Pour les cœurs faire gémir sentiers vains arpentés

Pour les cœurs faire gémir sentiers vains arpentés
21 mars 2024
Courtesy freepik.com

Je recherchais en dunes l’expression du profil
de l’aimé reconnaître traits vivants aiguisés
De nuit pâleur de lune croise mon battement de cil
sortilège à renaître pour mes veines enlisées

De leur bouche les lacunes médisances serviles
des dédits me repaître mes atours méprisés
bleue sirène en lagune fus-je donc proie facile
des desseins champêtres pour mes sens dégrisés

Dans les champs s’étendaient des oiseaux bleu azur
de leur bec font frémir étendards argentés
que les cieux abattaient sans commune mesure
pour les cœurs faire gémir sentiers vains arpentés

Lecture du poème:
Brief translation into English

For hearts to groan, vain paths trodden
21 mars 2024

I was looking in the dunes for the expression of the profile
of the beloved to recognize sharp living features
Of night the pallor of the moon crosses my fluttering lashes
spell to be reborn for my trapped veins

From their mouths the lacks servile backstabbing
From denials to nourish myself my finery despised
blue mermaid in the lagoon was I an easy prey
of rural designs for my sobered senses

In the fields blue birds spread themselves
from their beaks make shiver silvery banners
that the heavens fell without common measure
for hearts to groan, vain paths trodden

La Blessure – Emmanuel Moiré

I am just one breath from a thousand voices

I am just one breath from a thousand voices
19 November 2023
Courtesy pinterest.com
I am the vestige of a fake sermon
the redeemer of a so-called vermin
the fate of which they will determine
heads or tails, palms would examine

I am a slowly revived olive tree
My gentle farmers rekindle me
their dreams of liquid green honey
set in their dead eyes that no longer see

My fruit hangs on the West Bank
where every corner smells death dank
metal on their heads lands with a clank
they think my keepers they outrank

I am a call for prayer in their lost homes
to Jerusalem, Rome and all those golden domes
The mind of each in inner turmoil roams
as fire every inch of their land combs

I am just one breath from a thousand voices
seeping through clenched teeth’s brittle noises
exhaled from tight chests pressed in dead choices
while inhuman armada in kids’ blood rejoices

Reading of the poem:
Law Of The Thr3e - From womb to tomb

In the heart that moved

In the heart that moved

31 March 2020

Courtesy pinterest.com


Delude me

Canticles of lore

We will pray

Never more

To fears etched within the skies

Downtrodden in lies


Elude me

The chest in bosom

I will wake

Griffin’s spark

Fumbling fingers through the dark

Reach the love’s lighthouse


Preclude me

Once upon a rhyme

I witnessed


Thawing frozen icicles

In the heart that moved


Reading of the poem:

Flora Cash – You’re Somebody Else – Lyrics

Without him

Without him

20 February 2020

Courtesy videohive.com


It was a bitter night. The wind was howling outside and she recalled how it had tugged at her hair and the umbrella almost yanking it out of her gloved hands. She had been glad to have gloves on as it was biting cold outside. Her cheeks seared with the acid bite of the cold. The elements raging outside were no match, however, for the cold that was biting into her heart as the days went by without him. She wondered if he was now gone forever or if he would come back like he had done after a period of absence around a year ago.


She stretched on the sofa where she had been lying down watching the screen without actually taking in what was going on in the Television set just across the room. She looked at the reed in the canal outside her room and could see it bend wildly this way and that as the wind tore away at its roots attempting to uproot the reed. The wind was, however, no match to the resilient reed which withstood the tear of the wind and just bent gracefully one way or the other depending on the twists and turns of the wind.


She felt she should be more like the reed and adapt to the situations as they arose. She should get used to the times when he disappeared however much they hurt. He was anyway like a ghost in her life so she should not expect him to have a normal pattern of behavior. He was gone for longer than the other time but it did not mean that he would not be back again. She felt ice fill her heart as the veracity of his absence sunk into her mind. There was no sunshine when he was not around. Indeed she thought, there was no sunshine without him….


