I died yesterday

I died yesterday

9 November 2015

Courtesy bestmedium.co.uk
Courtesy bestmedium.co.uk


She sacred victim

Not to death but more to life

I died yesterday



The Heart the mind churned

Eating from the humblest Pie

Learn to Square Circle


Twenty three my roots

As the atoms with the breath

Cross rays to dissolve


Dynamics of Love

Unstable equilibrium

Above Delta spin


Sacred was the dance

Within skin circumference

Lead the light-filled rays


Essence now free me

Staircase counts end of Heartpath

Metatron’s dark side


Infinity’s fumes

Took stillness to Twenty-two

Through moonlight’s chamber


Dark I was widow

I flowed as tomorrow’s bride

I died yesterday


Heart grieved seven years

The underdogs’ power surged

Resistance in Ohm


I chanted behind

Four more arrows’ golden sphere

Little bones’ white noise


Pink sphere’s future veil

Backward source in sonic wall

Pink circles my trails


Suicide sheep now shift

Trancescape’s aqua forest fog

Cast away reeds’ sparks


Of dancing feathers

Waves crack opening heartpath

North stillness in storm


Maya dying swan

How graceful your fluttering




Shift in downward frequencies

I died yesterday


Sixty one in grace

Three stages of innocence

As sixteen turns wise


Opening the shaft

Electricity simmers

Yellow in the red


The kraken approached

Land of nevermore dissolved

In Eye of Monster


I like Mother quaked

Our bones in poles now shifted

To bluest graveyards


As the chants now hummed

I lived in the bloodied flood

Red was my garment


They sprinkled waters

Led bees to our choicest source

Red rose gives honey


Perhaps another

She offered me a new chance

I died yesterday


Now with all consumed

In Heart only renewal

I live on Today

rose pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com

Dorothy Meets The Tinman (The Wizard of Oz 1939)

Gurdjieff Sacred Dance – Ho Yah

Rumi Poem, Iranian Music and Divine Dance

Darkside – Metatron (Music Video)

Darkside – Heart

Darkside (Psychic) – Golden Arrow

Etherwood – Cast Away

Maya Plisetskaya, age 61, dances Dying Swan

Hans Zimmer – Duduk Of The North

Hans Zimmer – The Kraken

Hans Zimmer – Aurora

Hans Zimmer – Injection

You who know my Heart

You who know my Heart

15 October 2015

 you thoughtcatalog com


Confusion of minds

Let loose mists upon the Hearts

That in Love were set


you 7-themes com


Bring me skies’ atoms

Let me knit you stars blankets

To keep out the cold


you spoky tvnet lv


Breathe in Tomorrow

Where Heart beats fully, only

In precincts of Love


simplicity globallightminds com


Shades of yesterday

Forgotten by tireless soul

That in past had strived


you tumblr com


Life flows not backwards

All rivers upstream won’t flow

Respite name darkens


souls pinterest com 4


From front to flipside

Every area in flames

Caught in your loving


drowning wifflegif com


Heartbeats throb faster

Two in one will live ever

As the souls will twirl


you chaoswallpapers com (2)


The fingers sealed it

Promise by your kiss followed

Into depths of me


 you rolepages com


Gaze into my eyes

How could I forsake your touch?

You who know my Heart


 you deviantart com the_key_to_a_broken_heart_by_gypsyh-d2zbws2


Ten is renewal

Heavens open by our will

For our Kingdom come


you mindbodyspiritualawareness com