The Lisping set Flames

The Lisping set flames

7 November 2015


A part of me large 2

Weary is the soul

That tireless travels between

Fires and Waters


Icicles will form

On the tips of my eyelids

For brethren washed out


The fire cleanses

Shards that shifted in morrows

Between Blue and Red



The clock stuck in twelve

Struck more than the midnight count

When spirits would roam


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I floated in air

Circles bound me to nowhere

As the river flowed


Rotating in trap

The core shifted towards more

The Lisping set flames


Seven spelled the days

Four and four faced the seven

Infinity flew



Rumi Poem, Iranian Music and Divine Dance

You who know my Heart

You who know my Heart

15 October 2015

 you thoughtcatalog com


Confusion of minds

Let loose mists upon the Hearts

That in Love were set


you 7-themes com


Bring me skies’ atoms

Let me knit you stars blankets

To keep out the cold


you spoky tvnet lv


Breathe in Tomorrow

Where Heart beats fully, only

In precincts of Love


simplicity globallightminds com


Shades of yesterday

Forgotten by tireless soul

That in past had strived


you tumblr com


Life flows not backwards

All rivers upstream won’t flow

Respite name darkens


souls pinterest com 4


From front to flipside

Every area in flames

Caught in your loving


drowning wifflegif com


Heartbeats throb faster

Two in one will live ever

As the souls will twirl


you chaoswallpapers com (2)


The fingers sealed it

Promise by your kiss followed

Into depths of me


 you rolepages com


Gaze into my eyes

How could I forsake your touch?

You who know my Heart


 you deviantart com the_key_to_a_broken_heart_by_gypsyh-d2zbws2


Ten is renewal

Heavens open by our will

For our Kingdom come


you mindbodyspiritualawareness com

Walk with me a thousand years

Walk with me a thousand years

2 October 2015

walk youtube com
Courtesy Nasa from


Sun burst in darkness

Spiraling me back downwards

Pushes kill the pulls


The rain missed the plain

Buried in the lakes of flames

Quenching the dark thirst


Sandstorms blew through mind

Scorching all delicate skins

Baring them to Soul


walk davincisvine com


Three sails fluttered high

Not one heard the calling Earth

Thunder in waters


walk distract wunderground com 2
Courtesy and


Your face within three

Called the secret of the times

When wizard’s pulse knocks


Let me be your staff

Walk with me a thousand years

Your leisure my toil


Tireless the wheel turns

Delving back and forth it twists

Circle ghost of Time


walk fractalposter com

I choose to colour my Heart

I choose to colour my Heart

14 September 2015

twin paradispublications com


Life, sum of paces

Strides within shadows’ echoes

Upon fears rebuilt


The good and the bad

Sum into a single breath

I softly release


Tireless the rants

We could voice against life’s pains

That soul would abhor


Mind knows though stillness

Through written word exudes hurt

Cleansing appeases


Delving into fray

Wolves will devour me never

Your light I will heed


Swim into my shores

Plunge from my hills forever

Your love in me seed


When darkness befalls

Chilling all hearts with fear’s pangs

We remain Love’s creed


Every waking hour

I choose to colour my Heart

Emblems of your needs

couple pinterest com

Of perhaps and of maybes

Of perhaps and of maybes

2 September 2015

perhaps aurelie 

You didn’t know me

I, gazing back realised

That neither did I


The scent of your skin

I did not know it either

Like a raw green fruit


Translucent and bare

Ripening under some sun

That rose pitiless


Its shadow stretched out

On lands that called to my mind

Loved Tuscanny

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Perhaps life will sway

Buckling under the treasure

Of those lost moments


Perhaps life will weigh

From the fruit at its edges

Like a slanting trunk


Maybe love will skim

Giving in to the pressure

Of its own torments


Maybe love will learn

From its own unkempt pledges

Like a rabid drunk

perhaps platform-online net


Perhaps love’s desert

Where the sands move tireless

Waves on raging sea


Perhaps love’s a stream

Renouncing gift of water

Where mirrored light glows


Maybe life is firm

Its roots planted in the ground

Like an olive tree


Maybe life is gift

Scarcity does not matter

Where abundance grows

perhaps mch govt nz


Perhaps just to say

Per actual happenings

That real would spell out


Maybes aiming high

Tokens of when I once wished

An unreal clout


Banishing the doubt

Perhaps in string of maybes

Occurring, waning


A life made of chains

Of perhaps and of maybes

Blurring differing

perhaps prancingthroughlife com



Breathed in hoping may it be

As day’s sun shimmered


Perhaps whimsical

What’s left of time’s passing me

Recounts that glimmered

perhaps theatrethoughts com

Will you miss me when I’m gone?

Will you miss me when I’m gone ?

25 August 2015

couple newlovetimes com


Shades of us shone bright

Articulate dark on lights

Playing with eyesight


Century split half

Moving toward our shadow

A bright future lit


What happened behind?

Hindsight now failed me always

As did memories


Arms spread out seeking

I had searched for you all days

A lifetime thus spent


Seeing you never

Though my being you pervade

Etched in all my thoughts


Sun-kissed paths we trod

Walking towards each other

Blindfolded and mute


No touch did we need

Imprints in our very soul

Spoke more than could flesh


You gazed upon me

Seeing me best with mind’s eye

As I perceived you


Abandoned to you

My soul kept for your soul watch

You knew as did I


Time would take its toll

On our hearts that beat tireless

As tunes in ears rang

couple theyesgirls com beach-couple-kiss-sunset-water-Favim_com-212332_large
Courtesy Favim on


The World disappeared

No loss would I ever fear

Our Love infused all


Words locked in embrace

A blessed recognition

We held on steadfast


Time flew relentless

Stars opposed but move on

Bow to depths we hold


Careening through Time

Like dances of Golden Age

That all hurt soothes


This body fails me

Though soul keeps it standing still

To hope’s tunes we seek


Your voice now alit

With energy makes me whole

Restoring body


With renewed respite

Will you still reach me in time?

If only I knew


Grim is the reaper

In darkness still he awaits

As days slide silent


Grief to hope skips slim

Boldest instinct: survival

An uneven chance


Mind soared to morrow

Will you miss me when I’m gone?

I will forever

kiss of light on photocommunity com

Life? It flows tireless!

Life? It flows tireless!

9 August 2015

river ariestech com


Charcoal drawings fly

Shadows of your slight figure

Sketched in retina


Light behind you blinds

Thrusting in eye your beauty

Glorious etching


Day breaks your outline

Dissolving our memory

As we breathe out night


The ebb and flow speak

Of time’s incessant scourging

Raking silent souls


Life? It flows tireless!

So will you seize the moment?

Eternity flees


Breaking through the waves

I capture your still essence

Imprinted in soul

river sarah-slavik com 2


A million kisses

A million kisses

8 August 2015


Stars scrambled in you

Meaningless puzzle, mind’s mess

Inner clockworks stir


A map of you prints

In my soul still life’s landscape



Ubiquity calls

To mind other sources flow

Gushing energy


Myriads of strings hold

Every nerve wired closely

To your frame’s workings


Tirelessly kneading

Electricity your tool

Clay turns live sculpture


Insides churn outside

Life’s miracles live on cliff

Bordering your name


The edge of you brings

Into my deepest recess

Promises of life


Ghostly lips will press

Like a tattoo on my nape

A million kisses

ecstasy Adam-Martinakis-soletosoulsex
Courtesy Adam Martinakis