When the deed is done

When the deed is done

6 September 2017


BnW bored panda com cat-looking-at-you-black-and-white-photography-103
Courtesy bored panda.com


Tilting head

From perception points

Stuck at joints

Light anoints

A jaded shadow set free

Darkness pervades light


Say instead

Light swallows darkness

Inside thin


White on black blackened whitened

Checkerboard wizened


All is said

When the deed is done

Take a look

Loosened hook

The fish floating out in sea

Upstream and toil free


Reading of the poem: 

BnW pexels-photo-120271
Courtesy pexels.com

The way Home – Sleep Dealer

Walk Swim Fly

Walk Swim Fly

6 July 2016

spirit pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Rebirth’s toil

Reinventing self


The remnants

Low hanging fruit of cluster

Like diamond pendants



Resounding silence

Only core


Remembering the absent

Decoration spent


A lifetime

Walking in penance

Hearts and spades

All just fades

Tricolour flag of clover

Hovers in game dreamt


Dealing rack

Falling through the skies

Like black rain

Hurried pain

The lashes bring back flashes

Of otherworldly


Thoughts to stack

Truth to tell from lies

When twin suns

Sizzle roads

Even dark rain quenches thirst

Of insides that burst


Seamless stitch


Don’t ask why

Walk Swim Fly

Change with the hammering tides

The meek soul abides


Reading of the poem: 

spirit pinterest com 10
Courtesy pinterest.com

Walk – Ludovico Einaudi

Elegy for the Arctic – Ludovico Einaudi

Fly – Ludovico Einaudi


Follow flight of birds

Follow flight of birds

4 March 2016

bride loverofsadness net
Courtesy loverofsadness.net


Mother wakes

Shaking off the crusts

From past wounds

Stretching taut

We receive havoc we brought

With our tiny hands


Tall splendour

She unfolds her gait

Ninth wonder

Defines her

Moving through Eleventh gate

Lava and thunder


Molten breath

She trembles and heaves

With the tides

As she rides

Brings upon us Mercy’s death

Split faith her stallion


birds thedemobay com
Courtesy thedemobay.com


The blind screech

They cling to tatters

Dying leech

Mind flatters

While the seeing heart scatters

The law of Talion


birds sunnysup com
Courtesy sunnysup.com


The children

Survivors of wreck

They sail lone

No captain

Only ghosts upon the deck

As they whimper lost


birds pooyingka com
Courtesy pooyingka.com


We reborn

From scattered blue coil


Past glory

Huddled in ship hear story

Of ancestors’ toil




Now rejoice

I will remind you

How we fled


Leaving behind us sorrow

Shedding it like leaves


Nasal voice

Through Time’s loudspeaker

Calls for me

Warning shrill

It transforms to wing my gill

Splitting the ethers


Hurry child

Follow flight of birds

They head South

Where waters

Split through the red desert storms

Basking in two suns


Reading of the poem: 

birds sott net
Courtesy sott.net

Terra Firma – Delerium

Myth – Delerium

Just a Dream – Delerium

Wisdom – Delerium

Lamentation – Delerium

Aria – Delerium

Angelicus / Epiphany – Delerium

The Sky – Delerium feat. Kristy Thirsk

Till the End of Time – Delerium


Time will not turn back

Time will not turn back

28 January 2016


Time pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Letting go

Has come to a close

Moon was high

Tide was low

I breathe in now deep and slow

Sheltered beginnings


Waves were rough

Felt we’d had enough

On it went

All fear spent

It is time now to rebuild

With love to be filled


Hark now friends

Our lessons are learnt

Hearts empty

Room plenty

Weave back those bridges we burnt

In dreams make amends


Cosmic swirl

Heaped in emptiness

The ropes cut

In space hurled

We are no longer alone

On path to oneness


We mend hearts

Quiet minds discontent

The slaves free

The will strong

We now know where we belong

Journey to sunshines


They will fight

Invoking all might

Thunder clear

Banished fear

Can you see why we are here?

