Down by the river

Down by the river

10 June 2016


dream pinterest com trees 3


Counting stones

Down by the river

Each pebble

A symbol

Of weight that creased the footstep

When feet were nimble


Walking straight

Aloft the waters

Heaven’s pull


Gravity everlasting

Maintaining balance


Water flows

Endless free motion

No cushion


A state of being alive

In expectation


dream youtube com 5


We bear ills

Of every nation

Our hearts fenced

Our minds tight

Shutters barely let in light

Shadows our pittance


There are trees

That grow in the air

When I look

They are there

My mind their only manure

The sky’s tears their food


The world twirls

Dark merry-go-round

Yet I dream

Yes I dream

Images that join stream

Down by the river


Reading of the poem: 

dream pinterest com trees 2

Στα σύννεφα – Papercut

My Melody – Papercut

A Dream – Papercut

I crossed the river

I crossed the river

10 December 2015


darkside  fastcocreate com



Breathless and aching

Every fibre agony

Sanctuary’s walk


Mismatched memories

Winding pathways and meadows

Dollhouses and trains


Tremors in whispers

A cold call to wrong numbers

Dialling the waves


Oceans hung on cliffs

Between skies and the valleys

Cheating gravity


darkside adventupreneur com




Clockwork ticking core numbers

Precision like sword


Caterpillar crawled

On leaf flying to nowhere

Reddened veins that flared


darkside humansarefree com



Tick tock said the clock

Nightingales like mocking birds

Sang shrill the needles


A leap through thin air

Ashen leaf fell to the ground

The night carried me


Hushed party zone cries

In midnight’s celebration

Of butterflies’ wings


I crossed the river

Wound up in dark blue shadows

Other side of Time


darkside ayahuasca-vision-by-paulo-jales-2
Courtesy Paul Jales on


The Dark Side of Time – Eric Serra


Gravity propelled

Gravity propelled

7 November 2015

light man pinterest


From bottomless pit

Between the red and the blue

He rose from split


I watched in stillness

As fires ignited core

Red and Blue then fused


I walk on Water

One foot set before Other

I walk on the sands


yearning hdwallpapers cat

The crowd held me down

Thorny bushes they planted

As the fires burnt


vomir yoga4ayear wordpress com

Mother they confuse

This message you flow through me

With me messenger


I jumped through timeloop

The Grace of pulls and pushes

Gravity propelled


The lighthouse now gleamed

Twelve stars in the seven skies

Red lay within Blue


world co-creatingournewearth blogspot com


Diane Arkenstone – The Voice of the Sea


Love the greatest choice

Love the greatest choice

8 September 2015

love ink361 com


A Heart chooses Heart

In a world where derision

Is erected flag


Life can be silly

Life can be a tragedy

Life can be witty


Love flies own colours

It heeds not the dark of day

Forever rides bright


Breathe I, breathe he?

Single lung within to share

The rasping of Time


Choices we do make

Unbeknownst to rolling stones

Gravity helps fly


Look upon mountain

The tilt in your heart provides

Smooth clean downward slopes


Breathe in then breathe out

My blood anew I will grant

In the name of Love


love superhumanos net


Sacred is in move

I will walk to your valley

Pray meet me ahead


Within or without

I will never bend to fear

None to sacrifice


Breathe he, breathe we?

Single Air within to bare

Purified by HeArt


Choices we do make

Unbeknownst to loving souls

Regret kills all joy


Life can be comic

To strip your heart off your smile

To dispel magic


When all spells are cast

Magic can only usher

Love the greatest choice


A Heart chooses Heart

In new World where only Love

Is ignited flag


love 411posters com android-jones-electric-love
Courtesy Android Jones Electric Love
love pleasurable birthing rainbow-light-earth-1-e1394726376687