In the heart that moved

In the heart that moved

31 March 2020



Delude me

Canticles of lore

We will pray

Never more

To fears etched within the skies

Downtrodden in lies


Elude me

The chest in bosom

I will wake

Griffin’s spark

Fumbling fingers through the dark

Reach the love’s lighthouse


Preclude me

Once upon a rhyme

I witnessed


Thawing frozen icicles

In the heart that moved


Reading of the poem:

Flora Cash – You’re Somebody Else – Lyrics

Throbs and vibrations

Throbs and vibrations

1 April 2018

throbs paranormal hu


The river flows

Endless and coursing

Through the rocks

It pulses

Sound of life and afterlife

Throbs and vibrations


Reading of the poem: 

Double Dutch – Jesse Cook

From back to before

From back to before

2 June 2017

Back LilaVert Stefan-Gesell-Photography-URBAN-VIEWS
Courtesy Stefan Gesell on LilaVert


Bring me through Ether

The pathways

Of fever

Coursing through the cells that blow

Out of proportions



A course of set tunes

Seven moons

Chosen runes

Running across the power

As the knaves cower



Implosion of night

In the rain

Course again

Shadows of forevermore

From back to before


Reading of the poem: 

Back Stefan Gesell pinterest com 3
Courtesy Stefan Gesell on

Shaman’s Dream – Nectar

Shaman’s Dream – Mother Water

Shaman’s Dream – Istanbul Dubphonics

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com



20 May 2016

karol bak pinterest com 18
Courtesy Karol Bak on


Do you hear

The call of the Love



Every fiber of our frames

Soul quits playing games


Still the mind

Hear inner voices

They speak Art

World’s beauty

Love is more than mere duty

The voice of the Heart


Earth revolves

Spinning round and round


Deep essence

The twirling confirms presence

Of the inner self


The raindrops

They quench every thirst


Falling free

The mighty brought to the knee

Forgotten children


Twining roads

They lead to escape

The blue fires


From ashes of the grey dust

Love is more than lust


The battle

Lies in giving in


Splintered minds

Gather remnants of their kinds

Retrieving oneness


Reading of the poem: 

karol bak pinterest com 12
Courtesy Karol Bak on

Beauty Pure Consciousness and Infinity – Vargo

Precious – Vargo

Warriors – Vargo


My spirit dances

My spirit dances

22 September 2015

lovers traveltruthsblog wordpress com



You and I now know

The strength of this connection

Kinship of spirits


Days wasted doubting

The essence of this frenzy

That sieged both our Hearts


The tremors that shook

Within ethereal life’s frames

Unwinding desires


Our minds we read loud

Like deafening thunder’s voice

The tug of those calls!

lovers pinterest com


Complex yet simple

The weave between the two souls

That stubborn sole stood

lovers fineartamerica com dancing-lovers-stefan-kuhn
Courtesy Stefan Kuhn on


Now adornments gone

We stand facing us naked

Devoid of all frills


Shaking and fearful

Though strength comes on word by word

Your spirit chants low


Allured and enticed

To vibrations of your Love

My spirit dances


In dance of lovers

Only morrow is union

Of the naked flesh

lovers aliexpress com

Blood, this flow in me

Blood, this flow in me

24 August 2015

blood thingstransform com


Those light vibrations

They will not reach through this flow

Disconnecting us


Surging, leaking life

Nowhere does it reach wasted

Fertilising none


Your call remains deep

Though electricity wanes

In this raging sea


Your mind whispers Love

Then rages against the floods

That stop you, me, us


Silently I watch

This yearning in all tongues speak

Answer it! Should I?


You hear every tongue

Voices are mere waves you know

Understanding all


Shaking rage and might

Winding, unwinding collapse

Senses move upward


Separation churns

Rips apart like hundred knives

I wane, it will thrive


Blood, this flow in me

A prison for all yearning

Flood all, set me free

Red Blood Cells- medical concept. 3D image.