

14 August 2016

void pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com


Cycles start

Within the days count

Sundays end

In Mondays

Twirling through Fridays tolling

To days of the King


Hidden coins

Treasure my crowning

Golden steel

Shines at heel

Drowning water ankle deep

Weaknesses we keep


Fruit of loins

Baskets plentiful

Chosen few

Green in hue

Ripened by the sun and dew

Morrows promises


They depart

Like the rolling stones

Downhill slide

Left to glide

They carve pathways in waters

Unbridled their ride


Like the tide

Ebb and flow of Love


Reaching back

When the storms turn skies pitch black

Sporadic in touch


We juggle

Solitary spoils

Burning coils


When the fires invade trees

Sudden burning frees


Reading of the poem: 

void pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com

Over and over – Rachel Yamagata

Be be your Love – Rachel Yamagata

You Won’t Let Me – Rachel Yamagata


The birthing process

The birthing process

11 August 2016

birthing pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Steely joint

Smooth contraption

Halfway made

Unkempt shade

Of withered humanity

Tokens of God spill



A soul to anoint

Argan oil

Tinsel foil

Misconception of the role

A play of three worlds



A quick pressure point



In ebb and flow of new life

The birthing process


Reading of the poem: 

birthing pinterest com 10
Courtesy pinterest.com

Summoning the Gods – Trobar de Morte

The Fairies Wind – Trobar de Morte

Natural Dance – Trobar de Morte

Consorts for the Gods

Consorts for the Gods

11 March 2016

blue pinterest com 4
Courtesy pinterest.com


Blue women

We were born from skies

Our souls free

Our hearts glee

Fires coursing through our hands

Caressing healing


Our mouths say

Anet hrak nut pray

Sky mother

She watches

Fierce though gentle our footsteps

As we walk in love


We roam Earth


Of flavours

Joys and pains

Sum of experiences

Swords of love beaten


blue wide-wallpapers net
Courtesy wide-wallpapers.net


All birthing

Is laden with beats

Churning flow

Melding glow

The wave forms as it repeats

Ebb and tide of moons


We birth slow

Enchantment our toll

Breath magic

Easing soft

Into light bodies we know

Ultimate journey



Gathered momentum


The twirling

My mind resumes the whirling

Infinite reaches


blue pinterest com 5
Courtesy pinterest.com


You reach out

Heavenly lover

Night borne wisps

Breath of Gods

The twitching light bodies flames

Suffuse our bright frames


In mortals

You show your design

Mere vessels

They transmit

Your divine blue intentions

As we fly to you


Feathers Blue

Flutter ecstatic


All weathers

In touch with etheric selves

Consorts for the Gods


Reading of the poem: 

blue wallpapersxI com
Courtesy wallpapersxI.com


Watashi no Uso  – from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)

Liebesleid – Fritz Kreisler  from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)

Yuujin A – from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)

Ballade No 1 in G Minor, Op 23 – from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)

Again –  from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)

Uso no honto – from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)


My Heart will not sleep

My Heart will not sleep

3 January 2016

god pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com


The mind called awake

To spirits that roamed in clouds

Genies and moonbeams


Eyes sunk horizons

Over the face of the night

As the moon breathed white


The soul in waking

Stood upon brink of morrow

Between hope and life


Once upon a Time

Between sorrow and blue rhyme

I saw morning light


god imgarcade com
Courtesy imgarcade.com


Eyes scorched through the night

Met sunrise like white waters

The stillness redeems


I saw you in me

Physical awareness hit

The borders succumbed


Seek no more the frame

Whispered waterfalls in me

Everywhere is you


god karipatterson com
Courtesy karipatterson.com


The rivers and seas

Joined with oceans in my soul

Sketched blue tidal waves


Play of ebb and flow

The shells left on the me shore

Spoke of Times’ matter


Matter cast away

Mind in wraps soul in light sparks

I walk the heavens


Eyelids will flutter

The racing of worlds in me

My Heart will not sleep


god dailymail co uk
Courtesy dailymail.co.uk


Shams Tabrizi: My Path to God



Time to let you go

Time to let you go

13 December 2015


lettinggo blogs psychcentral com
Courtesy blogs.psychcentral.com


Embers’ trail

Dull feeling of fire

The core numb

The limbs frail

From unreal I beg a crumb

Dreaded woods to stoke


lettinggo liziahtherapies com
Courtesy liziahtherapies.com


Ghostly trace

Whispers of your face


Slow fading

Your traits linings of dark clouds

Please summon the rain


lettinggo popan org uk_by_michellis13-d5ma8f4
Courtesy popan.org.uk




The mind’s dread

Winding memory

Music box

Crimson scars

You twinkle now in the stars

Your song in my head


lettinggo elephant journal com
Courtesy elephantjournal.com



Memory’s lane

Walking on stray glass

Shredded feet

Eyelids’ flood

Your heartbeat alive in pain

Coursing through my blood


lettinggo soulbridging com
Courtesy soulbridging.com



Heartbreak’s ebb

Time to let you go

Heartbreak’s flow

Heartache’s peak

Panic striking me so weak

The thought of goodbyes


lettinggo wellhappypeaceful com
Courtesy wellhappypeaceful.com


It’s not goodbye – Laura Pausini

Universal Harmony

Universal Harmony

7-8 December 2015


starlight youtube com danse des lumières
Courtesy YouTube.com



If I am but you

Twining mirror within coils

And you are but me


Would it then matter

That I slowly pass you by

In mismatching trains?


