Unruly minor

Unruly minor

3 February 2016

unruly blog bankbazaar com
Courtesy blog.bankbazaar.com


Winter’s main treasures

Granted to baby spring’s care

She melted all flakes


We wistful watched her

The celebrated cherub

Our eyes a heartache


Capital the crime

The juvenile detention

Only way for babe


I named her law year

Freshman a youth unvarnished

Chief of her defense


She was but infant

I depicted Dickens’ tales

Leading jury cried


Unruly minor

She suffered major mood swings

From tulips to skies


Guilty the kid charged

Was the dominant sentence

Juries hate the brat


My brilliant defense

Depicting the cub’s sorrow

Stood not her offense


The imp merely grinned

Beckoned to future offspring

She was a star child


Far from innocent

Principal appeal now lost

She mooned the judges


Reading of the poem: 

unruly slodive com
Courtesy slodive.com


Written for Ronovan writes Haiku challenge using Star, Child and their synonyms

Pingback and Rules here


Singing in the rain – Judy Garland

Laugh? I thought I’d split my sides – Judy Garland

Be a clown – Judy Garland and Gene Kelly

Humanity stuck in throat

Humanity stuck in throat (With Love only Creed)

6 December 2015


despair vi sualise us
Courtesy vi.sualize.us



Sometimes I throw up

From a small tightened belly

Waters muddy brown


A share of disgrace

From non-existent lean wells

River banks of stench


Sometimes I throw up

Endless fights in name of Gods

Blind to their fake creed


Giddiness alerts

A wave of nausea strikes

Within pulsing Heart


Sometimes I throw up

Humanity stuck in throat

Like an endless thorn


While the dead bear dead

And life dwindles in lost Hope

As powers grow walls


Fashionable lady on the sea storm
Courtesy womanaroundtown.com


Sometimes I digest

Small miracles of caring

Emblems of sharing


A slice of fresh bread

Multiplied not divided

For aching stomachs


Sometimes I digest

As the young outgrow shackles

With Peace in their trails


New Dawn beckoning

Skies of reachable Nature

Resting place of coils


Sometimes I digest

Small measures of blue freedom

With Love only Creed


Unstoppable Grace

Traces of Ancient Wisdom

The Death of the Greed


despair slodive com the-assumption-of-the-virgin
Courtesy slodive.com


The Old Ways – Loreena McKennitt

The Mystic’s Dream – Loreena McKennitt

Seeds of Love – Loreena McKennitt

A Time for Us – Andy Williams

When youth and beauty did fade

When youth and beauty did fade

25 November 2015

yearning deviant-art com melodies_of_yearning_by_murmele-d6qnyj6
Courtesy deviantart.com





New found memories

Strike a chord in my heart’s lines

Gathering pieces



Yesterday’s pride spent

Remembering the playgrounds

Brings thoughts of penance



Courtesy rubensada.blogspot.com


Nymphs circled around

Clamouring for your presence

Emblem of beauty



Playful happenings

Jaded other waters swirled

A backdrop of rain


Courtesy pinterest.com



Perhaps they will yet

Within Indian summer’s shade

Raise Love’s pedestal



Dance to beat of life

Mea culpa is the spin

Blue red purity


Courtesy pinterest.com



Two freedoms entwine

Take the pulse of winds’ movements

Shattering waters



In sands of Time plunge

Discover the miracles

Find the light of one


good and evil knowlegehi com
Courtesy knowledgehi.com



Nature’s gifts within

Heartbeats’ purple pulsation

Butterflies in source



Inverted climates

Implosion of the senses

Colours my love’s trail


fractal woman1
Courtesy pinterest.com




Twirling, dissolving

Within the Eye of the storm

Resurrection green



Giant leap of faith

Diamonds birth from the pressure

Winds of Love carry


veil greatmystery org
Courtesy greatmystery.org



A kiss into Light

Within darkness of woodlands

Twin becomes the flight



Mythical creatures

Blue freedom on winds of Love

Dance of unicorns


Love Marisha Karto peupledepapier blogspot com
Courtesy peupledepapier.blogspot.com



Into light’s stillness

Within mirrors the without

Gifts eternity



Meet the beloved

Abandoned tower’s safety

To yellow castles


knot beforeitsnews com
Courtesy beforeitsnews.com



Peace in the Heart’s ways

Alien separation

Spun the enigma



Tomorrow will tell

When youth and beauty did fade

Forgetting love’s length



yearning philontheprairie wordpress com
Courtesy philontheprairie.wordpress.com



Enigma – Mea Culpa & Find The Light

Natacha atlas – Gafsa

This Oracle in my Heart

This Oracle in my Heart

20 September 2015

Oracle deviantart com ___by_jennbredemeier-d3gny8d (2)
Courtesy Jenn Bredemeier on deviantart.com


The oracle struck

Time had come for sacrifice

Three and Three again


Dreamers will dream Life

Oracles will make future

Not meant for morrows


Oracle of Dark

Brings not Light of the Foresight

She is but the Twin


Shedding blood of Heart

Is but way into closed spheres

Where Dark Souls gyrate


Death and the Maiden

Await not Prometheus

His good Fate unspent


Dark beauty bright youth

As the Heart enters stillness

Space folds on itself


Circles intersect

Dimensions open access

Life’s flowers arise


Arrest past quaking

This Oracle in my Heart

Unfolds in the Love


Bring me the Twin Self

Let the Earth shifted be still

Where Golden Age thrives

oracle deviantart com _by medbherren (2)
Courtesy Medbherren on deviantart.com