Tombstones seal

Tombstones seal

2 May 2017

memory deviantart com tears_of_stone_iii_in_memoriam_by_aphostol
Courtesy Aphostol on

Skies that rise

Forgotten the wise

Set sunrise

On demise

The nothing in glaring beam

To be what they seem


Birds that mock

Seasons out of stock

Set the lock

On havoc

Desolation way of stream

In the human dream


None to stand

I let go Her hand

Cattle brand

In the land

No power left to rewind

Destiny of blind


Sands that grind

Rising seas unkind

Stars that wind

In Her mind

Death oncoming theirs to find

Earth in crust to bind


Dust piling

Thunder beguiling

Ropes filing

Times riling

Unshed the voice of the meek

In the desert streak


Ceilings peel

Pillars downtown reel

Tendrils feel

Tombstones seal

Winds of raging death that reek

Of destruction’s peak


Reading of the poem: 

memory deviantart com tears_of_stone_by_aphostol
Courtesy Aphostol on

Dream 1 (Before the wind blows it all away) – Max Richter

Inside hours

Inside hours

3 May 2016

masao yamamoto pinterest com 3
Courtesy Masao Yamamoto on


Pied piper

Inviting the crowds

Twin futures

Standing out

The searing darkness they flout

Starkest point of night



He braces our souls

Guiding throngs

Through crossroads

Sunlit paths to the morrows

Bordering sorrows


Brave New World

Flickering in void


Tilting point

A passage through needle hole

Compressed distances



Old definitions

They break word

With new light

Regaining the inner sight

Through transformation



Heart’s devices play

Muted tunes


The call comes from within soul

Where being is whole


Inside hours

There lie hidden realms

They unfold

To the wise

They who see with more than eyes

Only the heart sees


Reading of the poem: 

masao yamamoto laboiteverte fr

Storm coming up – John Williams

A new Galaxy – John Williams

Wonderland Discovery – John Williams

Between cup and lip

Between cup and lip

30 March 2016

cupandlip filmcomment com

I listen

To chatter of birds

They carry

Your heartbeat

The sound of oncoming spring

Gushing in fountains


Hark renew

Millenary faith

In footsteps

Of mother

Sunken grounds bear the mildew

Of past green composts


Mark my words

We will dance to bond

Written high

In the sky

Spelling a wit’s exercise

Miss stakes of the wise


Feel the touch

It speaks of precious

Breath luscious

Blowing soft

Upon nape crawling aloft

Serpentine pathways


Seek the chain

Unlock written tense

Future spent

Past pretense

Words a string of hope and pain

Makers of the rain


Rent a room

With a view to buy

Estates grasp

Fingers clasp

Joint prayers to funerals

Of the heaving boom


Speak promise

Of shadowed sunshine

Cool mist weighs

Balanced rhythms

Your step foretelling my hip

Between cup and lip


Reading of the poem: 



Addicted – Waldeck

So Black & Blue – Waldeck

Midsummer Night Blues – Waldeck



I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

2 January 2016

aliens moonringdesign com


I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

Where storm and lightning concede me layers

Iridescent bolts unfettered disguise

Playing upon face Heart none the less wise

Unclothe us reveal the hidden players


Recount finds me mute in shock of thayers

Fate will have its way weave web for payers

The tooth and the nail no scratch will devise

I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

Where storm and lightning concede me layers

Iridescent bolts unfettered disguise


Wish upon my bones pitiless slayers

Source preserve me safe from mind’s naysayers

Weak mind without heart strong heart will despise

Call upon the love hasten its demise

Wing upon this eye follow soothsayers


I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

Where storm and lightning concede me layers

Iridescent bolts unfettered disguise

Playing upon face Heart none the less wise

Unclothe us reveal the hidden players



I speak

2 January 2016


I speak through the winds misconceived prayers

Where storm and lightning concede me layers

Iridescent bolts unfettered disguise

Playing upon face Heart none the less wise

Unclothe us reveal the hidden players


Recount finds me mute in shock of thayers

Fate will have its way weave web for payers

The tooth and the nail no scratch will devise

I speak


Wish upon my bones pitiless slayers

Source preserve me safe from mind’s naysayers

Weak mind without heart strong heart will despise

Call upon the love hasten its demise

Wing upon this eye follow soothsayers

I speak


aliens ufointernationalproject com


Faun – Karuna (unplugged )

