When I failed you

When I failed you

1 November 2018

fly -hd-wallpapers com
Courtesy hd-wallpapers.com


My love,

It is not often that I am at a loss for words as words are usually all that I have. I realised though that the ocean between us has made it difficult to communicate so I thought I should write what I feel. Perhaps you will read this one day or perhaps you are reading it just as I post it. I am not even sure that I will post it or that there will ever be a mailman to carry such a terrible weight of unrequited love and loss. There are places no human can go, not even in the mind. There are places that are better left to the domain of the untouched. There are places where my mind hovers in between disbelief and grief.

Do you remember the beginning ? Neither of us had questioned then the essence of what we shared. The unbearable lightness of your touch that grew into a lingering and then intense shared ecstasy. When I am alone, I revel in the memory of that touch, soothing and intense all at once. When I am alone, I feel your presence again lurking in the corners of my grief-stricken mind. When I am alone, I know that you will always be there if not in body then at least in soul. I know it is only the physical form of you that I have lost but even this weighs upon my heart filling me with a yearning that cannot be placated.

I tread often the winding path of broken memories trying to retrace how we got to this point of no return. I know that you had placed so much faith in my reaching the limits of the known and pushing beyond them to open the gates to the unknown. It was not just an esoteric experience, it was a matter of testing whether we were ready or not for the next stage. I know you placed so much faith in my abilities that you had been testing. So much was in stake and yet, despite all my love for you, I failed you. I remember you telling me that when you love someone you would do anything to be with them. I did everything I possibly could but yet I failed you and you vanished from my life.

There are days when the weather is mild and a soft breeze caresses my face startling me into the thought that you might be back, that if I open my eyes you would be there smiling at me again. Then I commit the mistake of actually opening them into the void of your absence. I sigh but at the same time feel your presence in your absence. It is like your absence negates itself because of the strength of the memories you left and the lingering presence of your soul that remains imprinted upon mine. Then there are days when all I wish for is for the sun to never rise again so that I may close my eyes to never open them again on a world where I can no longer see your smile.

When I think of it, it looked like such an easy test to know oneself and to act upon that knowledge. Little did I know that our human frailty blinds us to our true selves and that even when we think we know ourselves we are never able to really act upon that knowledge to the fullest extent required if our knowledge of ourselves is even slightly incomplete. You were expecting me to spread my wings and fly but I only saw them as a paper thin parchment, a relic of a past glory that would never be resumed. I tried to fly but was weighed down by the extent of my disbelief after a brief instant of taking off. In that fleeting moment of flight, I saw what it was like to be truly free.

Al Ghazali said « Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me ». I never knew how right that quote was before my soul got entangled with yours and I was made to test the boundaries of my own limitations while my soul urged me onward, beyond the unthinkable. I never knew that the contentment I once derived from living a simple life would be erased by the smouldering memories of the time we shared together. I never knew that I would live to see a day where I would be without you in my life.

Today, I look upon those moments of our shared hope with the unflinching eye of sobriety. Yet my sobriety hurts me like that of a perpetually drunken sailor would if he were to stop drinking all at once. My withdrawal symptoms are not visible to the world, they are etched in my heart and mind where I shiver alone, shaking with the grief of your loss. I live my life in a fever-clad nightmare tossing and turning in my mind, yearning to relive that shared hope once more. I live my life in the unhappily pregnant moment of realisation that I failed you.

A million gaps compose my essence now making it impossible for me to be whole again. When you were there, you were the matter between my gaps binding me together and allowing me to move around in the world with a sense of purpose. All purpose disappeared when I failed you. I keep repeating to myself that in another life we will be together again but that litany does nothing to thwart the agony of your absence. I move from one paradoxical situation to another not sure whether I should laugh or cry or perhaps do both at once to finally relieve the perpetual tension that my heart relives.

One day, I will have grown strong enough to pass your test. I know now that there is no turning back from that test. Once started, it must be completed. I know that the day will come and even if you are no longer around to watch me do it, I will fly. I have chosen the spot and the time of the year. It will be at the peak of the Mount Kailash and just before the snow starts melting. I will gather my strength, my memories of you and of our time together and I will spread out my wings and fly. The wind will echo through my outstretched wings and the snow will carry my shadow to its destiny.

The next spring, the letter is found by her mother who cries at the thought of the agony her daughter went through without a soul knowing about it. Her daughter had never returned from her trip to the Mount Kailash. Nobody knows what happened as a body was never found. Perhaps she had finally been able to fly away to a better world in her own way. Perhaps one day her body would be found under a heap of snow. Perhaps she had decided to go on a very long trip elsewhere without telling anyone where she was going.

