Master to pleasure

Master to pleasure

5 May 2019


Shadowed skies

Glow in sunlit moon

The closed palms

Open soon

Twist and turn to hidden rune

Heaving written lies


Silent start

Journey in the wake

Slave in part

Teacher’s art

Ice he laid upon my heart

Never to depart


Steep the cost

A pound no measure

In the frost

Words were lost

Riddles once all my treasure

Master to pleasure


Reading of the poem:

North – Hammock

Raven Time

Raven Time

23 October 2017

raven time christian schloe


Riddles flow

From the fevered brow

Listen now

I will show

The snow peaks in deserts glow

Mountainous the sands


Invoked lands

Awoken the cold


Now unfold

Hidden glaciers uprising

People surprising


She awoke

To new millenium

The clock struck

Raven Time

Their two tongues watered my rhyme

Spilt in canticles


Reading of the poem:

The Longing – Rumi

Blossoms of your breath

Blossoms of your breath

16 March 2017

desert zastavki com Girls___Models_Girl_in_a_white_dress_in_the_desert_076056_

Haughty mare


In riddles I bare

Heart to swear

Hard to tear

Patched through dragons entering lair

A bosom to spare


Soul’s delight

Gathers me insight

See the light

In twilight

When lovers breathe through the night

Bodies’ trance in flight


June in hay

Summer’s haunting day

Ghost of May

Sudden death

On grounds of convenience lay

Blossoms of your breath


Reading of the poem: 

nine justjared com 4 breathed

Let’s Meet – Michelle Gurevich

Blue Eyes Unchanged – Michelle Gurevich

My familiar unfamiliar – Michelle Gurevich

A New World awaits

A new world awaits

5 October 2015

world cosmicpath eventsmart com 

Butterflies flew low

Fighting with sparrows for Blue

Black rain threatened skies


 world deviantart com into_the_storm_by_yuumei-d8firo8


Horizons grew dark

Birth a difficult process

Deliverance in Fear


 world stillsearching wordpress com


Darkness so thickened

Rising with the stark Venom

That coursed through the Blood


world decider com 


In Heart the panic

Spread a wildfire of sorrow

Flaming illusions

 world by-divine design com


Hark! Keep the Heart’s shine

For dawn lies at darkest point

Piercing through the night

 world co-creatingournewearth blogspot com

A New World awaits

Stored in the coils of our Soul

Shown while Time unfolds

 world wakingtimes com

Take my hand fear not

Time is a place of riddles

I will show you Truth

world screenpicks com

Come Age of the Heart Wisdom

Come Age of the Heart Wisdom

5 September 2015

love kiyo fineart com
Courtesy kiyo on

love mariska karto nonsensesociety com
Courtesy Mariska Karto


Darkness will bend back

Towards the light in a kiss

None other will miss


Fear will embrace Hope

The Source of all, all unites

As bees still in minds


The riddles of past

Will shine in eye of morrows

As they spell future


Two sides of one coin

Will then blend to melt alike

Fusion diffusion


love marisha karto bizarrebeyondbelief com
Courtesy Mariska Karto


Zero-point will strike

We will walk without shadows

With all but the fear


Blossom grows in Hearts

That spirits’ true nature know

Twin Souls in One love


The seeds have been sown

Come Age of the Heart Wisdom

Colour the Earth green


You and I as all

Will walk in the green meadows

Where lions eat grass


knot deviantart com 3

lion youtubecom kolkata zoo
Courtesy kolkata zoo from