Protectors of Truth

Protectors of Truth

4 January 2017

heartpath deviantart comon_the_path_to_the_truth_by_chryssalis-d32afov


They carry

Burden of Bounty

Inside skull

Brittle dull

Their minds surpassing beauty

Their hearts shades of Grey


They marry

Interweaving keen

Faith and lies

Dark and skies

In grey they lost purple sheen

Their worlds turned dismay


They tarry

Relentless abode

Of the mind

Shaped unkind

With barking wolves once they rode

Deeper into fray


The lesson

Learnt in hindsight pale

Foresight cost

Timber lost

Wooden plates for banquet stale

From mind games they play


Heart dragon

Flame for braver kind

Breathing low

Lights that glow

Stream of atoms now remind

Of forgotten day


We summon

Protectors of Truth

Speaking loud

Within cloud

Peter Mary Anne and Ruth

Tribes of soul relay


Reading of the poem: 

veil riverbankoftruth com

Protectors of Truth – Immediate Music

Surrender to Hope – Immediate Music

Destiny of the Chosen – Immediate Music

An Epic Age – Immediate Music

Serenata Immortale – Immediate Music

Prelude to Paradise – Immediate Music




16 September 2015

hatter filmschoolrejects com aliceinwonderland-poster2-header


Black shadows ran ink

Through the backdrop of my soul

Designed grey matter


Light and Dark blended

As joy and sadness fray not

For lives separate


Alice lost child’s dreams

As she threaded the needle

Through the looking glass


The hatter laughed high

Raising pitch black yet a notch

Rabbits’ clocks to smudge


Thoughts swirl on ceiling

Sink in dark bottomless pits

From all extremes two


Mermaid walked on legs

Stolen from the living dead



Bring me a lost light

Beyond ego turned to foam

As sun light hollered



The layers of mystery

Survive lab testing


hatter cineblog it

I choose to colour my Heart

I choose to colour my Heart

14 September 2015

twin paradispublications com


Life, sum of paces

Strides within shadows’ echoes

Upon fears rebuilt


The good and the bad

Sum into a single breath

I softly release


Tireless the rants

We could voice against life’s pains

That soul would abhor


Mind knows though stillness

Through written word exudes hurt

Cleansing appeases


Delving into fray

Wolves will devour me never

Your light I will heed


Swim into my shores

Plunge from my hills forever

Your love in me seed


When darkness befalls

Chilling all hearts with fear’s pangs

We remain Love’s creed


Every waking hour

I choose to colour my Heart

Emblems of your needs

couple pinterest com