Swallowing the stars

Swallowing the stars

16 May 2017

Endlessroad pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com



The perched birds

Chirp to wilderness



Bridges cross nearing the ring

Dilation in fork


Burst the cork

Bottled amnesia

Opens wide

Onward ride

Memories whispering bees

My token honey


World aflame

The light none will tame

Conquered hours

Blooming flowers

The Heart in mind bending bars

Swallowing the stars


Reading of the poem:  

black hole bbc earth
Courtesy BBC Earth


Pure of Heart – Bvdub

All These Moments Are Blue Type – Bvdub

So far from Home – Bvdub

Let me be your Gipsy Love

Let me be your Gipsy Love

4 September 2015



As time folded neat

I ruffled its snow-white sheets

And danced in their midst


In between spaces

I pranced around in transport

Life cannot bind me


No pacing in mind

A step before the other

Promises to keep


Growing in the wild

I just will not be planted

In pot place me not


Open your heart’s bars

Let me be your Gipsy Love

Reinvent our souls


I will colour Life

Rainbows will be our dwelling

Soar with me higher

gipsy fineartamerica com (2)