I cannot sleep the night through

I cannot sleep the night through

7 December 2015


starlight dailymotion com
Courtesy Dailymotion.com



Before break of dawn

Luminescence stirs me up

With traces of you


I follow the trails

Passive tracks in starlit steps

The walk to nowhere


starlight korinnathemaiden com (2)
Courtesy korinnathemaiden.com



Like a lost atom

Rotating in my own world

Eons from myself


You breathe into me

Through dreamtime that lies across

The rivers divide


starlight theicewoman tumblr com
Courtesy tumblr.com



We walk in shadows

In between dark and the light

Separate glances


Whirring like clockwork

In between what’s you and me

The moving fences


starlight theartofkorinnayolasite com
Courtesy theartofkorinna.yolasite.com



Wrestling with chaos

I cannot sleep the night through

Battles of moonlight


A day will soon rise

When sleep will be no longer

The waking Times shine


starlight pinterest com 5
Courtesy pinterest.com


Angels Fall – Breaking Benjamin

Theory of a Deadman – Angel

Reaching Heart Stillness

Reaching Heart stillness

23 September 2015

Tomasz Alen Kopera_07


Winding reflections

Staircase to bottom of mind

Where thoughts lie piled up


Contrasting matters

Your spirit and your body

So disconnected




I watch you battle

Your great mythical demons

Wrestling your own self


I feel your spirit

Have held your bodily gait

For me they’ve blended




Your body troubled

Feels only loss of control

Feels not connection


How to reach your mind

Speak to it of the wonders

That lie within soul




I count the bleak days

Awaiting your advancement

When we will walk free


I practise for now

Sole carrier of the bond

Reaching Heart stillness



Images courtesy Thomasy Alen Capora using George Redhawk’s techniques to “see” art