They no longer rule


While we toil

Building tomorrow

Only fool

Unkempt heart

Would not wish for the fresh start

Freedom is by choice


Green paper

A thing of the past

Heart scraper

Vanished fast

Clinging on to glory spent

Brings not life unbent


Two to three

Witnesses of loss

Stones rolling

Gather moss

Winds will stop we will be free

The rulers outcast


Make merry

Or make war a truth

I give you

Golden child

Spare the wasted harmony

Time will not turn back


Reading of the poem: 

Time cnn com
Courtesy cnn.com


New Beginnings – Future World Music

World of Dreams – Future World Music

Final Judgement – Future World Music

Leap of Faith – Future World Music

Time Keepers – Future World Music

Quest for Freedom – Future World Music

Victory of Life – Future World Music

Play upon the Heart that all will believe

Play upon the Heart that all will believe

7 January 2016

fear shutterstock com
Courtesy shutterstock.com


Playful ghosts of you I keep them at bay

For I skimmed the Earth drank it full never

That no thoughts untrue my still mind may sway

On moss-ridden Hearth joist fool and clever


Competition rules the minds a dark fort

Yet this kiss so wane, pray concede me now

We will dance with fools bid their ships to port

Through the toil and pain that beaded the brow


I wiped away tire that kneaded me much

While the lakes and swans would gracefully flow

In death of a fire that needed much touch

Silent lip that warns disheartened and low


Play upon the Heart that all will believe

No mirth in the part a twin I will grieve


fear tinybuddha com
Courtesy tinybuddha.com


Serenade – Schubert

Lacrimosa – Mozart

Return to Simplicity

Return to Simplicity

10 October 2015

simplicity victorianweb org
Courtesy victorianweb.org


Deck of cards in hand

I dealt with little nothings

Clubs, dices and fools


The stakes rose higher

The stacks piled up plentiful

One-eyed King’s Bounty


The riches within

Welled up within my blue soul

That opened its eye


simplicity pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Your strength within me

More than worldly promises

Spoke of ways to build


Courtesy acupuncture.abmp.com


Energy you left

Shimmering with your essence

Took tool to Heart’s toil


Deconstruction’s art

Tugged on my pack of aces

Built bridges in skies


I let loose the deck

Return to Simplicity

I sail within Heart


simplicity stihi ru
Courtesy stihi.ru

Walk with me a thousand years

Walk with me a thousand years

2 October 2015

walk youtube com
Courtesy Nasa from YouTube.com


Sun burst in darkness

Spiraling me back downwards

Pushes kill the pulls


The rain missed the plain

Buried in the lakes of flames

Quenching the dark thirst


Sandstorms blew through mind

Scorching all delicate skins

Baring them to Soul


walk davincisvine com
Courtesy davincisvine.com


Three sails fluttered high

Not one heard the calling Earth

Thunder in waters


walk distract wunderground com 2
Courtesy distractlife.com and wunderground.com


Your face within three

Called the secret of the times

When wizard’s pulse knocks


Let me be your staff

Walk with me a thousand years

Your leisure my toil


Tireless the wheel turns

Delving back and forth it twists

Circle ghost of Time


walk fractalposter com
Courtesy fractalposter.com

I heard Spirit’s Heart

I heard Spirit’s Heart

18 September 2015

ark gaiaonline com
Courtesy gaiaonline.com

The will was shining

Shift in intention pursued

Weary traveller


A call from below

Winding steep into the guts

Set a new quaking


Life stretched out wanton

It laid ahead gifts of Toil

That grade men of Dark


All pieces showed bright

Last remnants glimmered daunting

Shimmering treasures


In frenzy of loss

My body feasted on them

Muted gate awaits


Snake slithered on all

Grey tasteless pieces of rock

Lay them back to sands


None adorned me now

Naked soul all to forsake

Transcending pleasures


I trod desert lands

A sheen robing my light’s frame

Flying with the winds


Spirit walked behind

His shadow extended, see!

Lighting path ahead


“Walk on hidden path

Forsaking worldly matters”

I heard Spirit’s Heart


“Save for innocent

Free the mind from Earthly ties

Time has met its Soul”


gaia todoterapias com
Courtesy todoterapias.com
