In Love Eternal

In Love Eternal

23-24 July 2016

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Whispering bees fly

Towards scent of lotus leaves

Shimmering on lakes


Rays of light divide

Segments of dancing bodies

Enticing triads


Burning timbers wave

To rows of houses seeded

With flaming essence


Our eyes meet in shades

Of rainbows light aftermath

On grey arenas


The bat replicates

Drunken flight of bumblebee

With lost antennas


The winds pick up speed

Velocity density

Proportionate range


In Time expansion

Dilating with no presence

Enters realm of Light


Shadows diluted

Resonate to hum of Source

In Love Eternal


Reading of the poem: 

shrubs themonthebard com

Wings of Gabriel – Arcana

Serpents Dance – Arcana

Seductive Flame – Arcana

Abrakt – Arcana

God of the Winds – Arcana

Lost in Time – Arcana

Love Eternal – Arcana

The Flaming Doves on my face draw Light

The Flaming Doves on my face draw Light

13 November 2015

Flaming doves


Looking back, rubble and ash faded

Walking in sun the herd more than one force transmission


Pulsing through the night, destiny’s skies

I guide, we sow the seeds of change in fall’s universe


Oracle survives change, knows sees dreams

Mother protects visions, my mind frees, the blind alone


Carry me through burning sun jaded

You made my faith, mother, love forever my mission


End suffering


Take away darkness end submission

End suffering, brace me healing light now pervaded




Time’s pearls, wasted stars, I will atone

Lonely show me, beyond space, might and light I sew seams


Cross Heart with angels, design reverse

Hear timeline redefine souls come home theory lies


The Flaming Doves on my face draw Light

Loud I speak: the greater the Dawn, the starker the Night


embrace naturalignment com

Les Friction – Louder Than Words

Les Friction – What You Need

Les Friction – Who Will Save You Now (2012)

Les Friction – Here Comes The Reign

Les Friction – World On Fire

Les Friction – String Theory

Les Friction – Come Back to Me

Healing lines my Heart

Healing lines my Heart

10 November 2015




Walk unto altars

No sacrifice but the Grace

Of Blue requiems


Sing the nightingale

Twenty sparrows talked to crows

Of deserts’ pirates


Walk across the dunes

To the solitary grounds

Where angels wept tears


Enter your Temple

Within the sands of Time’s flow

Flaming bush whispers


Walk over the waters

Ebb and flow will set you free

Humble is the Pi


Breathe into the Ground

The fumes of tomorrow’s Life

As I set the Breath


bellerophon mythische-wezens webklik nl

Walk into the skies

Let the airborne meet the Tunes

Silenced Chimera


Red was the sea’s glint

As she touched the sky-bred Flames

Breathing in the rain


Walk astride the Times

When her hair loose hung in grapes

Wine for the living


Blue was the sky’s Breath

Wings crossed the Ocean’s timelapse

A second coming


Walk under the stones

Crushing is the morrow’s grief

If countdown went wrong


More than a sole Head

Bellerophon my hand’s art

Healing lines my Heart


bellerophon 01greekmythology blogspot com pegasus_versus_chimera_jpg

Lord of the Rings – The Grace of Undómiel

Solitary Ground – Epica

This is the Time – Epica


Infinite dams Breed

Infinite dams Breed

7 November 2015

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Hark the flaming fires

Through the lighted maze now flow

In Stillness my Speed


Light and Dark never

More than whims of rhythmic Heart

Broken is the Deed


The flesh spent in wine

Brethren’s stupor drunken dance

Their motto is Greed


setting fire to the moon pinterest com


Father fell now slain

His infinite waters spilled

Victim to the Creed


Galaxies pinterest com


The crowd now heartened

Moved across the airborne fields

Within tree my Seed


Mother bellowed fierce

I heed not the power filled

Infinite dams Breed


Bring to me the meek

Those whose backbones subtle spent

Bowing silken Reed


nine moviefancentral com ten was

Aquaria, A Liquid Blue Trancescape – Diane Arkenstone

Seduction – David Arkenstone

Temple of ISIS – Diane & David Arkenstone

Silent Night – Diane Arkenstone

Ocean of Stars – Diane Arkenstone

River of Creation – Diane Arkenstone

The Angels Voice – Diane Arkenstone

Come into my Life

Come into my Life

14 September 2015

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Into my slumbers

You seep forth your pressing urge

I greet you with wake


Summer bursts with scents

Fountains of joy flourish ripe

With seeds of your fruit


Immersed in beauty

Looking into you faceless

Your breath on my shape


You knead me desire

I need you infinitely

My soul for you calls


The ravens have tired

Bearing you on wings they sit

Guarding our twin souls


Morning pigeons coo

As you take a daily leave

Rising with the suns

come coolblackppt com


Demanding mistress

I snatch more of your presence

During waking time


Our stolen moments

Leave the daytime unabashed

By our flaming nights


Every inch of me

Recognises your fragrance

While you elude me


Come into my Life

The nightingales are worn out

In nocturnal watch


Gift me your past aches

I will teach you present tense

Submerged by our touch


We will invent Time

Infinity will give in

To our radiant Love

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