The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

The wings they grow slow!

The wings they grow slow!

4 February 2016

wings toppixgallery com 2


We build selves

Tall and proud oft held

A banner


Crime against what we ignore

We pick of known shelves



A sea of faces


We shun them

Our minds little spam agents

Breaking wheat from wheat


The hard looks

They tell us nothing

What is there

Is unseen

You can only see with heart

Placid meet and greet


We choose swift

The cut relentless

Faces gone

Slow depart

Our memories small suitcases

The rest a blank slate



Invading spaces

Paper thin

Like my heart

On a stark moonless evening

Playing with the dark


I too cut

Oft into myself

Bleak and deep

As it seeps

Separating me from me

I bleed out the self


wings pinterest com 2


You watch sad

There are rivers lit

By fireflies

In your soul

Where we could stitch some small parts

Save the wilderness


I cut slow

The task gory bleak

We melt fast

Like candy

Mouth place of prayer and sin

One of our bridges


I smell you

It fills my nostrils

Deep incense


Your presence every evening

A mantle of joy


Like in dream

Floating high above

You beckon

To the stars

We are not what we may seem

Uneven our scars


We compare

Our bodies a map



They hail they revere they clap

Mutilated shells


We dilate

Cracked open we squirm

Tender worm

Readied harsh

It takes some light years to fly

The wings they grow slow!


Reading of the poem: 

wings nice-cool-pics com


All you never say – Birdy

Shelter – Birdy

Wings – Birdy (Winter’s Tale)



1 January 2016

We newhdwallpapers in


Two worlds

Form one word

Live through spaces

Between yours and mine

From silence changing Times

Breath takes soul to other heights

Where pure and mature more than rhyme

Define crystal growth weave through our soul

Verbs nouns add verbs make my words the richer

Known blue nostalgia creeps leaves us whole

Shuttered words shivering thoughts chime

Dark split from play of bright lights

Draw maps change paradigms

Share the bread and wine

Through your traces

Knead unheard



We webtretho com


Crystal ball – Yngwie Malmsteen

Forever One – Yngwie Malmsteen

Feeling – Edward Maya feat Yohanna A

Getting the Tune right

Getting the Tune right

11 September 2015

music pinterest com


Tune into my mind

The dark waves that carry you

Distort frequencies


I will wash your spleen

Into clean iridescence

By Love now transformed


Give me your worries

I will chain them to the Earth

Lo! I break your clasp


Fly free in the skies

Reality is but clay

For you to model


veil riverbankoftruth com


The child within you

Is lost in the wilderness

Totems spare you fear


Simple is my tongue

Comprehension extended

To grant you solace


Let go of the weight

Love your only Totem lifts

Sets alive your Heart


Find my inner child

Let bonding bring a new growth

Past fears we’ve hidden


Love Marisha Karto peupledepapier blogspot com
Courtesy Marisa Karto on


Feel through the abyss

For your Heart’s music to set

Getting the Tune right


I will feed you fruit

Plucked from heavenly pastures

Of our own bearing


We will taste honey

From bees flying in freedom

Humbling greatest breeds


We will colour Life

Now passion beyond reason

To music reposed


music thespiritguidenetwork co uk

Come Age of the Heart Wisdom

Come Age of the Heart Wisdom

5 September 2015

love kiyo fineart com
Courtesy kiyo on
love mariska karto nonsensesociety com
Courtesy Mariska Karto


Darkness will bend back

Towards the light in a kiss

None other will miss


Fear will embrace Hope

The Source of all, all unites

As bees still in minds


The riddles of past

Will shine in eye of morrows

As they spell future


Two sides of one coin

Will then blend to melt alike

Fusion diffusion


love marisha karto bizarrebeyondbelief com
Courtesy Mariska Karto


Zero-point will strike

We will walk without shadows

With all but the fear


Blossom grows in Hearts

That spirits’ true nature know

Twin Souls in One love


The seeds have been sown

Come Age of the Heart Wisdom

Colour the Earth green


You and I as all

Will walk in the green meadows

Where lions eat grass


knot deviantart com 3
lion youtubecom kolkata zoo
Courtesy kolkata zoo from

Let me be your Gipsy Love

Let me be your Gipsy Love

4 September 2015



As time folded neat

I ruffled its snow-white sheets

And danced in their midst


In between spaces

I pranced around in transport

Life cannot bind me


No pacing in mind

A step before the other

Promises to keep


Growing in the wild

I just will not be planted

In pot place me not


Open your heart’s bars

Let me be your Gipsy Love

Reinvent our souls


I will colour Life

Rainbows will be our dwelling

Soar with me higher

gipsy fineartamerica com (2)

Living in split worlds

Living in split worlds

3 September 2015

split deviantart com galaxy_woman_by_ivankorsario-d2o9du0
Courtesy IvanKorsario on


I touched your cold face

On a bright summer morning

As the dewdrops fell


The Earth welcomed cool

Steaming with the hiss of light

Water fire sinks


The cold was your tears

As night’s wake had gifted these

To your marble skin


A sob rose in throat

For future lived in past tense

Where hearts would flutter


You and I then cried

The loss of what was to be

As neither moved moss


Growth is from cutting

Seedlings in another land

Must then be potted


I cut through an inch

We winced from the incision

And withdrew silent


Hand on your shoulder

Mortal experiences

Treachery of pain

split fansshare com


All senses fail me

A sixth came to the rescue

Enhancing your sight



Friends reproach me your essence

That they will feel not


You dwell in my mind

Your heart reaching through the space

In between photons


Mind said you were dead

Perhaps I am your widow

You painted me black


Milliseconds’ fleet

From one beam to the other

As I catch your depth


Coded in the words

Meaning of a mind spirals

Through a timeless void


Loophole carries me

Writhing spirit did battle

Fragmentation tires


Living in split worlds

My soul divides a fractal

Embedded in time

split chris-chrisangeldorado blogspot com

Hai Dil Ye Mera – Arijit Singh