Faun – Gaia

Faun – Andro


Disappearing act

Disappearing act

1 December 2015


nymph warlocke tripod com



The wise ones once said

There was too much of a Love

Share it with the All


With Summer’s waning

I gifted you to the sea

Its frothing horses


Ebb and flow tireless

Played with your dazzling body

A game of waters


Above Autumn’s light

I gifted you to the hills

Their curving silence


The shrubs and the trees

Twined with the hairs on your head

Weaving dark stories


Below Winter’s cold

I gifted you to mountains

Their chilly snow peaks


Rocks and crevasses

Sprinkled with your throbbing skin

Uneven castles


Beside Spring’s blossoms

I gifted you to deserts

Their whispering sands


Yellow sands’ showers

Cloaked your soul in Time’s essence

Smothering stillness


When there was no more

The seas, hills, mountains, deserts

Took silent your place


Wise ones gazed at me

Amplified and distended

Disappearing act


disappearing artistrising com (2)



Skye – Clock to Stop


I died yesterday

I died yesterday

9 November 2015



She sacred victim

Not to death but more to life

I died yesterday



The Heart the mind churned

Eating from the humblest Pie

Learn to Square Circle


Twenty three my roots

As the atoms with the breath

Cross rays to dissolve


Dynamics of Love

Unstable equilibrium

Above Delta spin


Sacred was the dance

Within skin circumference

Lead the light-filled rays


Essence now free me

Staircase counts end of Heartpath

Metatron’s dark side


Infinity’s fumes

Took stillness to Twenty-two

Through moonlight’s chamber


Dark I was widow

I flowed as tomorrow’s bride

I died yesterday


Heart grieved seven years

The underdogs’ power surged

Resistance in Ohm


I chanted behind

Four more arrows’ golden sphere

Little bones’ white noise


Pink sphere’s future veil

Backward source in sonic wall

Pink circles my trails


Suicide sheep now shift

Trancescape’s aqua forest fog

Cast away reeds’ sparks


Of dancing feathers

Waves crack opening heartpath

North stillness in storm


Maya dying swan

How graceful your fluttering




Shift in downward frequencies

I died yesterday


Sixty one in grace

Three stages of innocence

As sixteen turns wise


Opening the shaft

Electricity simmers

Yellow in the red


The kraken approached

Land of nevermore dissolved

In Eye of Monster


I like Mother quaked

Our bones in poles now shifted

To bluest graveyards


As the chants now hummed

I lived in the bloodied flood

Red was my garment


They sprinkled waters

Led bees to our choicest source

Red rose gives honey


Perhaps another

She offered me a new chance

I died yesterday


Now with all consumed

In Heart only renewal

I live on Today

rose pinterest com 3

Dorothy Meets The Tinman (The Wizard of Oz 1939)

Gurdjieff Sacred Dance – Ho Yah

Rumi Poem, Iranian Music and Divine Dance

Darkside – Metatron (Music Video)

Darkside – Heart

Darkside (Psychic) – Golden Arrow

Etherwood – Cast Away

Maya Plisetskaya, age 61, dances Dying Swan

Hans Zimmer – Duduk Of The North

Hans Zimmer – The Kraken

Hans Zimmer – Aurora

Hans Zimmer – Injection

Internal workings

Internal workings

23 September 2015

Thomas allen kopera blackorchid com

Internal workings

External connections build

The weave of dreamers


The meltdown begins

Pursuit of inner core Truth

External movements

dragon ign com Tomasz Alen Kopera

Breathing in fires

Awakening Netherworld

Outside meets Inside


Baring the dark parts

Embracing connectedness

Reshaping the core

christian hopkins blackorchid com

Internal flying

Rediscovering the realms

Upper meets lower


Like fluid honey

As a Love’s gift to the world

Let your essence drip


Between Dark and Light

Choose not the extreme measures

Be only Balance


Find in you patience

Emerging from the bondage

No one-step matters


Choose it long and wise

Walking level or on edge

Only your own path

angel tumblr com

Love destiny make

Lose yourself to find yourself

Flow like a River


Images courtesy George Redhawk aka DarkAngel0ne who is blind and uses GIF to “see” art mainly transformed into gif from art works by Thomasz Alen Copera