Synchronised movements

Both winding and unwinding

Directional knot


The road to nowhere

Is paved with slow intentions

Fast deaths of morrows


I know of a cliff

Bordering the Caspian seas

Where tilting brings height


Perspectives in thoughts

People of the shadows roam

Between lost and found


They crawl through the caves

While you fly in summer skies

To that road nowhere


I curse renewed flights

While maps of Time fail my reach

The limited sights


Tired raindrops ebb

Shrivelled outposts of the soul

Withered in the sun


In Time we will breed

With the tar and our blood’s flow

The crimson highways


Rain and sun will kiss

Upon plains of the Tatars

As shadows dissolve



Universal Harmony

Spins a web of souls


starlight pinterest com 4
Courtesy pinterest.com




Beyond this You and I – Rumi

Look Within – Rumi

I am only the House of your Beloved – Rumi



Disappearing act

Disappearing act

1 December 2015


nymph warlocke tripod com
Courtesy warlocke.tripod.com



The wise ones once said

There was too much of a Love

Share it with the All


With Summer’s waning

I gifted you to the sea

Its frothing horses


Ebb and flow tireless

Played with your dazzling body

A game of waters


Above Autumn’s light

I gifted you to the hills

Their curving silence


The shrubs and the trees

Twined with the hairs on your head

Weaving dark stories


Below Winter’s cold

I gifted you to mountains

Their chilly snow peaks


Rocks and crevasses

Sprinkled with your throbbing skin

Uneven castles


Beside Spring’s blossoms

I gifted you to deserts

Their whispering sands


Yellow sands’ showers

Cloaked your soul in Time’s essence

Smothering stillness


When there was no more

The seas, hills, mountains, deserts

Took silent your place


Wise ones gazed at me

Amplified and distended

Disappearing act


disappearing artistrising com (2)
Courtesy artistrising.com



Skye – Clock to Stop


Healing lines my Heart

Healing lines my Heart

10 November 2015


Courtesy 01greekmythology.blogspot.com
Courtesy 01greekmythology.blogspot.com


Walk unto altars

No sacrifice but the Grace

Of Blue requiems


Sing the nightingale

Twenty sparrows talked to crows

Of deserts’ pirates


Walk across the dunes

To the solitary grounds

Where angels wept tears


Enter your Temple

Within the sands of Time’s flow

Flaming bush whispers


Walk over the waters

Ebb and flow will set you free

Humble is the Pi


Breathe into the Ground

The fumes of tomorrow’s Life

As I set the Breath


bellerophon mythische-wezens webklik nl
Courtesy mythische-wezens.webklik.nl

Walk into the skies

Let the airborne meet the Tunes

Silenced Chimera


Red was the sea’s glint

As she touched the sky-bred Flames

Breathing in the rain


Walk astride the Times

When her hair loose hung in grapes

Wine for the living


Blue was the sky’s Breath

Wings crossed the Ocean’s timelapse

A second coming


Walk under the stones

Crushing is the morrow’s grief

If countdown went wrong


More than a sole Head

Bellerophon my hand’s art

Healing lines my Heart


bellerophon 01greekmythology blogspot com pegasus_versus_chimera_jpg
Courtesy 01greekmythology.blogspot.com

Lord of the Rings – The Grace of Undómiel

Solitary Ground – Epica

This is the Time – Epica


The cracks in the wall

The cracks in the wall

25 September 2015

ruins comicvine com
Courtesy comicvine.com



This house fell ruins

To the dark tides in making

Ebb and flow of Time


I followed with palm

Of ivy green throbbing veins

That on the walls stood


Intricate weaving

The ivy throttled and held

A slayer though guard


elfdreams com
Courtesy elfdreams.com

Everywhere I look

Drastic move is creating

Inception of change

ruins deviantart com quarry_ruins_by_josheiten-d5ogym1
Courtesy deviantart.com


Will there be a dawn?

My system follows, pursues

Of systems the new


The cracks in the wall

They gape at me answering

To cracks in my Heart


Mutating morrows

Crumbling with the walls that fell

To fires now slain

ruins fallout com
Courtesy fallout.com



Walking in Dreamland

Walking in Dreamland

18 September 2015

ark shiftfrequency com
Courtesy shiftfrequency.com


This Earth walks in Love

Towards a destiny filled

With union of Hearts


Shadow man blurring

Wave after wave ebb and flow

Redefine features


Heartbeat in the night

As bodies glisten to tunes

That in the souls ring


This chasm in the mind

Making today crave morrow

With the Beloved


Heat of night shamed sun

As dreams unfold in waking

Walking in Dreamland


Weaving happiness

Revelation has its price

Five more days to dream


come ashtarcommandcrew net
Courtesy ashtarcommandcrew.net