Universal Harmony

Universal Harmony

7-8 December 2015


starlight youtube com danse des lumières
Courtesy YouTube.com



If I am but you

Twining mirror within coils

And you are but me


Would it then matter

That I slowly pass you by

In mismatching trains?


Synchronised movements

Both winding and unwinding

Directional knot


The road to nowhere

Is paved with slow intentions

Fast deaths of morrows


I know of a cliff

Bordering the Caspian seas

Where tilting brings height


Perspectives in thoughts

People of the shadows roam

Between lost and found


They crawl through the caves

While you fly in summer skies

To that road nowhere


I curse renewed flights

While maps of Time fail my reach

The limited sights


Tired raindrops ebb

Shrivelled outposts of the soul

Withered in the sun


In Time we will breed

With the tar and our blood’s flow

The crimson highways


Rain and sun will kiss

Upon plains of the Tatars

As shadows dissolve



Universal Harmony

Spins a web of souls


starlight pinterest com 4
Courtesy pinterest.com




Beyond this You and I – Rumi

Look Within – Rumi

I am only the House of your Beloved – Rumi