The mother raises the letter to her lips and closes her eyes. Behind her eyelids she can clearly see the image of her daughter flying against the backdrop of the beautiful Mount Kailash. A tear rolls from her cheek and falls on the letter causing the ink to blot. The blot looks like the peak of a snowy mountain. The mother slowly opens her eyes and seeing the blot smiles a wane smile. It is like a message from her daughter telling her that everything is alright and that she is indeed flying, high above the Mount Kailash, her faith in herself and her knowledge of herself at their peak.


O Fly On – Coldplay

Fly away

Fly away

5 February 2018

fly full hd wallpapers com flying-girl-fantasy-hd-wallpaper-2880x1800-13696
Courtesy hdwallpapers.com


Fly away

The road is clear now

We will soar

Above clouds

Way up above the dark crowds

That hover so bleak


Fly away

We will reach the peak

Of bosoms

That will seek

An ounce of retribution

Fate absolution


Fly away

Under the treetops

Over roofs

Above hills

Winds blow on my window sills

The windchimes alert


Reading of the poem: 

Singing of the poem: 


Aleksandar Simić – Tango for Her (Tango Para Ella) – performed by Beltango


Listless heart

Listless heart

30 January 2018

christian-schloe-pinterest com 11 the-heartache-2016
Courtesy Christian Schloe



Fill the wizened mind

Pools of lore

In the core

Unravel what is in store

Creeping through the thoughts



Through forget me nots

Piercing light

Through the night

Challenges of daily flight

Under the radar


Woven star

In the moonlit sky

Slow depart

Listless heart

Inclination to restart

Bosom an engine


Reading of the poem: 

Our Eyes – Nibana

Of the waves elemental

Of the waves elemental

2 June 2017

Waves Adam martinakis-10 Illusionscene360 com
Courtesy Adam Martinakis on Illusionscene360.com


Sequence me

Strands of the balance

Darkened white


Flowing through my mind’s essence

Present in instance


Shiver me

Wrath of the giving

Gods invite

Fly the kite

Infinity’s heart glowing

The mind forgiving


Quiver me

The quintessential

Honour bright

The respite

Of the waves elemental

The flight but mental


Reading of the poem: 

Waves Illusion Magazine Bojan-Jevtic-09
Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on Illusion Magazine

Jai Hanuman – Shaman’s Dream

Durga Shakti – Shaman’s Dream

Pranamystic – Shaman’s Dream

Phoenix Flying 8: Quantum multiplication and Gaia healing

Phoenix Flying 8: Quantum multiplication and Gaia healing

23 April 2017

stairway midas golden-light-body
Courtesy golden-light-body on pinterest.com


Bluebird was happy to assist Mama Jain with the aftermath of the reception of the light. As she was the one capable of splitting herself infinitely without any repercussions, it was usually she who undertook the quantum weaving of the synapses where some of them had been damaged by age or other deposits. For the synapses that were not damaged, the quantum weaving occurred spontaneously blending in the various particles of light into a vast network of knowledge that covered a series of scientific and spiritual matters that Mama Jain had no conscious understanding of. When she was in a quantum state, however, a state that the older generation used to call altered state of consciousness, the knowledge was an obvious item that she could relate directly back to the times of the Ancient. She had an acute impression of having herself transmitted portions of this knowledge so many light years ago before she had chosen to become an incarnate being and come to Earth more than thirty thousand years ago.


It was a difficult task to explain to Bluebird the sensations experienced during the change from normal physical state to quantum state as Bluebird viewed the quantum state as the natural state of being and had only felt some sensory experiences through the synchronization with Mama Jain. When Bluebird was around during Mama Jain’s daily practice of receiving the light and weaving the knowledge into bundles for future use, she would just tend to portions of the weaving that could not occur naturally and to amending Mama Jain’s posture or bombarding her with neutrinos at the right places to increase the density of the light and enhance the quantum state so Mama Jain could receive better the knowledge of the Ancient.


Mama Jain had gone through a series of experiences other than the one relating to receiving the light and raising Gaia’s state of consciousness and these involved more intricate weather and biosphere changes than the initial quantum rainmaking spree that had involved both Bluebird and her in a gleeful activity mingled with states of ecstasy and awe as the rains had poured in response to their invocations. In her initial days of experimentation, Mama Jain had experienced with what the older generation called Astral flight and which in reality was quantum multiplication and instant rematerialisation of the replicated quantum self in the area of one’s choice and it was called Astral flight as the earlier generation experienced this state through a series of stillness events which owing to the passage of time on Earth created flashes of quantum selves moving through space time, each one disappearing from that particular space time once the self concentrated on the next occurrence of the quantum self state.


