The Illusion of your Face

The Illusion of your Face

21 September 2015

time ijstv com 


Minds myriads speak

Of an illusory bond

Coincidence struck


Replicating cells

Creating netherworld Love

Within my Dreamland


water pinterest com 2



Impossible Twin

Jaded melancholic voice

Falling in shadows


woman fotokritik com 2


I gift to Oceans

With salt of my fading tears

The Illusion of your Face


For a love so deep

Only dream world gift could be

My own creation


illusion visualfunhouse com

A million kisses

A million kisses

8 August 2015


Stars scrambled in you

Meaningless puzzle, mind’s mess

Inner clockworks stir


A map of you prints

In my soul still life’s landscape



Ubiquity calls

To mind other sources flow

Gushing energy


Myriads of strings hold

Every nerve wired closely

To your frame’s workings


Tirelessly kneading

Electricity your tool

Clay turns live sculpture


Insides churn outside

Life’s miracles live on cliff

Bordering your name


The edge of you brings

Into my deepest recess

Promises of life


Ghostly lips will press

Like a tattoo on my nape

A million kisses

ecstasy Adam-Martinakis-soletosoulsex
Courtesy Adam Martinakis