

3 October 2017

sometimes weheartit com


Sometimes curse

Let it escape you

Profane lane

Pouring straight

Your arms around your body

Let bile deliver


Sometimes pray

Let it invade you


Sit steady

Your hands on knees folded tight

Rewinding the light


Sometimes Love

Let it surround you

Blooming rose

Colour filled

I’ll watch you as we sit thrilled

Our souls bodies stilled


Reading of the poem: 

sometimes weheartit best

Distant God – Talvin Singh feat. Leone

Seven Notes – Talvin Singh

The Bliss – -Talvin Singh and Niladri Kumar

Whirl me tour

Whirl me tour

5 August 2017

whirlpools pinterest bojan Jevtic
Courtesy Bojan Jevtic


Screech in depth

Of horrors that fell

Hold the breath

Dance with Death

Violins that would foretell

A trip towards hell


Take the bar

Higher towards stars

Colour scar

Hope in jar

A wish to undermine hours

In spinning of cars


Whirl me tour

Towards whirlpools felt

Call me boor

Dark and moor

The insults on damsel pelt

Wills steady don’t melt


Reading of the poem: 

Werner Hornung whirlpool 1445422605_tumblr_nwhcio6rf41rv33k2o3_r1_500
Courtesy Werner Hornung on

Danse macabre – Camille Saint-Saëns

Heart – Vitas

Eternal Love – Stive Morgan




30 July 2016

Opposites shadows_bringer_by_mindtuber-d7y1nns
Courtesy mindtuber on



We will colour knees

That scrape grounds

With the hues

Of rainbows locked in dewdrops

Purple sheen the sounds


Green yellow

Mixture of the traits

Melting pot

Of the threads

Princess the pauper now weds

In new beginnings


The Kings flock

In bed-ridden day


Seeking ends

Closure within exposure

The key to the lock


Reading of the poem: 

opposites deviantart com eternal_fb_750_by_3mmi-d7mz2dd
Courtesy 3mmi on

The Sea – My brightest Diamond

Reaching through to the Other Side – My brightest Diamond

We added it Up – My brightest Diamond

Trinity within my Blues

Trinity within my Blues

30 December 2015

trinity jpl nasa gov


Fireworks game of stars

Coloured skies vivid flashes

Cool winter’s heating


Instill me silence

From the depths of Mother’s womb

Amnesia’s flowers


A pile of memories

Waiting to catch moonlight’s fire

Insidious rainbows


trinity bbc co uk


Red, green, blue, closed hue

Punctuation keeps me sane

Kaleidoscope’s lane


I walk through dreamtime

Cast are the chains of my past

In shadowless groves


Hollow eyes perceive

The shades in between the lights

Darkness plays in squares


Tight-lipped goddesses

Bathing in sun-kissed waters



The old man bled seas

The whales and the mobs freed him

Flags burnt in red skies


You and I kissed sweet

The parting of forever

Between lips and teeth


Sealed in a heartbeat

Promises of stones and cuffs

Slinking pets’ cages


My mind a forest

Tall trees, shrubs, waterfalls crept

Stillness their white tomb


A story breathed hard

A death like many others

Penance for waking


Ten thousand spilled forth

Gushing from open gash fled

Tails and tales for Heads


trinity wallpaperscraft com


I gathered hinges

Old creaking doors I mended

Parts solace of whole


In between keyholes

Rays of light played with the sun

Games of promises


Three more from thirteen

Trinity within my blues

Jazzy end to days


soul wheatandtares org


Morpheus – Sonne Hagal

Silence – Sonne Hagal

The Shapes of Things to Come – Sonne Hagal

Black Spring – Sonne Hagal

Rhapsody of Souls

Rhapsody of Souls

13 October 2015

souls pinterest com 2

. .

All is spent wisely

That is channelled through the Love

Time and Energy


Choice is in Colour

Of Light and Dark none better

All is in circles


Today’s sight to eyes

Time’s backward integration

In fusion Union


Monsters of Metal

Flip a two-sided birthright

In one anointed


See the soul’s dismays

Split sensations will divide

The more from the core


souls pinterest com 3


Balance, weightless stone

To carry or to sink with

The seen unknown Hurt


Shades of grey will spill

From confusion of the souls

When mind sinks the Heart


Bring my world music

From corridors of a world

Engraved in the Love


Hum the melodies

Come my Love let’s sing the tune

Rhapsody of Souls


Nine the lives now spent

Ten the renewal of Time

We live Enchanted



I choose to colour my Heart

I choose to colour my Heart

14 September 2015

twin paradispublications com


Life, sum of paces

Strides within shadows’ echoes

Upon fears rebuilt


The good and the bad

Sum into a single breath

I softly release


Tireless the rants

We could voice against life’s pains

That soul would abhor


Mind knows though stillness

Through written word exudes hurt

Cleansing appeases


Delving into fray

Wolves will devour me never

Your light I will heed


Swim into my shores

Plunge from my hills forever

Your love in me seed


When darkness befalls

Chilling all hearts with fear’s pangs

We remain Love’s creed


Every waking hour

I choose to colour my Heart

Emblems of your needs

couple pinterest com

Getting the Tune right

Getting the Tune right

11 September 2015

music pinterest com


Tune into my mind

The dark waves that carry you

Distort frequencies


I will wash your spleen

Into clean iridescence

By Love now transformed


Give me your worries

I will chain them to the Earth

Lo! I break your clasp


Fly free in the skies

Reality is but clay

For you to model


veil riverbankoftruth com


The child within you

Is lost in the wilderness

Totems spare you fear


Simple is my tongue

Comprehension extended

To grant you solace


Let go of the weight

Love your only Totem lifts

Sets alive your Heart


Find my inner child

Let bonding bring a new growth

Past fears we’ve hidden


Love Marisha Karto peupledepapier blogspot com
Courtesy Marisa Karto on


Feel through the abyss

For your Heart’s music to set

Getting the Tune right


I will feed you fruit

Plucked from heavenly pastures

Of our own bearing


We will taste honey

From bees flying in freedom

Humbling greatest breeds


We will colour Life

Now passion beyond reason

To music reposed


music thespiritguidenetwork co uk

Let me be your Gipsy Love

Let me be your Gipsy Love

4 September 2015



As time folded neat

I ruffled its snow-white sheets

And danced in their midst


In between spaces

I pranced around in transport

Life cannot bind me


No pacing in mind

A step before the other

Promises to keep


Growing in the wild

I just will not be planted

In pot place me not


Open your heart’s bars

Let me be your Gipsy Love

Reinvent our souls


I will colour Life

Rainbows will be our dwelling

Soar with me higher

gipsy fineartamerica com (2)

Where evil and good didn’t roam

Where evil and good didn’t roam

26 July 2015

good and evil deviantart com__surreal_balance_by_zxcxvxc
Courtesy user zxcxvxc on

 Grey matter now pearled

Linking every cell to cell

In human bondage


Colours all faded

Into less significance

As light dulled in eyes


Senses to the peak

Feeling the way to silence

Without drawn within


Mind created void

Where evil and good didn’t roam

And stillness flew free

good and evil messagesfromthefaeries com