Sunday musings : Resilience

Sunday musings : Resilience

17 March 2019


Trying my hand again at sketches with a focus on nudes ; sketching to the tune of jazz.


I called the portrait « Resilience ». It is perhaps one of the traits that I favour most in human beings. Whatever we go through in life, a little bit of music, giving free course to our imagination and the exercise of our hobbies together with this trait allow us to go through many situations that we initially thought insurmountable. So here’s to resilience and to the great all at once soothing and stimulating effect of jazz.

Click on the thumbnails to see the larger version

Hey Laura – Gregory Porter

Oil pastels and an oil painting

Oil pastels and an oil painting

29 August 2017

Lea baby
An oil pastel sketch of my daughter when she was little (based on a photograph)


I have not usually favoured the use of pastels as I feel somewhat hindered by the amount of mess they often generate which cannot be somehow « fixed » unlike oils and to an extent acrylic and aquarelle.


My daughter on the other hand was so enamoured with soft pastels that it got me thinking I should perhaps revisit the subject. I had both oil and soft chalk pastels and decided upon the oils to complement the oil painting of flowers in a vase.


I hope you like all of them.

Miro like cat
A Miro inspired cat 🙂


Purple flowers
Oil painting of flowers in a vase

Colours of the wind – Vanessa Williams

Pencil sketches

Pencil sketches

29 August 2017

Stabat Mater copy


Today I am sharing two divergent moods in the sketches. One is of a flamenco dancer having fun and one is a drawing inspired by the cover of the CD of Stabat Mater by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi


I thought the sombre vis-à-vis light mood was quite interesting to look at and hope you like them.


Flamenco dancer

How do you leave the one you love – Katherine Jenkins

Sketch and song of Eva Cassidy

Sketch and song of Eva Cassidy

19 August 2017


I was listening to this beautiful soul’s songs and had an urge to connect with her in a deeper way so made a sketch of her.


I listened to a number of her songs while I drew and while Autumn leaves was the one I felt she sang with the most fervour, I liked more, for personal reasons, her interpretation of Ain’t no sunshine. The version I had always favoured was Bill Withers but I think she does this as splendidly as he did.


I hope you enjoy both the sketch and the song.

Eva Cassidy


Ain’t no sunshine – Eva Cassidy

Tango sketches

Tango sketches

19 August 2017


A couple of days ago, I was pondering on my love for tango and decided that I needed to express it somehow as I was not dancing much of late. The result is a series of study sketches based on videos I viewed of tango dances. I am not sure which one to choose to convert into an oil painting or an aquarelle.

Please do suggest and perhaps I will go with the most popular one. Thanks for all your views and comments in advance.


Tango 2

Tango 3

Tango 4


Tango 5


Chicho y Juana tango Bajofundo) Mantova TF 2008

Fifth aquarelle and sketch

Fifth aquarelle and sketch

15 August 2017

fleurs rouges

This is my fifth aquarelle which has proven to be very ill-assorted to the alla prima technique as the paper was not behaving in the expected way. Upon testing all possibilities I realised I had painted on the wrong side of the paper. I was, however, too lazy to begin again the aquarelle on the other side so continued as it was.


The result is a very dry looking composition of flower. I hope you will not be too harsh in your judgement.


Meanwhile I also decided to take back sketching as a hobby and have produced this sketch. I find its not so bad considering I am self taught and this is done after several years of not drawing anything. I hope you like it.


Old man 1

Poem of the atoms – Armand Amar

J’esquisse les délices d’un futur qui germe / I sketch the delights of a future that sprouts

J’esquisse les délices d’un futur qui germe

(English translation below)

18 March 2016

sketch strangeline net


Ecoutez dans mon Cœur souffler le vent

Il en appelle aux lys aux oiseaux des plaines

Du cri de feuilles mortes qu’on ramasse souvent

Au pied de chansons d’amour, vieilles rengaines


Temps des souvenirs, à l’ombre de l’auvent

J’ai enterré vive mémoire de mes peines

Dans les prés vert-de-gris ternes du couvent

Où les saintes eaux des puits ouvraient mes veines


Il coulait rouge gorge d’un tableau mystique

Dans les ruines d’ancienne Rome où gisent les thermes

Filet mince émanant de source Magique


Pointe du Nord vaine étoile, son cœur se ferme

Puisant dans tréfonds d’un élan mythique

J’esquisse les délices d’un futur qui germe


Lecture du poème: 

sketch vietgle com

Le vent nous portera – Noir désir




I sketch the delights of a future that sprouts

(Translation of an Occitan sonnet written in French)

18 March 2016

sketch pinterest com


Listen to the wind that blows within my Heart

It calls on lilies on the birds of the plains

The cry of dead leaves that one would pick often

At the foot of love songs, beaten old stories


Time of remembrance, in shade of the awning

I buried live the memories of my sorrow

In green-grey meadows of the monastery

Where holy waters of wells opened my veins


A robin was flowing from mystical scene

In ruins of ancient Rome where lie thermal baths

A trickle emanating from magical source


Tip of North a vain star, his heart now closes

Drawing from depths of mythical momentum

I sketch the delights of a future that sprouts


Reading of the poem: 

sketch fr pinterest com

La Terre vue du ciel – Armand Amar

The timeless unwound

The timeless unwound

10 January 2016

timeless pinterest com 2 gif


I looked at myself

Within a shadow of frames

Nothing defined me


I looked through myself

Within inner lights’ workings

Everything I was


timeless huffingtonpost com


Sparse in all spaces

A sketch of what was to be

Grown into being


Density of sorts

Popping Russian wooden dolls

One within other


timeless tumblr com gif


Unwinding layers

Wavering and flickering

Discovering all


A process of sight

Juxtaposition of all

The whispering clues



timeless feralintelligence com


No process of change

Yet sight itself mutated

Embodied transfers


Axis slow dragged me

On a path of renewal

Soul’s petals unwrapped


timeless levinor es


I am no longer

Only was all that will be

All that ever was


Water in ocean

The inward switching outward

Ocean in a mole


timeless pinterest com gif


Transient mutating

Permanent lasting stable

All that lies beneath


The time bound facing

Finding discovering bright

The timeless unwound


timeless lovethispic com gif


Animated (gif) images courtesy of for the first two and for the last.

Birdie – Abel Korzeniowski

Sunset – Abel Korzeniowski

Stillness of the mind – Abel Korzeniowski

Life? It flows tireless!

Life? It flows tireless!

9 August 2015

river ariestech com


Charcoal drawings fly

Shadows of your slight figure

Sketched in retina


Light behind you blinds

Thrusting in eye your beauty

Glorious etching


Day breaks your outline

Dissolving our memory

As we breathe out night


The ebb and flow speak

Of time’s incessant scourging

Raking silent souls


Life? It flows tireless!

So will you seize the moment?

Eternity flees


Breaking through the waves

I capture your still essence

Imprinted in soul

river sarah-slavik com 2