Once upon a Memory

Once upon a Memory

16 December 2015


once deviantart com  once_upon_a_dream____by_pure_poison89-d50drcr
Courtesy deviantart.com


Rise in Grace

Walking into space

Driven flight

The Wonders

Universe speaks what I see

All lifelines that flee



once marketplace veer com (2)
Courtesy Marketplace.veer.com


The thrill’s feats

Scaling other heights

The Heartbeats

The thunders

You in verse now talk to me

Roaring ecstasy


once hotamr com
Courtesy hotamr.com



The others

Within mists vanish

Two to twine

Love divine

A world fading in sunshine

Warming my feathers


once twosidesimaging com
Courtesy twosideimaging.com



Mind’s relish

All on knee brothers


But to Heart

As blood courses through our veins

Each to own soul’s reigns


poetry poem com (2)
Courtesy poem.com



Pool of Love

Slow dive in Christ’s Mass



Once upon a Memory

When we were all free


nymph pythianwoman dreamwidth org
Courtesy dreamwidth.org


Once upon a Dream – Lana Del Rey


The cracks in the wall

The cracks in the wall

25 September 2015

ruins comicvine com
Courtesy comicvine.com



This house fell ruins

To the dark tides in making

Ebb and flow of Time


I followed with palm

Of ivy green throbbing veins

That on the walls stood


Intricate weaving

The ivy throttled and held

A slayer though guard


elfdreams com
Courtesy elfdreams.com

Everywhere I look

Drastic move is creating

Inception of change

ruins deviantart com quarry_ruins_by_josheiten-d5ogym1
Courtesy deviantart.com


Will there be a dawn?

My system follows, pursues

Of systems the new


The cracks in the wall

They gape at me answering

To cracks in my Heart


Mutating morrows

Crumbling with the walls that fell

To fires now slain

ruins fallout com
Courtesy fallout.com



As the Water flows

As the Water flows

13 September 2015

water flickrhivemind net
Courtesy flickrhivemind.net


The Mind is prison

To decaying Heart in Loss

Of waning Rainbows


The colours spread grease

All over my bent knuckles

That held on to veins


Slithering writhing

Clawing Heart from shadows stood

Sprouting from the ground


I looked back silent

Upon those withering roots

The Heart beat steadfast


As the Water flows

Remembering our lost future

I sail within me


water deviantart com tree_on_water_by_mahaloo
Courtesy deviantart.com

The Time will never come back

The Time will never come back

4 September 2015

mask by Bing Xiao on cgs com freshcharacters com
Courtesy Bing Xiao on freshcharacters.com

I coloured your lids

Kiss of death had them waning

I infused them blue


Your cheeks had whitened

A bloody drip from my veins

Brought them back rosy


Death became you so

I walked out to embrace it

Arms laden with hopes


It whirred in my mind

The Time will never come back

When you and I loved


I stood at the tides

Watched burial of your face

Seep into nothing


Unbeknownst to all

Hearts shaped back from oblivion

Even death forgets


Your resurrection

Spun all clocks backwards in space

From ashes blown home

 mask anime-manga-rpg-dreamland forumo de

The Time will Never come Back – The Last Days

This essence of you

This essence of you

28 August 2015

Courtesy chakracenter.org
Courtesy chakracenter.org



I feel your heartbeat

Like a time bomb ticking fast

Within my own veins


Your ethereal touch

From stealthy to strong

Awakens tremors


Your urge, your hunger

Exposing every small spot

To your devouring


Blinding light flashes

Disguised memories of your face

Swallowing me whole


Your unnamed features

Recall to mind unseen bonds

Familiar and strange


How will we tame us

When free in wild recklessness

Our every inch soars?


When spent I feel you

Shivering and exhausted

Yet yearning for more


It trickles down slow

Pervading all my senses

This essence of you

essence chakracenter org 2
Courtesy chakracenter.org


Renew my essence

Renew my essence

28 August 2015



The days leaked by slow

Decomposition of me

Like clocks that wind down


Insanity froze

In recognition of throes

That distilled heart’s blood


Time came to standstill

I, serene and unperturbed

Whipped up all hell’s fires


In between spaces

That misspelt meanings of me

My words lay out bold


I touched not the hours

Seeping through my fleeting hands

That no land could rake


Wisps of flesh stood stark

Between the more and the core

Labyrinth of shapes


Thoughts of all came loose

As mind floated on river

That in my heart flows


This burden was mine

A closed backpack to open

Treasures not to keep


Dissolve the stories

Written with blue veins’ bold ink

That had soaked me down


Renew my essence

Carve out the undetermined

Let it now be freed


Asleep me 2

Wordly ties can knot

Worldly ties can knot

10 August 2015

Courtesy threadsofspiderwoman.com
Courtesy threadsofspiderwoman.com


Larks raise strings of soul

Tying to the source of all

As nightingale wrings


Crimson in veins pulls

To valleys where flowers bloom

Oblivious to death


Tug-o-war of mind

Struggles within netherworld

While the flesh decays


Resistance is chain

Like a serpent coiled inward

Bonding to the Earth


Energy flows free

Bliss lies in the liquid state

Worldly ties can knot

knot journeyingtothegoddess wordpress com susan_seddon_boulet_shaman_spider_woman
Courtesy Susan Seddon Boulet on journeyingtothegoddess.wordpress.com