Ain’t no sunshine – Eva Cassidy


Alice did wondrously land

Alice did wondrously land

12 August 2016

Alice deviantart com comes_alice_to_the_wonderland___new_collection_by_wesley_souza-d61n2xh
Courtesy Wesley Souza on deviantart.com

Out of hats

Birthed the best rabbits

To follow

Trees’ hollow

The tumbling an experience

Otherworldly tales


The mind fails

When seeking lessons

In solemn

Straight-faced chalk

Classrooms for chicken that baulk

From the screeching hens


Lions dens

The cubs profuse meat

Feast to beat

Flesh and blood

Souls carry within the flood

Of the hearts matters


Ink splatters

From rooftops that leak

Dead that speak

Through my tongue

Dangling from heavens now wrung

Their bodies my kite


Bitter fight

Before birth in light

I let go

The failed care

The threads that tie slowly tear

Balloons now lift off


Weak hearts scoff

The mighty forgive

No Malice

In my hand

Alice did wondrously land

In the none sense band


Reading of the poem: 

hatter deviantart com alice_and_hatter_wallpaper_by_shaydedxlightning
Courtesy Saydedxlightning on deviantart.com


Alice in Wonderland – Vitaliy Zavadskyy

Little Lady in a Large World – Thomas Van Oosting

Alice’s Theme – Danny Elfman


Return to the Source

Return to the Source

25 June 2016

heavenlyskies bau


I picked daisies

From fields of wild bloom

Setting course on springtime’s kiss

Seasons gone amiss

Weather man’s honey moon


Perhaps too soon

Autumn leaves flocked tight

Whirling around summer days

Wayward are the ways

Of seasons of half light


Winter spelt ice

In caverns of glass

Winding weaving underpass

Crossing through mountains

Built on the desert sands


Leaves joining hands

Pining for the rake

Obedient the waning piles

Counting on the rain

Renewal in the moss


Midsummer mind

In between seasons

Looking back at spring’s folly

Under feet quicksand

Looking forth take a toss


Check the boxes

Sit back set the course

Stormy weather is the key

Return to the Source

All set for the journey


Reading of the poem: 

heavenlyskies plus google com Bojan Jevti-ç _I See you Everywhere_signature_reverse

Shores of your Lies – Leah

Between Two Worlds – Leah

We will go Home – Leah



English translation below (A Alessandro de RISE)

16 janvier 2016

dénouement dailymail co uk
Courtesy dailymail.co.uk



Ecorchure en mots

Peau qui coule


Alignement de mon être

Musique funèbre naître



Invincible élan



Obsession de tous les temps

Passé imparfait


dénouement pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Les tumultes

Flots de cœur avide



Richesse de boyaux limpides

Cristaux pour rivière



D’autres sens reprennent



Je nage fort contre-courant

Les vagues mon tombeau



Une paix retrouvée



Il me tient la main de loin

Traverser l’enfant


dénouement lovepanky com
Courtesy lovepanky.com


As I realised some of you are kind enough to like my poems in French even though their French is a bit rusty or some just because they like the images and the feel of the poem without understanding much I have resolved whenever I can to put up a translation in English. It is difficult because the French language allows you to hide many more meanings into the same sentence and I find it less possible with the English, especially if one wants to respect the poetry rhythm and requirements. I have attempted to keep the below a Shadorma (in between brackets figures the correct translation of a word that I might have changed a bit to keep the Shadorma syllable count and in one instance I have put up another possible wording where the French word has more than one meaning). Thanks as always for your comments and encouragements 🙂



(To Alessandro from RISE)

January 16th, 2016

dénouement pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com


Abandoned (Abandonment)

Flaying of the words

Skin flowing

Tuning fork

Alignment of my being

Mourning music born



Invincible force (momentum)

To preserve

To safeguard

Obsession of all Tenses

Past, the imperfect


dénouement 24hoursviral com
Courtesy 24hoursviral.com


The tumults

Waves of hungry heart


To invest

Wealth of my transparent guts

Crystals for river


Abandoned (Abandonment)

Other senses sum [meanings] (resume)



I swim against strong current

The waves are my grave



A reacquired peace

Very slow


He holds my hand from afar

Crossing through childhood


dénouement illuminatingsouls com
Courtesy illuminatingsouls.com


Alain Souchon – Les regrets (Clip officiel)

Mylène Farmer & Jean-Louis Murat – Regrets (Clip Officiel)

Il divo & Celine Dion – I believe in you

Practising still life

Practising still life

29 August 2015

stilllife fr forwallpaper com 227796__black-white-woman-a-piano-candle-fire-smoke-a-glass-bottle-glass-still-life_p
Courtesy fr.forwallpaper.com



Walking on eggshells

Toiling through the days planted

A slippery path


A parade for none

Balance maintained by sheer will

For pain to withstand


Life is always such

That calm relays agony

Rainbow to be felt


Kick off calm and dance

Raging with the elements

That battle within

stilllife photographyheat com Creative-and-still-Life-Photography-14
Courtesy photographyheat.com


Spending you in throes

Fight and you are overcome

You fight only you


Blinded spectacle

Lending itself to ashes

The blind will behold


Practising still life

A lifetime to reach the point

Of abandonment


Look into my eyes

I will raise you now my peace

For shelter you bring

stilllife sheryl maree reilly womeninphotography com
Courtesy Sheryl Maree Reilly on womeninphotography.com