelation

Like the love in you


Your thoughts in bosom

Connection mind to mind starts

Synapse expansion


third pixcooler com


The Beauty of You

Past the living flesh and bones

As in you I melt


third archive 4plebs org
Courtesy archive


Images you toss

Born from the welding of us

Wordsmith worked so keen


Toss us now unto

Delicious soar of Heart’s fires

Kindling flames of Love


Lost in this embrace

Deep word to word locked

Your touch my soul soothed


third etsy com