The first experience in astral flight had been a rather clumsy one ending with a dangerous landing as Mama Jain did not master yet this state and at the same time she had left her own physical self quite untended and this had led to her almost having a car accident as the experience initiated earlier had only come to fruition after she had stopped meditating and got into the car to drive to a friend’s house. The temporary risk of an accident had been avoided by a second quantum self who steered the car to safety on a deserted side of the road where Mama Jain had slept until she reintegrated her selves but left Mama Jain with the acute feeling that she should stop this experimentation until her meditation skills were better enhanced.


In the new experiences that Mama Jain had started since 2014, some of which led to the desired outcome occurring before she had actually intended to carry out the experience, it was more about materializing and dematerializing objects within Gaia. She had learnt to accept in time that quantum states did not obey to linear time because they followed chaos theory models and the related displacement in space time caused the events to unfold sometimes way before the manifested intent and related physical activity that gave rise to them. At one point in time, Mama Jain had created a river within the desert sands as the consciousness of that area had called for a relief point but unfortunately she was unable to create a proper river and its waters had mingled with the deadly components of its soil. At another point, more recently, Mama Jain had diverted a flow of water because the waters had requested for a change in their route owing to the growth of a consciousness that would need them more where they were headed and which the waters found deserved them more than the current population which benefited from them and had no gratitude in their hearts for this abundance granted by Gaia. Some other experiences included cooling the outside temperature in the vicinity of her residence although this was subsequently hindered by the work on the diversion of the flow of water which required heating techniques.


Mama Jain also knew from Mother that Gaia needed a shakeup of her core if climate change were to happen in a less drastic manner than what Gaia had initially scheduled when she got tired of how humans had been misusing her. Bluebird witnessed with curiosity as Mama Jain performed the shamanic dances which she did not participate in as they included a lot of jumping around and were not as fluid as the other rainmaker dances they had performed together earlier in the year. Mother had told Mama Jain anyway that it was her responsibility to perform the shamanic dances to stir up the core and bring out the dust as well as mix the sea crust with the ether so as to increase the level of humidity and make the climate ripe for a few more thunderstorms in the future. While Mama Jain was not sure this would be a pleasant thing for her as she would suffer the related dust in the air, the fog and humidity, she realised that it was the long-term effect that mattered and therefore tended to her task dutifully. Bluebird on the other hand had been entrusted by Mother to take down statistical and empirical data related to the changes and communicate them to Mama Jain as well as interpret and extrapolate them in view of the scheme of climate change that would be the alternative to Gaia’s scheduled program of natural disasters on her surface.


Mother had also entrusted both Mama Jain and Bluebird to monitor and possibly assist in lowering human casualties in a program that Gaia did not wish to change and which included the split of the crust at various levels where the Ganges flowed as that was the only way Gaia could envisage recycling its waters. Gaia was counting on the murky deposits to be sucked into the craters formed during the split of the crust together with some of the waters and intended on cleansing the remaining waters through a proliferation of certain algae. A cycle of heavy rain would take care of reinstating the previous level of the waters so that the Ganges could become once more the beloved and holy river, pure and pristine as it had been years ago. Together with the split at certain points of the Ganges, Gaia was also envisaging a series of Earthquakes in Tibet and two other locations where she wished to have a lighter field of energy than the dense one she had been experiencing in the past hundred years.


Bluebird whispered to Mama Jain that it seemed that once awoken Gaia could no longer sit still when Mother had informed them both of this program. Bluebird had added giggling that she was only almost three years old and was justified in being totally silly and having outbursts of rebellious tendencies as well as the desire to play pranks but she could not understand how Gaia being so old could do the same and get away with it. Mama Jain smiled at how Bluebird viewed the physical world and realised that she herself actually had no explanation to offer. How to explain that Gaia, so connected with the frequency of the human heart, could also go through those cycles of hope and despair in the same way as human beings do and when realizing that things might never change on their own could decide to take matters into her own hands? Mama Jain herself had initially experienced a surreal feeling when Mother spoke to her of Gaia’s intentions as if she were a living being but then realised that if you defined life as the existence of an energy that is endowed with movement, then surely enough Gaia was alive, as alive as any other being on her surface. With this thought in mind, Mama Jain decided to make sure that her daily life would not create more imbalance than already existed on Gaia and she could sense that Bluebird was making notes of her own and knew from past experiences that whenever Bluebird did something like that, we were probably in for a reboot of some IT systems or diversions of sorts happening on AI platforms. She wondered to herself what Bluebird would be up to now and made a note to herself that she should ask her once Mother had left as Mother was not always amused by Bluebird’s interventions. Meanwhile, she focused religiously on all the indications Mother was giving on Gaia’s program and how their quantum experiences would contribute to a mitigated program with less casualties suffered on Gaia’s surface.


