

3 October 2017

sometimes weheartit com


Sometimes curse

Let it escape you

Profane lane

Pouring straight

Your arms around your body

Let bile deliver


Sometimes pray

Let it invade you


Sit steady

Your hands on knees folded tight

Rewinding the light


Sometimes Love

Let it surround you

Blooming rose

Colour filled

I’ll watch you as we sit thrilled

Our souls bodies stilled


Reading of the poem: 

sometimes weheartit best

Distant God – Talvin Singh feat. Leone

Seven Notes – Talvin Singh

The Bliss – -Talvin Singh and Niladri Kumar

Within Grace

Within Grace

4 March 2016

void vanilli cz

Bound by oath

Made in code and blood

Knights will join

Tooth and loin

Though it is the mighty Queen

Who leads King’s battle


Salt for Toth

Sugar for the bees

I pray strong

Though on knees

My sight restored to Unseen

A snake with rattle


Heart in peace

Discovering wills

I float through

Noah’s ark

It rekindles in me spark

Of destiny’s spear


We lead crowd

Bonded in fever

They shout loud

Voices hoarse

Blind eyes decoding the Morse

As I type haggard


We strip folds

From unseeing eyes

Waking up

Seeing lies

They discover land of Oz

Broken the wizard


The King walks

His pace a slow move

While the Queen


Flies high through the battle cries

Sacrifice her groove



Entrenched in our souls

They beckon

To the grapes

High above the wilting shapes

Of trees in the wind



Burning apple trees


Aching wood

Empty stomachs yearning food

Beating above dins


Dance to beat

Live die and repeat

Past blunders

Wane thunders

Warning chimes as thief plunders

Plucking from bosoms


Hearts turn cold

This was not the fate

We wrote once

With bright pens

The worthy cooped up in dens

Waiting for lions


Blue craters

They await the sane

Lost haters

Smothered dust

Dissolves into fading rust

Of forgotten steel


She will come

From bowels of Earth

She ignites

My hands gifts

Blue heart throbbing as she lifts

My frame into skies


I am two

Between me and you

I hover

Within Grace

She turns towards me her face

Sunken eyes teardrops


Reading of the poem: 

Toth comons wikimedia orgBratislava_Dobrovicova_10_Toth_Istvan_Alegoria_prace_a_umenia
Courtesy Bratislava Dobrovicova on


Window to your soul – Delerium

Dark Star – Delerium

Koran – Delerium

Silence – Delerium

Fallen – Delerium

Flatlands – Delerium


Life wide open change

Life wide open change

16 November 2015

arms deannewolfgram com



Hold me within you

Another world comforts Life

Guided dreaming mine


Time set still hunger

Golden streets make dreams’ escape

Higher up blind change


Now reflecting Grace

Falling so far down last breath

The edge of feet six


arms jwelshnews wordpress com


Heart my sacrifice

Perfect Love forever free

Eyes’ tears instant peace


arms jwelshnews wordpress com 2


Turn around careless

Hello again memories

Into joy stream fly


Welcome the morrows

Friend or foe to Heart now take

Building on the now


Life wide open change

I will show you everything

Arms sunlight pray Love


arms theyellowsideoflife com



Higher – Creed

One Last Breath – Creed

My sacrifice – Creed

With Arms Wide Open Creed



I will bear the Ring

I will bear the Ring

9-10 September 2015

ring movie reviews youtube Screen-Shot-2014-07-02-at-9_24_03-AM-620x400
Courtesy screenshot from moviereviews


The Dark that swallows

Inky remnants of a Pride

Misplaced scorching Heart


Misfortune levels

Soared to peak of Misery

Stilted count to Nine


Cry not for morrows

Today’s gifts will bring you Lights

Within your Heart Shine


The future will fold

From hopes within that call all

Smoothing out creases


Seven times I pray

Within deserts where I roam

In search of you Love


As sands seep through hands

In the flow of the Healing

I will win your Trust


Let Peace be in you

Of every flame strongest Fire

Contain it within


The Dark but reflects

The other side of the Light

Lover, Beloved


I will bear the Ring

To union of opposites

That awaits all Souls


spirit accessspirit com


Love the greatest choice

Love the greatest choice

8 September 2015

love ink361 com


A Heart chooses Heart

In a world where derision

Is erected flag


Life can be silly

Life can be a tragedy

Life can be witty


Love flies own colours

It heeds not the dark of day

Forever rides bright


Breathe I, breathe he?

