In the City of Angels

In the City of Angels
14 December 2022
Courtesy of Idris Heral
I glimpsed once
An array of lights
They glittered
Like bright orbs
The border they rode absorbs
Impressions shattered

That World set
In the rising sun
As I whirled
Towards night
Within me consumed the fight 
Of ages replayed

Count with me
The moons are seven
They revolve
Within Space
Spheres rotate towards Heaven
Places I rewind

My heart bears
The weight of old Tales
They come through 
My lit eyes
Like a whisper their light flies
Towards southern skies

The songs beat
At my aged Temples
They give forth
Waning heat
Dying warmth makes me repeat
Litany of loss

They come through 
Epiphany carved
On my chest
I control
In the City of Angels
They hone through me soul

Reading of the poem:
Shinnobu – Seventh Heaven

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

Your touch my soul soothed

Your touch my soul soothed

28 September 2015

third fanpop com


The taste of the salt

I can feel it on my lips

Remnants of the Sea


I see now your face

Glorious revelation

Like the love in you


Your thoughts in bosom

Connection mind to mind starts

Synapse expansion


third pixcooler com


The Beauty of You

Past the living flesh and bones

As in you I melt


third archive 4plebs org
Courtesy archive


Images you toss

Born from the welding of us

Wordsmith worked so keen


Toss us now unto

Delicious soar of Heart’s fires

Kindling flames of Love


Lost in this embrace

Deep word to word locked

Your touch my soul soothed


third etsy com


Walking in Dreamland

Walking in Dreamland

18 September 2015

ark shiftfrequency com


This Earth walks in Love

Towards a destiny filled

With union of Hearts


Shadow man blurring

Wave after wave ebb and flow

Redefine features


Heartbeat in the night

As bodies glisten to tunes

That in the souls ring


This chasm in the mind

Making today crave morrow

With the Beloved


Heat of night shamed sun

As dreams unfold in waking

Walking in Dreamland


Weaving happiness

Revelation has its price

Five more days to dream


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