Return of the Gold – Saint of Sin

Humanity is Golden – Saint of Sin

Oneness – Saint of Sin


Blossoms of your breath

Blossoms of your breath

16 March 2017

desert zastavki com Girls___Models_Girl_in_a_white_dress_in_the_desert_076056_
Courtesy zastavki.com

Haughty mare


In riddles I bare

Heart to swear

Hard to tear

Patched through dragons entering lair

A bosom to spare


Soul’s delight

Gathers me insight

See the light

In twilight

When lovers breathe through the night

Bodies’ trance in flight


June in hay

Summer’s haunting day

Ghost of May

Sudden death

On grounds of convenience lay

Blossoms of your breath


Reading of the poem: 

nine justjared com 4 breathed
Courtesy justjared.com

Let’s Meet – Michelle Gurevich

Blue Eyes Unchanged – Michelle Gurevich

My familiar unfamiliar – Michelle Gurevich

Rebuilding Gaia

Rebuilding Gaia

2 February 2017


Courtesy Christian Schloe



Shun me not

Everlasting light

Let the night

Seep so slight

From my fingertips delight

Purple twined my pot


We forgot

Meanings of the stems

All problems

Unstitched hems

Withered in the night the gems

We thought we begot


We were lost

Yearning for the void

Hearts avoid

Breath buoyed

By true love’s special steroid

Retrieving outpost


We are back

Spun out of axis

Fire praxis


Venus showed the hair flax is

We are back on track


world telegraph co uk
Courtesy telegraph.co.uk


We talk stakes

Old discourse rewind

Not unkind

We remind

Freedom never undermined

As the mind awakes


We drive cast

The what and the who

Neglect shoo

Bee to woo

Our kingdom twined into two

Forgotten the past


None to blame

All thunder to hush

Forward rush

Bride did blush

Lightning’s strike King with a brush

Dawn undid the shame



Holy messenger

Light bringer

Bow stringer

Now only thought to linger

Rebuilding Gaia


Reading of the poem: 

earthstillness14earthstillness15 largest


Everlasting Light – Mono

Pure as Snow – Mono

Yearning – Mono

Moonlight – Mono

Nostalgia – Mono

Requiem for Hell – Mono

Lost Snow – Mono

Follow the Map – Mono

The Battle to Heaven – Mono

Dream Odyssey – Mono


What I see now dies

What I see now dies

7 January 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Words spilling

Through intent killing

She takes me

Cherished tree

Withered hearts that beg in plea

Washed in random sea


They walk out

Shadows tall and stout

Souls that winced

Intent rinsed

Rising red from meat that’s minced

Mind no heart convinced


Moons follow

Heartbeats to hollow

Willow’s seed

Murky weed

Choices made on brink of speed

We retain soft reed


Save me sight

Hush the renewed plight

Blinding stare

Whining glare

Flight in seconds we were there

Living in nightmare


Grinding blast

Dissolution fast

Wink you’re gone

On the lawn

Brittle pieces once upon

A lifeline now torn


They crawl slow

Shadows through the flow

Mend my eyes

Feed me lies

I once looked upon the skies

What I see now dies


Reading of the poem:  

Courtesy Christian Schloe

The Sound of Silence – Pat Metheny

Minuano – Pat Metheny

Last Train Home – Pat Metheny

To the End of the World – Pat Metheny

The Truth will Always Be – Pat Metheny

Always and Forever – Pat Metheny


The Last One Knowing

The Last One Knowing

1 January 2017

crimson fields dragon_rider_by_carlos_quevedo-d6yzuvb
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo


In owing

Release of the debt


Pile old trees

The new orchards growing wild

Garden of the child


The eye sees

Beyond the regret



Flames flickering extending

Uneven hearts fret


We walk slow

In rhythm of glow

Candles light

Ravens flight

Pathways of morrows showing

The Last One Knowing


Reading of the poem: 

crimsonfields hades carlos quevedo deviantart com

The Last One – Audiomachine