My spirit dances

My spirit dances

22 September 2015

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You and I now know

The strength of this connection

Kinship of spirits


Days wasted doubting

The essence of this frenzy

That sieged both our Hearts


The tremors that shook

Within ethereal life’s frames

Unwinding desires


Our minds we read loud

Like deafening thunder’s voice

The tug of those calls!

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Complex yet simple

The weave between the two souls

That stubborn sole stood

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Courtesy Stefan Kuhn on


Now adornments gone

We stand facing us naked

Devoid of all frills


Shaking and fearful

Though strength comes on word by word

Your spirit chants low


Allured and enticed

To vibrations of your Love

My spirit dances


In dance of lovers

Only morrow is union

Of the naked flesh

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