Le lent déroulement somnolent d’une vie brève / The sleepy slow progress of a short life / I lenti progressi sonnolenti di una vita breve

Le lent déroulement somnolent d’une vie brève

(poème écrit sous forme de sonnet italien Petrarch, en Alexandrin, traduit en anglais ici et en italien ici ou ci-dessous)

20 septembre 2016

Courtesy pinterest.com


Trépanation dessein la somme de mes douleurs

Elles respirent les contraintes senteurs d’une vie d’antan

Quand douces chimères étreintes côtoyaient les carcans

Usures de vie essaim grandiloquent doux leurres


Recherchez en mon sein il subsiste des terreurs

Des outils de maladresse des arrêts d’élan

Des tours des forteresses fixations de Lacan

Des projets des dessins esquisses de vagues demeures


Il naît un firmament mon ciel de vie en rêve

Décadence et rupture histoire de vieux virages

De cette joie en tourments j’ai vécu douce trêve


Il n’est infirme ment au ciel la vie en crève

En point de croix suture le froissement de ces pages

Le lent déroulement somnolent d’une vie brève


Lecture du poème: 

La lettre – Lara Fabian



The sleepy slow progress of a short life

(Translation in English of a sonnet written in French. See original above or here)

September 20, 2016

Courtesy pinterest.com


Trepanation purpose the sum of my pains

They breathe the constraints scents of life of yesteryear

When sweet chimeras embraced neighboured the restrains

Wear of life grandiloquent swarm of soft lures


Look within my breast there remain some fears

Tools of clumsiness halts of momentum

Towers fortresses Lacan’s obsessions

Projects drawings sketches of vague mansions


It was born a firmament my life’s sky in dream

Decay and break-ups history of old bends

Of this joy into torments I lived a sweet truce


It is not crippled lies to heaven from which life dies

In cross-stitch suture the rustling of these pages

The sleepy slow progress of a short life


Reading of the poem: 

Yeliel – Lara Fabian


I lenti progressi sonnolenti di una vita breve

(traduzione in italiano di un poema scritto in francese. Leggere l’originale qua o sopra)

20 settembre 2016

Courtesy marieclaire.it


Trapanazione scopo la somma dei miei dolori

Essi respirano i vincoli profumi della vita di un tempo

Quando dolce chimere abbracciate costeggiavano catene

Usura di vita sciame magniloquente di morbide esche


Guardate nel mio petto ci restano timori

Strumenti di goffaggine immobilizazzione di slancio

Delle torre delle fortezze delle fissazioni di Lacan

Progetti disegni schizzi di vaghi palazzi


E nato un firmamento mio cielo di vita in sogno

Decadenza rottura vecchia storia di rigiri

Di questa gioia in tormenti ho vissuto dolce tregua


Non esiste lo storpio mente al cielo la vita crepa

Punto croce sutura il fruscio di queste pagine

I lenti progressi sonnolenti di una vita breve


Lettura del poema: 

Toccami – Lara Fabian (Mademoiselle Zhivago)


Dissolution Time

Dissolution Time

9 August 2016

stream pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Mind racking

Shelves of solutions

Magic books

Sever hooks

Tales twisted by clever crooks



Spell woman

Spirit spells nothing

Only heart

Shines bright through

The key to skies in the clue

Code in the heart’s light


Eye sees spark

The heart sees morrows

Brittle ends


Crossing over skulls and bones

Into new alleys


Shiver hard

I breed menestrels

Wilting bard


More than the feat of Moses

Dreamtime creation



Bellerophon slays

We have ways

Set in skies

Splitting they shatter the lies

Breaking all the ties



Measures peak at noon

Dissolution Time

In the rhyme

Where the quakes meet pantomime

Replicating chime


Reading of the poem: 

streams1 legallydark tumblr com
Courtesy legallydark on tumblr.com

La Paloma (No More) – Elvis Presley

Only You – Elvis Presley (The Platters)

It’s Now or Never – Elvis Presley


Healing lines my Heart

Healing lines my Heart

10 November 2015


Courtesy 01greekmythology.blogspot.com
Courtesy 01greekmythology.blogspot.com


Walk unto altars

No sacrifice but the Grace

Of Blue requiems


Sing the nightingale

Twenty sparrows talked to crows

Of deserts’ pirates


Walk across the dunes

To the solitary grounds

Where angels wept tears


Enter your Temple

Within the sands of Time’s flow

Flaming bush whispers


Walk over the waters

Ebb and flow will set you free

Humble is the Pi


Breathe into the Ground

The fumes of tomorrow’s Life

As I set the Breath


bellerophon mythische-wezens webklik nl
Courtesy mythische-wezens.webklik.nl

Walk into the skies

Let the airborne meet the Tunes

Silenced Chimera


Red was the sea’s glint

As she touched the sky-bred Flames

Breathing in the rain


Walk astride the Times

When her hair loose hung in grapes

Wine for the living


Blue was the sky’s Breath

Wings crossed the Ocean’s timelapse

A second coming


Walk under the stones

Crushing is the morrow’s grief

If countdown went wrong


More than a sole Head

Bellerophon my hand’s art

Healing lines my Heart


bellerophon 01greekmythology blogspot com pegasus_versus_chimera_jpg
Courtesy 01greekmythology.blogspot.com

Lord of the Rings – The Grace of Undómiel

Solitary Ground – Epica

This is the Time – Epica


Tragedy will become me never more

Tragedy will become me never more

27 August 2015

chimera wnd com
Courtesy wnd.com


Your heart and mine would play an Opera

Tragedy will become me never more

Light as feathers hearts would forever soar

Just like Love in the Time of Cholera


Deadly beauty I was your chimera

Bellerophon my forms would yet adore

Light of Love in beating heart the Truth bore

Transforming ancient beauty of Mithra


Redemption, sweet peals of child’s laughter swell

Kings bowed and the unborn sang of solace

Golden words weaving path into Heart dwell


We walk side by side death shies from our Grace

Joyful church bells unearthed the dreaded knell

Of buried past transcended by Heart’s space

chimera martinez0707danijel blogspot com the-love-binds-them-all-together-in-perfect-unity-couple-christian-wallpaper-hd_1366x768
Courtesy martinez0707danijel.blogspot.com