Molecular wave

Molecular wave

22 November 2015


Bliss 1 light of angels ucoz ru vysshaya-sila
Courtesy visshaya.sila on



Frequencies shifted

The lower met the higher

Consciousness altered


Heartbeat met the tides

Pavlov’s dog I sat eager

Timed conditioning


Oozing through the mind

Induced fragmentation’s waves

Went to greatest lengths


Stroboscopic light

Frequencies the measurement

Brain’s segmentation


Genetic engineering

Through the light that dances pale

Pulsation mind splits


Heartthrob low vibrate

Fragmentation in the chance

Of doorways’ entrance


Molecular wave

Fractal spent the frequencies

Led separation


Stroboscopic mind

Encapsulation the trance

Molecular lengths


Fission of the light

Constance speaks in frequency

As the pulse resumes





Electric Universe & Space Tribe -Mind’s Eye

Space Tribe – Nuclear Fission Chips

Space Tribe & Laughing Buddha -Atom Bombs

Space Tribe, Psywalker Spiritual No Body

Flawless and silent

Flawless and silent

26 August 2015



The sun set like stones

Over valleys of despair

And sunk into me


Newly found nerves twitched

Endlessly replicating

The agony felt


Pleasure, agony

Through the same circuits altered

Every inch of me


Earth shivers then frowns

What cruelties it beheld

Bestowed upon me


Cutting inch by inch

Separation sliced us both

Into oblivion


Only piano played

Symphonies hushed to nude form

Of faceless sorrow


Stones raised me pillar

Of unswaying devotion

That angels cried for


You cried as I did

My heart bids you not goodbye

I yearn for your hand


You will sail on boat

I will await you on shores

Weaving our new fate


The Earth will renew

Time will stand still as we merge

Flawless and silent


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