You can only see with Heart

You can only see with Heart

27 October 2015

heartsee1 ids org


Mind brings the chatter

Where every essence dissolves

In river of Souls


heartsee1 personaltao com

Emerging from Dark

Time came to experience

Passage of the Love


connection whatdoesitmean com

Cut down the symbols

I taught you Love in the Faith

That spoke in your coils


heartsee1 meetup com

Softly voices spake

The morrows in the wisdom

Of Enlightenment


crackedwoman1 (2)
Courtesy Paige Bradley on

You erected me

Stony voice in heartless Field

Light Thunder covers


heartsee1 insacredways com

Feel in the tendrils

Messages of compassion

Rewriting your Fate


Courtesy yvonneellimanakamarymagdalene.tumblr .com
Courtesy yvonneellimanakamarymagdalene.tumblr .com


Close your eyes my Love

You can only see with Heart

Through the fall in me


heartsee1 artofthefeminine com

Lady of shadows

Lady of shadows

2 October 2015

blue liveinternet ru (2)


Spirit Lovers knew

A Time when winged creatures slain

Loved their murderer


Folly of the Night

Dark energies surging led

To leap into void


O what treachery

Winged one forsaking the flight

Into the flesh sinks


blue tango bassedef com


Dragged by the soul strings

Blue lotus Heart’s petals cut

Withers on waters


blue pinterest com 7


Drink not the Essence

Forsake the glitter stolen

Its light all eyes blinds


Blazing I beseech

With eyes sunk into hollows

Uplift the unseen


Lady of shadows

Nailing me to twists of Fate

Set swift my wings free


blue singsnap com



19 Sepember 2015

balance everaftermiami com


Shielding armours wear

The weight of a million stones

Sinking upon Heart


Straining muscles tear

The rippling of the ribcage

Prelude to Heart scars


In all endeavours

Lack of soul bears muddy ends

Swamp rises with greed


Spell Heart of Dragon

Ask for more than words’ measures

To build a new creed


Whispering Dungeon

Awaits those who bring deceit

Into House of Light


Cursing mocking bird

Befalls those who bring conceit

Into House of Dark


Balance in Houses

Mends between Heart and Mind’s play

Subtle game of cards


Out of balance sways

Thirsting Heart that rises bright

Taking Dark for Light


Look into Abyss

And cloak not your inner qualms

Secret Dark creates


Look into Divine

And shine bright your inner face

Light in Heart you know



Spelling rarer by the day

Fighting through the night


Make your life serene

Between the Truth and the Lie

Choose the wiser cut


balance thegreatcosmicshift blogspot com zhdhart com kuanyinasmall33

Living in split worlds

Living in split worlds

3 September 2015

split deviantart com galaxy_woman_by_ivankorsario-d2o9du0
Courtesy IvanKorsario on


I touched your cold face

On a bright summer morning

As the dewdrops fell


The Earth welcomed cool

Steaming with the hiss of light

Water fire sinks


The cold was your tears

As night’s wake had gifted these

To your marble skin


A sob rose in throat

For future lived in past tense

Where hearts would flutter


You and I then cried

The loss of what was to be

As neither moved moss


Growth is from cutting

Seedlings in another land

Must then be potted


I cut through an inch

We winced from the incision

And withdrew silent


Hand on your shoulder

Mortal experiences

Treachery of pain

split fansshare com


All senses fail me

A sixth came to the rescue

Enhancing your sight



Friends reproach me your essence

That they will feel not


You dwell in my mind

Your heart reaching through the space

In between photons


Mind said you were dead

Perhaps I am your widow

You painted me black


Milliseconds’ fleet

From one beam to the other

As I catch your depth


Coded in the words

Meaning of a mind spirals

Through a timeless void


Loophole carries me

Writhing spirit did battle

Fragmentation tires


Living in split worlds

My soul divides a fractal

Embedded in time

split chris-chrisangeldorado blogspot com

Hai Dil Ye Mera – Arijit Singh

A day will soon come (Translation of Il viendra le jour)

A day will soon come

August 30, 2015

(Original french version here – Il viendra le jour )

vomir lightworkers org


A distant call rings

Black echoes from beyond grave

Bring me back your blood


Served bloody sausage

Of our dead future

Oh what rotten fruit


Indigested dish

Brings back weary memories

From depths I had slain


It I had reviled

Tasted it in weightlessness

Stealthily, hidden


Heavy, disgusting

Sour-bitter of a dead past

An acid reflux


Vomit your offal

Finally free my stomach

To digest other


vomir universoshanti com


I would tear my skin

If it were to bear your stench

Make it new banner


I will clamour loud

The withering of my sighs

Satirised in vain


To live and then die

Of nature to wound myself

That in me slithers


A life extinguished

I collected the ashes

And made a new shroud


To die and then live

Did I have to use the if/saw (play on si – scie in the French version i.e. the if or the saw)

To cut everything


A day will soon come

Where a beautiful bright void

Will cleanse my stomach


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