Deep within lake Blue

Deep within lake Blue

6 February 2016

lakeblue hdwallpapersact com


The days fly

Swirl of emotions

The feelings

Intense growth

Conscious expansion of soul

Fear is of the dead


Body stirred

Impact of broad chest

Beating heart

Blinking eyes

Fleeting moments of unrest

Blue and brown curtain



Drowning in blue skies

I kissed lids


Bit shoulder a teasing wake

Of sleeping giant


Lazy days

Succession of nights

Lost in grains

Sandy brown

Like sawdust in milky way

Freckles a highway


Speeding lanes

A map to follow



A promise cast on the brink

Of reaching somewhere


Thrill subsides

Yet it grows steadfast

The heartbeat

Soul echo

This is now for tell and show

Meanings unburdened


lakeblue vi sualize us


He said soft

Did you hear of Mars


There I lived

Speak to me of your Venus

Perhaps we can trade


I churned it

Whirling whirlwind looked

Upside down

Inside out

Every nook and corner spoke

Of unfailing love


The mind speaks

A foreign language

Heart oozes

Inky red

Stories of a thousand nights

One infinity


All else paled

Muted melodies

Hopeful peeps

Fear that creeps

Disguised in faltering love

Blown away by breeze


True love stands

More than bad weather



By the self replicating

Infinite system


One and one

Are more than mere sum

Less than two

Souls entwined

Between valleys and the peaks

Deep within lake Blue


Reading of the poem: 

lakeblue blurb com


Blue Velvet – Bobby Vinton



Birdy – Not about Angels

Birdy – T Shirt


Birdy & Rhodes – Let it All Go


Birdy & Jaymes Young – Best Shot

Before it escapes my reach

Before it escapes my reach

7 December 2015


dawn larrydwwilf wordpress com



This vanishing world

I want to swallow its fluff

Morrows’ candy threads


Let them glue me pink

Upon my eternal blue

Rainbows’ beginnings


Deep within my soul

I want to lock its treasures

Relish them in chest


dance asianetindia com



The throbbing stillness

Lies wake in me through Night’s sleep

Breath in me serene


dance asianetindia com 2



The Sun rises East

Waking new Worlds to the Dawn

That births in Sorrows


Farewell to the world

Heaves in my blossoming Heart

As it lulls the Tides


I touch it fading

Before it escapes my reach

Into Oblivion



dawn pinterest com




Before the Dawn – Evanescence




I thought I should share what sunrise looks like from my balcony so added this as an afterthought. I am yet to take a full video of the time from night to dawn and transform it into a timelapse piece. Meanwhile I hope you like the below:


The Illusion of your Face

The Illusion of your Face

21 September 2015

time ijstv com 


Minds myriads speak

Of an illusory bond

Coincidence struck


Replicating cells

Creating netherworld Love

Within my Dreamland


water pinterest com 2



Impossible Twin

Jaded melancholic voice

Falling in shadows


woman fotokritik com 2


I gift to Oceans

With salt of my fading tears

The Illusion of your Face


For a love so deep

Only dream world gift could be

My own creation


illusion visualfunhouse com

You live deep in me

You live deep in me

14 September 2015

twin judithkusel wordpress com


Steadfast is your Love

Through the oceans it survives

The turbulent floods


A Knight knows valour

Courage is his dominion

Love his only scope


Bear in soul our flag

Distant volcano’s thunder

It spells my Love. Hark!


Jesters may hop, dance

Their sight mere entertainment

Their presence confined


Only your pure Heart

Can feed to me the solace

That my Heart thirsts for


My arrow strikes straight

Cupid arms my Heart’s eyesight

With whispers of you


This bond outlives Time

Though I may not see your Face

You live deep in me

twin9 deviantart com

Juliet’s dream – Abel Korzeniowski

Are we done hiding?

Are we done hiding ?

28 August 2015

hiding photoshop co uk
Courtesy photoshop co uk


Across time’s slumber

Within weave of web so deep

Our souls will step in


I know you read me

My voice a confused whisper

That your soul would hear


Your heart reaches out

Entangled in desire

Body through soul speaks


I feel your hunger

Ravishing every photon

That in me vibrates


Soul’s vision derails

Optical nerves’ wrong eyesight

Of pining unreal


Mind wanders to thoughts

Of your possibilities

Tangled past present


Close or far you weigh

This urge to delay outcomes

Of intricate tasks


Hush, let it shape slow

This second sight of union

Between our two forms


I see you, it fades

Intermittent visions shine

Are we done hiding?

hiding pinterest com 4

Fleetingly daytime joined in

Fleetingly daytime joined in

17 August 2015



Birds nestled subdued

Into blissful deep slumber

Keeping us in mind


All nightingales sang

In rapture of the beauty

Of us coiled, uncoiled


Stars whispered secrets

Night had been sole accomplice

As jasmine overheard


Precision tuning

Mind waves sought more attention

I listened intent


Dusk like dawn flickered

In recognition of light

Engulfing our flames


Moons envied the sun

Peering bright into our souls

As our limbs we seek


Urgency in times

Set fire to the stillness

We moved not, lazy


You and I stretched out

Fleetingly daytime joined in

Unveiling future

couple belleandchic com Couple-session-in-bed-from-Mireia-Cordomi_0008
Courtesy – photography by Mireia Cordomi

When you and I sleep

When you and I sleep

17 August 2015

sleep webmd com getty_rm_photo_of_woman_sleeping



I lost you in dark

Confusion reigned everywhere

As all lights went out


Your hand reached silent

Through walls that surrounded me

And lo set me free!


We flew like angels

Wings redeemed glorious light

Warming our wane hearts


Night silent aided

Memories flew to heartbeat

In stillness we spoke


I listened to drum

In between chest and soft throats

Where your life quivered


Making of dreamtime

Called to mind wand of magic

Our waves were stronger


When you and I sleep

Time folds on itself slumber

So deep is our bond


sleep worldsciencefestival com the_mind_after_midnight_where_do_you_go_when_you_go_to_sleep



The clouds gathered dark

The clouds gathered dark

15 August 2015




Stars shone eerily

Dwarfs competing with giant

Moonlight’s faded thoughts

There was no time I recalled

Where the weaker ever won


Withered jasmine died

Summer’s heat was but prelude

For hay set on fire

Shoulders bracing for onslaught

Ice in my heart melted not


Daytime’s dust lingered

New stars between Sky and Earth

Spread out shimmering

Like fragmented souls they flew

Wasted speckles of Earth’s skin


Distant dogs barked shrill

Crying to the moon they wailed

Loss of their masters

Gone remnants of your essence

What died once will die anew


The sea’s hue deepened

The horizons threatened stark

The clouds gathered dark

Mind’s eye looked over the waves

Hoping for glint in black hues

dark Robertlfoster etsy cm
Courtesy Robert L Foster on

A million kisses

A million kisses

8 August 2015


Stars scrambled in you

Meaningless puzzle, mind’s mess

Inner clockworks stir


A map of you prints

In my soul still life’s landscape



Ubiquity calls

To mind other sources flow

Gushing energy


Myriads of strings hold

Every nerve wired closely

To your frame’s workings


Tirelessly kneading

Electricity your tool

Clay turns live sculpture


Insides churn outside

Life’s miracles live on cliff

Bordering your name


The edge of you brings

Into my deepest recess

Promises of life


Ghostly lips will press

Like a tattoo on my nape

A million kisses

ecstasy Adam-Martinakis-soletosoulsex
Courtesy Adam Martinakis