The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

Filter salt in sea

Filter salt in sea

17 January 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Skipping beat

Alice on her feet

Grave matters

She tended

Left brain right brain no brain left

The skull only bones


Did they tune

Right into what’s left

Was the rune

Now just cleft

Skulls then only left bereft

Congenial theft


Would it fit

The brain and the wit

She pranced up


Not again said the Hatter

We’ve done this before


Don’t be sore

Hatter said Alice

Did you miss

Extra tea

I assure you you will see

Keep me company


How childish

She had no real brain

Hatter smiled

Going wild

Was one of delicacies

Perhaps worth the pain


Let it rain

Shower me golden

The mirth lost

On wizened

It was all only water

Filter salt in sea


Reading of the poem:

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Fjara – Sólstafir

Lágnætti – Sólstafir

Necrologue – Sólstafir

As spring makes its way

As spring makes its way

12 January 2016

neverland dpix xyz


Lucid dreams awake

Ice yesterday’s snow grown cold

Faith a kindling fire


Wish upon a star

Watch it travel translucent

Into horizons


I will reach you there

Our bodies luminous arks

Love’s aspiration


blue kathycrabbe cancer artist - Celestial
Courtesy kathycrabbe


Thoughts limpid as snow

Anticipation of chill

Flowing through the bones


eternity ben-bu-yaziyi-eski-sevgilime-yazdim_752622 galeri uludagsozluk com


The souls translucent

Travel through winter’s long breath

A world of belief


Your heart’s white crystals

Promise of pearls for my heart

Dewdrops a lifeline


Thawing crystal flakes

Hope a glimmer of relief

As spring makes its way


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Written using the words from Ronovan Writes Haiku Prompt and challenge for this week, Hope and Crystal. Pingback and rules here

Ruhe – Schiller

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