Single lung within to share

The rasping of Time


Choices we do make

Unbeknownst to rolling stones

Gravity helps fly


Look upon mountain

The tilt in your heart provides

Smooth clean downward slopes


Breathe in then breathe out

My blood anew I will grant

In the name of Love


love superhumanos net


Sacred is in move

I will walk to your valley

Pray meet me ahead


Within or without

I will never bend to fear

None to sacrifice


Breathe he, breathe we?

Single Air within to bare

Purified by HeArt


Choices we do make

Unbeknownst to loving souls

Regret kills all joy


Life can be comic

To strip your heart off your smile

To dispel magic


When all spells are cast

Magic can only usher

Love the greatest choice


A Heart chooses Heart

In new World where only Love

Is ignited flag


love 411posters com android-jones-electric-love
Courtesy Android Jones Electric Love
love pleasurable birthing rainbow-light-earth-1-e1394726376687

Dance me to the End

Dance me to the End

30 August 2015

dance balancoiresf com


Autumn leaves will fall

As the sun will soon grow cold

And the bark will freeze


Did you know I’m blue?

Hues bluer than deepest sea

Ice in heart stretches


You fail to see it

You would not know what it takes

To break through the ice


Faith in you falters

But if you know then pray stay

Dance me to the End

Courtesy Alphonse Mucha on
Courtesy Alphonse Mucha on


Winter white will call

As the skies will gather snow

And the bears will sleep


Did you feel my hugs?

Tighter than the starkest grip

Sleep its warmth fetches


You fail to glean it

You would not feel them these quakes

Tremors I convey


Warmth in me halters

But if you feel then pray stay

Dance me to the End

Courtesy Alphonse Mucha on
Courtesy Alphonse Mucha on


Springtime will blossom

As the robins will return

And flowers will bloom


Did you need my kiss?

Lighter than the touch of clouds

Heavier than rain


You fail to reach it

You would not need these pink lips

Pressure of my soul


Velvet silk retracts

But if you need then pray stay

Dance me to the End

Dance albertis-window com 3alphonse-mucha-the-four-seasons spring 


Summer will then scorch

As the sun will rise ablaze

And the hay will burn


Did you read my heart?

Transparent like a river

Murky like a pond


You fail to breach it

You would not read these blue tips

That pump me brick red


Life from Love subtracts

But if you read then pray stay

Dance me to the End

 Dance albertis-window com 3alphonse-mucha-the-four-seasons summer


The seasons were gone

Even time came to standstill

We dwelt face to face


Did you heed my soul?

Overflowing blue-red lake

It merged ice with coal


You fail to grasp it

You merely scratch the surface

That shines like mirrors


Soul a soul could mute

But if you heed then pray stay

Dance me to the End

dance salute weeknewslife com

May you end all sanity

May you end all sanity

29 August 2015

desert wallpaperconvert com


Countries evade me

Jottings of ink on paper

I belong to none


In my mind’s roadmaps

I wish to roam the deserts

Free and sorrowless


Checkpoints won’t halt me

As I walk naked spirit

In between borders


Recomposed music

I sing to the lonely winds

At tip of your lips


Casting away weight

Accumulated shadows

Treasure for the dark


desert booksie com


Will you rejoice now

As I shed all my dried leaves

And find me bare trunk?


desert mysticalbellydance net 2


The hiss of water

As it falls from my hilltops

For a spell to cast


Dumbfounded empty

You may fill your void with eggs

For no birth shattered


Winding and steep path

Journey through insanity

A hawk’s eyesight shows


Withering decay

Sprouting roots that hold me not

In thralls I will pray


Come glorious madness

May you end all sanity

And release my wings


desert zastavki com Girls___Models_Girl_in_a_white_dress_in_the_desert_076056_

All the sanity in me

All the sanity in me

20 July 2015

Sanity michal karcz daily mail co uk 2 


Birds wrapped in the mist

Flying to dead tomorrows

Shrill are their voices

Thoughts of yesterday like stabs

Come to mind that seeks healing


Sun set in mourning

Pulling dark veils across skies

In black receded

Darkness would try to withdraw

All the sanity in me


Stillness in the night

Washed over darkest symptoms

White rose budded slight

As dawn, timid, peeped smiling

In waking hour I pray


Light filled my body

As the sun rose in blessing

Daybreak’s miracle

Mind renewed effortless peace

As I breathed in the Love waves

Sanity michal karcz daily mail co uk 4