The raven that flew

The raven that flew

26 March 2020



Pray hearken

The raven that flew

Now anew

Yes anew

Will you reach into flowers

And grant us the dew?


Hark listen

The raven that flew

Yet it knew

Yes it knew

That you and I through hours

Was a tale so true


Now darkened

The raven that flew

T’was for two

So it blew

On the Sycamore treetop

It sat black and blue


Reading of the poem:

Nicki Parrott – I Will Wait For You

Talking birds

Talking birds

15 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on


Springtime dew

Drops on daffodils

Grass that sprouts

All about

My mind running wild with bees

Larks that morning frees


Summer breeze

Seeping through winter

Blinded herds

Haughty nerds

Of the meanings that become

Lost messages hummed



Stretching in the sun

Talking birds

Swirling words

Of the moments that I sum

With my heart’s fingers


Reading of the poem :

Max Richter – Dream 3 (in the midst of my life)

Spiritus Mundi

Spiritus Mundi

4 February 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


Defence Line

Second Time Align

This Land Fine

Ever Thine

For the Darkness to Confine

In wells philistine


The Light Shine

In Spirit I Dine

Your Sunshine

Daily Wine

Cradle Rock from Earthen Mine

Knowing Self Divine


Shadow see

Shake the Willow tree

Sink in Glee

Your Self Be

Desert Storm rocked on the knee

No Center to flee


Spiritus Mundi

Hymn my melody

Blue baby

Come to Me

Isis Mother sets you free

Unbecome Ice sea


Ravens hue

The nightmares that grew

From Spring Dew

Fly Anew

Hawk the fish will split in two

Purple rays to sue


Nourished True

All lies we undo

Flesh of Mew

We feed You

Be forgotten sparrow blue

New Dawn breath renew


We see through

Shooting stars in queue

Bumble bee


Seize the chance Immortal Line

Two in Love to Twine


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Earth Spirit – Carlos Nakai




14 August 2016

void pinterest com 3


Cycles start

Within the days count

Sundays end

In Mondays

Twirling through Fridays tolling

To days of the King


Hidden coins

Treasure my crowning

Golden steel

Shines at heel

Drowning water ankle deep

Weaknesses we keep


Fruit of loins

Baskets plentiful

Chosen few

Green in hue

Ripened by the sun and dew

Morrows promises


They depart

Like the rolling stones

Downhill slide

Left to glide

They carve pathways in waters

Unbridled their ride


Like the tide

Ebb and flow of Love


Reaching back

When the storms turn skies pitch black

Sporadic in touch


We juggle

Solitary spoils

Burning coils


When the fires invade trees

Sudden burning frees


Reading of the poem: 

void pinterest com 2

Over and over – Rachel Yamagata

Be be your Love – Rachel Yamagata

You Won’t Let Me – Rachel Yamagata


Building mirror’s other reality

Building mirror’s other reality

30 October 2015

 Collecting me

Sometimes, silent, I think of you in fall

It takes all of the dew of autumn leaves

To wet my lip crackling as it now weaves

Rustling edges, Indian summers that call


From creek I look at you now birth from caul

Wistful membranes resist as Earth now heaves

The pull, the push shudder as she bereaves

More so the words that I utter to maul


Sometimes as winter would dispel meadows

It takes the frost on splintered leaves that lie

To shatter all the shards of memory


When I would gaze upon lesser shadows

Filling reducing space from eye to eye

Building mirror’s other reality

balance themysticcowboy com

How not to be now

How not to be now ?

26 May 2015



Dew fell on the earth

A drop on a thousand specks

Sand extended thirst

Radiating through body

Hunger extended its siege


Sun rising dried dew

Scattered like pearls of still life

Pallor out of time

Shadows of me unbound stared

Out of a grey timeless void


Earth compounded waves

Sun tirelessly drew close

Cool air exhaled mist

Nebulous mind’s frozen sight

Pursued night into the light


Sunflowers lost core

Empty crevices staring

Taking in no sun

Shielded from rays I ponder

How not to be now? Tell me
