Time and Time again

Time and Time again

8 April 2018

Time pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


She looked out of the window at a blue sky full of fluffy clouds. Ironically the clouds reminded her of how the memories of him were slowly fading. She had known him once with utmost certainty but now she was not sure anymore. She thought back to their first encounter. Not the one she remembered consciously but the one that had been at the back of her mind when they had met fleetingly on the small strip before the beach. When she had glanced at him then and her eyes had met his she had known deep in her heart that it was him but the thought had been so preposterous that she had had to brush it aside, grit her teeth and walk on. She had then seen him go into a sports car that was parked on that strip.

For years the memory had haunted her. The thought that she had walked beside the love of her life and not had the courage to take a chance and speak to him had weighed her down for years. Then he had reappeared in her life. First in a ghost-like form with no words said but for the evanescent image of him. Then with increasing precision in the form to which was added a telepathic communication. She wondered whether he was aware at all of this or if she was the only one seeing and hearing him. His spirit-like presence then became a daily routine in her life but left her with the ache of not having him around in flesh and blood.

She turned back from the window and glanced around the room which was submerged in pale light coming from the one window that was open. The room reeked of wasted memories and unshed tears. She wished she could turn back time and go back to that moment to see if she could change the course of fate but she knew it was not possible here and now. It reassured her to think that there was a version out there in the Multiverse where she had taken that risk and was perhaps growing old with the love of her life. He whispered in her head that he would come to her Time and Time again when the elements were favourable. It reassured her even more to think that maybe serendipity would put them both on the same path again. In Time. She smiled a wane smile before the tears finally welled in her eyes.  Someday…Somewhere…In Time…


Somewhere in Time – Maksim Mrvica

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

The Cleopatra Tales 1: Divine Union – Hieros Gamos

drowning wifflegif com

Ocean of Despair

Ocean of Despair

28 October 2015

littlemermaid desktopnexus com
Courtesy desktopnexus.com


You ruptured the wound

It flowed freely gushing blood

Clad in muddy red


He watched unmoved, still

While mother hastened lonely

Cleansing though scolding


I ran to your side

He silenced my every step

Held you in between


burn it hdwpics com
Courtesy hdwpics

Hands wrung and helpless

Twin a brother could smother

Chastising, scorching


Confusion roared high

Blue Alice sank in the hole

As the well grew tall


Mother threw me rope

But my spirit cast in stone

Yearned for silent peace


I dwelt low a while

Yearning for twin fluttered

Peace soared through my limbs


Twin futures gleamed raw

More than heavenly pairing

We are our choices


Fools choose with the mind

Arrogance of all knowing

Heart seeing nothing


mermaidscorchedflyingfree courtesy tanjakolrus on flickr com
Courtesy Tana Kolrus on Flickr.com

Token of eternity

Transformed in goodbye

I hoisted new sails


Ocean of Despair

Beckoned with the Tides Rising

As I set out slight


Ten turning to Twelve

Synchronicities strike Death

For second coming

twinflame nevermore services flikie com
Courtesy services.flikie.com

Synchronicities unfold

Synchronicities unfold

22 October 2015

unfold tumblr com
Courtesy tumblr.com



I held you dancing

Powerful and elated

Coursing within flows


Body ecstasy

Finding your inner being

Your statement grew bold


Behold that beside

As spirit breathed into me

Ripe with twin futures


chains shift is
Courtesy shift.is


I saw you mourning

Tired and wizened old man

Sinking in river


memory fanpop com
Courtesy fanpop.com


My heart lurched in vain

You were here but you were there

Music my discourse


In scattered surges

Synchronicities unfold

Rear integration


Questions are answered

Before mind has reached in quest

Into depths of Love


unfold fineartamerica com
Courtesy fineartamerica.com

In Nomine Patris – Not!

In Nomine Patris -Not!

20 October 2015

chains thespiritscience net
Courtesy thespiritscience.net



Only worth their stories’ weight

No food for the blind


chains riseearth com
Courtesy riseearth.com


The surge shot through me

Helter skelter ran the thoughts

Where are you within?


chains anagenis com
Courtesy anagenis.com


You hear me never

Empty points of connection

Heart-split soul happens


chains pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Scissors in my hand

I cut through these veiled contacts

Tears in my glazed eyes


chains deviantart com
Courtesy deviantart.com


Fly away from pain

The nightingale told me soft

His spirit Withers


chains graffikerler org
Courtesy graffikerler.org


The rain falls on you

From waterfalls in my Heart

In mind no Echo


chains karing4u blogspot com
Courtesy karing4u.blogspot.com


Prayers forgotten

In Nomine Patris – Not!

I will fly within


chains gaurakrisna hu Vijnana-maya-kosa
Courtesy gaurakrisna.hu